2000 Pennington Road, Trenton Hall, Room 206, Ewing, New Jersey 08628
Phone Number: (609) 771-2541 / Fax Number: (609) 637-5159 / Email: kennerc@tcnj.edu

Neonatal Nursing, Genetics, Palliative Care, and Higher Education
Professional Affiliations
President, Consultants with Confidence, Inc.
Executive Director/Secretary, Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc.
Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
Fellow, National Academies of Practice
Mentor for New Deans, American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Member, Expert Panels in Genetics, Maternal Child, and Palliative Care for the American Academy of Nursing
Member, Developmental Care Task Force, Gravens High Risk Newborn Project
Member, Palliative Care Task Force, National Perinatal Association
Editorial Board Member, Neoreviews, Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Editorial Board Member, Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews
*Kenner, C., & Brueggemeyer, A. (1984). Hirschsprung’s Disease: Current Trends and Practices. Neonatal Network. 3(1), 7-16.
*Brueggemeyer, A., & Kenner, C. (1985). Use of Thrombolytic Medications in the Neonate. Neonatal Network. 4(3), 34-37.
*Werner, R., Kenner, C., & Brueggemeyer, A. (1986). Surviving Academia. Nursing Outlook, 34(2), 97-98.
*Kenner, C., & Werner, R. A. (1986). Child Care: An Innovative Strategy to Increase Conference Participation. The Journal of Continuing Education, 17(5), 155-156.
*Hern, M., Emerson, L.A., & Kenner, C. (1986). Congenital Heart Disease. Computer Assisted Instruction Module, Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health, Copyright University of Cincinnati.
*Gunderson, L., & Kenner, C. (1987). Socialization of NICU Nurses Through the Use of Mentoring, Clinical Nurse Specialist, 1(1), 20-24.
*Gunderson, L., & Kenner, C. (1987). Neonatal Stress: Physiologic Adaptation and Nursing Implications. Neonatal Network, 6(1), 37-42.
*Gunderson, L.P., & Kenner, C. (1988). Transcutaneous Oxygen Monitoring: Description and Clinical Application. Neonatal Network, 6(6), 7-14.
*Kenner, C., & Hern, M. (1988). Writing a Nursing Diagnosis for the Complex Client-An Infant with a Congenital Heart Defect. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 3(4), 256-264.
*Kenner, C. (1988). Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home. Unpublished Dissertation. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University.
*Gunderson, L.P., & Kenner, C. (1988). Socialization of Newborn Intensive Care Unit Nurses Through the Use of Mentorship. Neonatal Network, 7(2), 7-13.
*+Kenner, C. (1989). Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home. (Abstract). Journal of Perinatology, 10(1), 117.
*Kenner, C. (1990). Issue editor: Surgical issues in clinical practice: The forward. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 3(3), vi.
*Gunderson, L.P., & Kenner, C. (eds.). (1990). CE Program for Care of the 24-25 week gestational age infant: Small baby protocol. Monograph. Petaluma, California: Neonatal Network.
Kenner, C. (1990, Spring). Perinatal grief and loss. Footprints. Perinatal Team Newsletter. Cincinnati, Ohio: University Hospital.
*+Croop, L., & Kenner, C. (1990). Protocol for Reverse Neonatal Transports. Neonatal
Network, 9(1), 49-53.
*+Kenner, C. (1990). Caring for the NICU Parent. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing,
4(3), 78-87.
*Kenner, C., & Berling, B. (1990). Nursing in genetics: Current and emerging issues for practice and education. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 5(6), 370-374.
*+Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (1990). Parent Concerns After Discharge from the NICU. Neonatal Network, 9(2), 31-37.
*Kenner, C. (1991). Measuring Neonatal Assessment. Neonatal Network, 9(4), 17-22.
*Kenner, C. (1991). Tools of Neonatal Assessment. Maternal-Child Nursing Currents.38(1), 3.
*Kenner, C. (1991). Genetic Risks and Other Hazards for the NICU Nurse. Neonatal Network, 10(1), 37-40, 49-51.
*+Hern-Underwood, M., & Kenner, C. (1991). Leadership Behaviors of Pediatric Nurse Managers. Pediatric Nursing, 17(6), 587-589.
*Gunderson, L.P., & Kenner, C. (1992). Case management in the newborn intensive care unit.
AACN Clinical Issues in Critical Care Nursing, 3(4), 769-776.
*+Flandermeyer, A., Kenner, C., Spaite, M.E., & Hostiuck, J. (1992). Transition from Hospital to Home. NANN Update. Neonatal Network, 11(5), 62-63. Invited article.
*+Flandermeyer, A., Kenner, C., Bragg, L., & Campinha-Bicot, J. (1992). Nursing Care of Women Who Abuse Alcohol. Medical Surgical Quarterly, 1(1), 122-139.
Kenner, C., McGee, K., DeGreg, C., & Flandermeyer, A. (1992). Postpartum Depression (Letter to the Editor). JOGNN, 21(4).
Flandermeyer, A., & Kenner, C. (1992). Building a research team, Part I. NANN Update, Neonatal Network, 11(4), 53-55. Invited Article.
*+Flandermeyer, A., Kenner, C., Spaite, M., & Hostiuck, J. (1992). Recommendations for practice, Part III. Neonatal Network, 11(6), 84-85. Invited Article.
*+Kenner, C., Lott, J., Flandermeyer, A., Kotagal, U., Spiering, K., Spangler, L., & Darling, P. (1992). Issues and controversies: The home visit. Neonatal Network, 11(8), 46-47. Invited Article.
Kenner, C., & Flandermeyer, A. (1992). The staff nurse and the research team (Letter to the Editor). Neonatal Network, 11(7), 62.
Flandermeyer, A., & Kenner, C. (1991). Benefits of role models in nursing. NANNEWS, 4(2),
1,7. Invited Article.
*+Lott, J.W., Anderson, E.R., & Kenner, C. (1993). Role Stress and Strain Among Non-doctorally Prepared Undergraduate Faculty in a School of Nursing with a Doctoral Program, Journal of Professional Nursing, 9(1), 14-22.
*+Kenner, C., Flandermeyer, A., Spangler, L., Thornburg Darling, P., Spiering, K., & Kotagal,
U. (1993). Transition From Hospital To Home For Mothers and Babies. Neonatal Network,
12(3), 73.
Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (1993). Ask the Experts: Neonatal Infections. AWHONN Voice,1(1),
*+Prows, C., Shortridge, L., Kenner, C., & Lemasters, G. (1993). Nature and Prevalence of Ribavirin Aerosol Administration in U.S. Pediatric Hospitals. Journal of Pediatric Nursing,8(6), 30-375.
*Lott, J.W., & Kenner, C. (1994). Keeping Up with Neonatal Infections: Designer Bugs, Part I.
MCN, 19(4), 207-213.
*Lott, J.W., & Kenner, C. (1994). Keeping up with Neonatal Infection Designer Bugs, Part II.
MCN, 19(5), 264-271.
*Kenner, C., & Hetteberg, C. (1994). Nursing Challenges in the Care of Very Low Birth Weight Infants (<1,000 grams). AACN Clinical Issues, 5(3), 231-241.
*Kenner, C. (1995). Use of Professional Organizations for Political Action. JPNN , 9(1), 78-88.
*Wekselman, K., Spiering, K., Hetteberg, C., Kenner, C., & Flandermeyer, A. (1995). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome From Infancy through Childhood: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 10(5), 296-303.
*+McKim, E.M., Kenner, C., Flandermeyer, A., Spangler, L., Thornburg, P.D., & Spiering, K. (1995). The Transition to Home for Mothers of Healthy and Initially Healthy Newborns. Midwifery, 11, 184-194.
Kenner, C. (1996). “Professional development for leadership positions”. Invited Paper. Central Lines, 12(3), 16.
*+Schorry, E.K., Hetteberg, C.G., Amlung, S.R., & Kenner, C.A. (1996). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Prevention Study: Preliminary Results. (Abstract.) The American Journal of Human Genetics, 59(4), A104.
*+Fowler, B.A., Kenner, C., Briggs, J.L., Cheatham, D.F., & Henson, J. (1997). Cross-training: A Rural Experience. Mother-Baby Journal, 2(2), 30-38.
*Kenner, C., & D’Apolito, K. (1997). Outcomes for Children Substance-Exposed In-Utero JOGNN Clinical Issues, 26(5), 595-603.
*Kenner, C. (1998). Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue: The Holistic Perspective. Holistic Nursing Practice, 12(3), 55-63. Invited paper.
*Hess, D., & Kenner, C. (1998). Families Caring for Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: The Nurse’s Role in Early Identification and Intervention. Holistic Nursing Practice, 12(3), 47-54. Invited paper.
*+Alteneder, R.R., Kenner, C., Greene, D., & Pohorecki S. (1998). The Lived Experience of Women Who Undergo Prenatal Diagnostic Testing Due to Elevated Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening. MCN, 23(4), 180-186.
*Kenner, C., Altimier, L., & Hess, D. (1998). New Career Opportunities in Neonatal Nursing. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 13(5), 317-325. Invited paper
*Gamblian, V., Hess, D., & Kenner, C. (1998). Early Discharge from the NICU. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 13(5), 296-301 Invited paper.
*+Kenner, C. (1998). Perinatal Substance Users: Identification and Intervention. (pp. 29-30). Proceedings of the Working Group on Prevention of Risk Drinking in Pregnancy. Bethesda, MD: National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the Office of Research on Women’s Health, National Institutes of Health and the Interagency Coordinating Committee on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
*Kenner, C. (1998). National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics (NCHPEG). AACN Clinical Issues: Advanced Practice in Acute and Critical Care, 9(4), 582-587.
*+Kennedy, S.J., Blough, R.A., Kenner, C.A., & Walker, M.E. (1998). An Assessment of Two Training Interventions Designed to Increase The Knowledge of Obstetrical Nurses and Nurse-Midwives About the Maternal Serum Triple Screen. Prenatal Diagnosis, 18(7), 713-720.
*+Hetteberg, C., Prows, C., Deets, C., Monsen, R., & Kenner, C. (1999). National Survey of Genetics Content in Basic Nursing Preparatory Programs in the United States. Nursing Outlook, 47(4), 168-174.
Kenner, C., & Amlung, S. (1999) Continuing Education Home Study Module On “Fetal Alcohol Syndrome”, Roseville, CA: National Center for Continuing Education, Inc.
*Kenner, C., & Amlung, S. (1999). Neonatal Nursing and the Genetics Revolution. JPNN, 13(2), 90-98.
*+Altimier, L., Warner, B., Kenner, C., & Amlung, S. (1999). Value Study. Neonatal Network, 18(4),35-38.
*Kenner, C., Dreyer, L., & Amlung, S. (1999). Newborn Genetic Screening: Blessing or Curse? Neonatal Network, 18(7), 11-20.
*+Prows, C.A., Latta, K.K., Hetteberg, C., Williams, J.K., Kenner, C., & Monsen, R.B. (1999). Preparation of Undergraduate Nursing Faculty to Incorporate Genetics Content into Curricula. Biological Research for Nursing, 1(2), 103-107.
*Kenner, C., Dreyer, L , & Amlung, S. (2000). The Substance Dependent Neonate. Journal of Intravenous Nursing, 23(2)105-111.
Kenner, C. (2000). HIV Infant. A continuing education module. Des Plaines, IL: NANN.
Kenner, C., & Amlung, S. (2000). Management of the Substance Exposed Neonate. A continuing education module. Des Plaines, IL: NANN.
*Kenner, C., & Dreyer, L. (2000). Prenatal and Neonatal Testing and Screening: A Double Edged Sword Nursing Clinics of North America, 35(3), 627-642. Invited article.
*+Schaffer, P., Vaughn, G., Kenner, C., Donohue, F., & Longo, A. (2000). Revision of a Parent Satisfaction Survey Based on the Parent Perspective. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 15(6), 373-377.
Kenner, C. (2000). Editorial: Developmental Care: The New Wave in Care of the Newborn.
Online Journal of Clinical Innovations, 3(6), 1-3. http/www.cinahl.com/cexpress/ojcionline3/editors.htm
Kenner, C. (2000). Knowledge Management and Nursing Education. Eknowledge Center.com.
Conway-Orgel, M., & Kenner, C. (2001). NANN’s Commitment to Palliative Care. Central
Lines, 17(1), 9-10.
Kenner, C. (2001). National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics: Core
Competencies. Central Lines, 17(1), 15.
Lott, J.W., Kenner, C., & Strodtbeck, F. (2001). Baby Michael’s Story. Newborn and Infant
Nursing Reviews, 1(1), 4-5.
Strodtbeck, F., Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (2001). Baby Ivory’s Story. Newborn and Infant
Nursing Reviews, 1(1), 73-74.
Kenner, C. (2001). Newsflash. Newborn and Infant Skin Issue. Newborn and Infant Nursing
Reviews, 1(1), 3.
Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., & Strodtbeck, F. (2001). Postscript. Newborn and Infant Skin Issue Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 1(1), 68-69.
Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., Strodtbeck, F., & Walden, M. (2001). Postscript. Neonatal and Infant Pain Issue. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 1(2), 132-133.
Kenner, C. (2001). Newsflash. Pain Issue. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 1(2), 3.
Kenner, C. (2001). Sickle Cell Anemia. Central Lines, 17(3), 9-11.
Kenner, C. (2001). Life Lessons: My Mother’s Passing Taught About Both Living & Dying.
Lifelines, 5(4), 70-72.
*Kenner, C., & Fernades, J.H. (2001). Knowledge Management and Advanced Nursing Education. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 1(3), 192-198.
Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., & Strodtbeck F. (2001). Postscript. APN Issues. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 1(3), 199-201.
Kenner, C. (2001). Newsflash. APN Issues. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 1(3), 3.
*+Kenner, C. & FAS Team. (2001). Case Management and Brief Interventions for Perinatal Alcohol Use. Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Nursing, 4(4), V.
Kenner, C., & Amlung, S. Genetics and Critical Periods of Development. Neonatal Educational Project. Cincinnati, Ohio: Digital Education Publishers, Inc. In press.
Kenner, C. Early Discharge and Transition to Home. Neonatal Educational Project. Cincinnati, Ohio: Digital Education Publishers, Inc. In press.
*Fernandes, J.H., & Kenner, C. (2001). Federation of Child Health Nursing: NANN Members Can Help. Central Lines, 17(1), 30.
Kenner, C. (2001). Newsflash. Alternative Therapies. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 1(4), 203.
Kenner, C., Strodtbeck, F., Lott, J.W., & Altimier, L. (2001). Postscript. Alternative Therapies. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 1(4), 247-249.
*Kenner, C. (2001). Nursing-One Strong Voice? AAN News and Opinions, Nursing Outlook, 49(6), 283.
Kenner, C. (2002). Council of International Neonatal Nurses (CINN). Nursing and Midwifery Links, 1, 14-15.
*Sugrue, N. M. Kenner, C. , & Shaver, J. (2002). A Partnership Management Model for a
Nurse-Run Clinic in Medically Underserved Rural Areas: Health Policy Initiative. Nursing Outlook, 50(1), 36-37.
Kenner, C. (2002). Newsflash. Developmental Care. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(1), 3.
Strodtbeck, F., Lott, J.W., Kenner, C., McGrath, J., & Lutes, L.M. (2002). Postscript. Developmental Care. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(1).
Kenner, C. (2002). Newsflash. Cardiac Care. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(2), 49.
Strodtbeck, F., Lott, J.W., Kenner, C., & Theorell, C. (2002). Postscript. Cardiac Issue. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(3), 139-142.
Kenner, C. (2002). Preface. Genetics Issue. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(3).
Kenner, C. (2002). Newsflash. Genetics Issue. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(3).
Strodtbeck, F., Lott, J.W., Kenner, C., & Cummings, S. (2002). Postscript. Genetic Issue. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(3).
Kenner, C. (2002). Newsflash. Feeding Practices and Related Issues. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(3), 147.
Strodtbeck, F., Lott, J.W., Kenner, C., & White-Traut, R. (2002). Postscript. Feeding Practice and Related Issues. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(3), 194-196.
Kenner, C. (2002). Newsflashes: Genetics and Newborn and Infant Health. Newborn and
Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(4), 197-198.
Kenner, C. (2002). Preface: Genetics and Newborn and Infant Health. Newborn and Infant
Nursing Reviews, 2(4), 199.
*Feetham, S., Knisley, M., Parker, R.S., Gallo, A., & Kenner, C. (2002). Families and Genetics:
Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Practice. Genetics and Newborn and Infant
Health. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(4), 247-253.
Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., Strodtbeck, F., & Cummings, S. (2002). Postscript: Genetics and
Newborn and Infant Health. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 2(4), 259-263.
White, R., & Committee to Establish Recommended Standards for Newborn ICU Design
(C.Kenner, member). (2003). Recommended Standards for Newborn ICU Design.
Journal of Perinatology, 23(Suppl 1), S1-S24.
Kenner, C. (2003). Newsflashes: Health Policy. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 3(1), 1-
Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., Strodtbeck F., & Ferguson, S. (2003). Postscript: Health Policy.
Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 3(1), 36-40.
*Kenner, C., Androwich, I.M., & Edwards, P.A. (2003). Innovative Educational Strategies to
Prepare Nurse Executives for New Leadership Roles. Nursing Administration Quarterly,
27(2), 172-179.
Kenner, C. (2003). Newsflashes: Newborn and Infant Surgery. Newborn and Infant Nursing
Reviews, 3(2), 41.
Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., Strodtbeck, F., & Kadavy, N. (2003). Postscript: Newborn and Infant
Surgery. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 3(2), 71-76.
Kenner, C. (2003). Newsflashes: Life After the NICU: Long-Term Outcomes. Newborn and
Infant Nursing Reviews, 3(3), 77.
Kenner, C. , Lott, J.W., Strodtbeck, F., & Hummel, P. (2003). Postscript: Life After the NICU:
Long-Term Outcomes. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 3(3), 118-122.
Kenner, C. (2003). Newsflashes: Open Topics. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 3(4),
Kenner, C. (2003). Preface: Open Topics. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 3(4), 124.
Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., Strodtbeck, F., & Parker, L. (2003). Postscript: Open Topics. Newborn
and Infant Nursing Reviews, 3(4), 184-188.
Kenner, C. (2004). Newflashes: Newborn and Infant Infections. Newborn and Infant Nursing
Reviews, 4(1), 1.
Kenner, C. , Lott, J.W., & Strodtbeck, F. (2004). Postscript: Newborn and Infant Infections.
Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 4(1), 81-83.
Kenner, C. (2004). Newsflashes: Management of Premature Infants Born at the Age of Viability
Part I. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 4(2), 85-86.
Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., Strodtbeck, F., Moniaci, V., & Fike, D. (2004). Postscript: Management
of Premature Infants Born at the Age of Viability Part I. Newborn and Infant Nursing
Reviews, 4(2), 126-136.
Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., Strodtbeck, F., Moniaci, V., & Fike, D. (2004). Postscript: Management
of Premature Infants Born at the Age of Viability Part II. Newborn and Infant Nursing
Reviews, 4(3), 170-173.
*Kenner, C., & Moran, M.B. (2005). Screening and Genetic Testing. Journal of Midwifery &
Women’s Health, 50(3), 219-226.
*Kenner, C. (2005). International Neonatal Nursing and Health Care. Journal of Neonatal
Nursing, 11(2), 90.
Krening, C., Sosa, M.E. B., & Kenner, C. (2005). Editorial: From the Editors. Journal of
Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 19(4). 289-290.
*Kenner, C., Gallo, A., & Bryant, K. (2005). Promoting Children’s Health through
Understanding of Genetics and Genomics. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 37(4), 308-314.
Kenner, C., & Pressler, J. (2006). Rx for Deans: Successfully Climbing the Academic
Leadership Ladder. Nurse Educator, 31(1), 1-3.
Kenner, C., & Pressler, J. (2006). Rx for Deans: Form Follows Function or Does It? Nurse
Educator, 31(2), 47-48.
Kenner, C., & Pressler, J. (2006). The Ins and Outs of Giving Welcome Speeches. Nurse
Educator, 31(3), 93-94.
Kenner, C., & Pressler, J. (2006). When Does Outsourcing Become a Right Source for
Academic Excellence? Nurse Educator, 31(4), 139-141.
*Kenner, C. (ed.). Stitt, T., & Soontornchai, P. (2006). Challenges to Care: The Newborn and
Infant with Cardiac Problems in Thailand. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 6(3),
Kenner, C., & Pressler, J. (2006). The Management and Mismanagement of Time by Deans.
Nurse Educator, 31(5), 187-189.
White, R., Consensus Committee (C.Kenner member). (2006). Recommended standards for
newborn ICU design. Journal of Perinatology, 26, S2-S18.
Zasada, J., & Kenner, C. (2006). Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc. Suomen
Neonataalijoitajat ry, 14(27), 65-67.
Kenner, C., & Pressler, J., (2006). Addressing the Underperformance of Faculty and Staff. Nurse Educator, 31(6), 233-234.
Kenner, C., & Johansson, D. (2006). Problems of Arterial Access in Infants. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 6(4), 237-240.
Kenner, C. (2006). ELNEC. Nurse, 2006, No. 6, p. 36. In Russian in Russian Nurses Journal.
Pressler, J., & Kenner, C. (2007). 5 Steps to Jump Start Faculty Research. Nurse Educator, 32(1), 3-5.
Kenner, C. (ed). Boykova, M. (2007). International Connections: Transition to Home: Family Perspectives on Care in Russia. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 7(1), 20-24.
*Kenner, C., & Finkelman, A. (2007). Career Advice: So You Want a Career? Nursing Has it. The National Society of High School Scholars: Monthly Update, March. Available at: http://www.nshss.org/news/07/march/career.html. Accessed March 21, 2007.
Pressler, J., & Kenner, C. (2007). “Closet Skeletons” that Accompany All Deanships. Nurse Educator, 32(2), 55-57.
Kenner, C., Pressler, J.L., & Loving, G. (2007). “New Age” Literacy: Expectations for Deans. Nurse Educator, 32(3), 97-99.
Kenner, C. (ed). Fernandez, P., & Valdebenito, M.R. (2007). International Connections: The
Transition from Tube to Nipple in the Premature Newborn. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 7(2), 114-119.
Pressler, J., & Kenner, C. (2007). Hiring the Very Best Deans: A New “Best Practice” in the
Making? Nurse Educator, 32(4), 141-143.
*Matzo, M., Kenner, C., Boykova, M., & Jurkevich, I. (2007). End-of-Life Nursing Education
In the Russian Federation. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care, 9(5), 246-255.
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2007). Effecting Change in Striving to Achieve Capacity. Nurse
Educator, 32(5), 187-189.
*Kenner, C., Sugrue, N.M., & Finkleman, A. (2007). Poverty and Neonatal Outcomes: How
Nurses Around the World Can Make a Difference. Nursing for Women’s Health,,11(5),
Kenner, C., Pressler, J., & Parmar, H.R. (2007). A Red and Black Balancing Act? Addressing
Crucial Nursing Shortages and Keeping With Budget. Nurse Educator, 32(6), 231-233.
Kenner, C. (ed). Lubbe, W. (2007). International Connections: Fetal Stimulation—A
Preventative Therapy. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 7(4), 227-230.
*Finkelman, A., & Kenner, C. (2007). Why Should Nurse Leaders Care About the Status of
Nursing Education? Nurse Leader, 5(6), 23-27.
White, R., & Consensus Committee (Kenner, C., member). (2007).Design standards and
Applications for the Physical and sensory Environment of the NICU. White, R., & Martin,
G. (eds.). Journal of Perinatalogy, 27(Suppl 2), S4-S19.
Pressler, J., & Kenner, C. (2008). Making the Most of the “Honeymoon Phase” of a Deanship.
Nurse Educator, 33(1), 1-3.
Kenner, C. (2008). Guest Editorial. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 8(1), 2.
Kenner, C. (ed.). Mubichi, F (2008). International Connections: Kenyan Neonatal Morbidity
and Morality: Genetics or Not? Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 8(1), e25-e26.
*Finkelman, A., & Kenner. C. (2008). Educational and service partnerships: An example of
global flattening. Journal of Professional Nursing, 24(1), 59-65.
Kenner, C., Pressler, J.L., & White, J.J. (2008). The Open-Door Policy: Good or Bad for
Whom? Nurse Educator, 33(3), 49-50.
Kenner, C., Sugrue, N., & Boykova, M. (2008). Council of International Neonatal Nurses
(COINN): A Means to Address Infant Mortality. Infant, 4(2), 41.
*Kenner, C., Lewis, J.A., Pressler, J.L., & Little, C.M. (2008). Neonatal Genetic Testing is More
than Screening. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 20(2), 233-237.
Kenner, C., & Pressler, J.L. (2008). The Ripple Effect: Advancing Faculty Research? Nurse
Educator, 33(3), 97-98.
Kenner, C. (ed.). Hirani, S.A.A. (2008). International Connections: Safety Issues in Neonatal
Intensive Care Units in Pakistan. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 8(2), 69-71.
Kenner, C., Pressler, J.L., & Eschiti, V. (2008). Addressing Excellence of Faculty Teaching and
Research. Nurse Educator, 33(4), 143-144.
Kenner, C. (ed.). Eriksson, M. (2008). International Connections: Neonatal Nursing Research:
An International Perspective−The Swedish View. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews,
8(3), 120-122.
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2008). Avoiding “Too Little, Too Late” in Supporting Faculty
Research. Nurse Educator, 33(5), 187-189.
Kenner, C., Pressler, J.L., & Klepper, R. (2008). Managing Up. Nurse Educator, 33(6), 235-
Kenner, C. (ed). Lubbe, W. (2008). International Connections: Neonatal Brain Development.
Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 8(4), 166-168.
Kenner, C., & Pressler, J.L. (2008). Barriers in Carrying Out the Dean’s Role. Nurse Educator,
34(1), 1-2.
Kenner, C. (ed). Boykova, M. (2009). Neonatal Pharmacology and Nursing in Russia.
Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 9(1), 8-9.
*Kenner, C., Sugrue, N., Mubichi, F., Boykova, M., & Davidge, R. (2009). Global Infant
Mortality/Morbidity: A Clinical Issue, a Global Organizational Approach. Critical Care
Nursing Clinics of North America, 21(1), 1-9.
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2009). Embracing New Directions in Curricula and Teaching.
Nurse Educator, 34(2), 49-50.
Kenner, C. (2009). OKHMHB Leading the Way to Better Maternal and Infant Outcomes.
Oklahoma Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Newsletter, March, 2.
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2009). Hiring an Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. Nurse
Educator, 34(3), 97-98.
Kenner, C. (ed). (2009). Soontornchai, P., & Stitt, P. Neonatal Staff Development in Thailand.
Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 9(2), 79-80.
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2009). Starting Small and Early for Research Funding. Nurse
Educator, 34(4), 141-142.
Kenner, C. (ed). Eklund, W. (2009). Neonatal Issues in Japan. Newborn & Infant Nursing
Reviews, 9(3), 132-135.
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2009). Using Office Hours Wisely. Nurse Educator, 34(5), 187-
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2009). Performance Evaluations and Literacy. Nurse Educator,
34(6), 233-234.
Kenner, C. (ed). (2009). Mohammed, A.K., & Acheson, E. Obstacles in Providing Neonatal
Care in Kurdistan, Iraq. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 9(4), 191-192.
Kenner, C. (ed.). (2010). Johnston, L. Neonatal Research. Newborn & Infant Nursing
Reviews, 10(1), 8-9.
Kenner, C., McCann, D., & Boykova, M. (2010). NICU Nursing for the 21st Century.
Neoreviews, 11: e18-e23. Translated into Spanish.
Pressler, J.L.,& Kenner, C.A. (2010). Giving Keynote and Talks. Nurse Educator, 35(3), 93-
Callister, L.C., & Kenner, C. (2010). From the Editors: We are the World. Journal of Neonatal
& Perinatal Nursing, 24(2), 93-94.
Kenner, C. (ed). Leslie, A. Upgrading and Extending Existing Neonatal Intensive Care
Facilities at Life Westville Hospital, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 10(2), 73-77.
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2010). Tolerance of Ambiguity in Nursing Academia. Nurse
Educator, 35(4), 139-140.
Kenner, C. (2010). NANNP Embraces Competencies for Neonatal Nurse Practitioners. NANN
E-News, 2(4), July.
Kenner, C. (2010). Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN) on the Move! Journal
of Neonatal Nursing, doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2003.10.071.
Kenner, C. (ed). (2010). Boykova, M. Legal Issues in Russian Neonatal Intensive Care Units.
Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 10(1), 122-123.
Kenner, C. (2010). Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN) on the Move! Journal of
Neonatal Nursing, 16, 190-191.
Kenner, C. (ed). (2010). Acheson, E. International Column: Hospital Infection: A Story from
Sub-Saharan Africa. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 10(4), 163-164.
Kenner, C. (ed). (2011). Kassab, M. International Column: Simulation and Neonatal
Nursing Education. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 11(1), 8-9.
Kenner, C., Boykova, M., & Eklund, W. (2011). Impact on Neonatal Nursing Globally:
Exemplars of How US Neonatal/Perinatal Nurses Can Get Involved. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 25(2), 119-122.
*McGrath, J.M., Samra, H.A., & Kenner, C. (2011). Family-Centered Developmental Care
Practices and Research: What Will the Next Century Bring? The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 25(2), 165-170.
Kenner, C.A, & Pressler, J.L. (2011). Streamline the Handling of Administrative Paperwork.
Nurse Educator, 36(4), 135-136.
Kenner, C. (2011). Guest Editorial: International Neonatal Nursing. Newborn & Infant Nursing
Reviews, 11(2), 56.
Kenner, C. (ed). (2011). Hirani, S., A.A. International Column: Effects of Humanitarian
Emergencies on Newborn and Infants’ Health in Pakistan. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 11(2), 58-60.
Kenner, C.A., & Pressler, J.L. (2011). Trends in Nursing Education. Nurse Educator, 36(5),
Kenner, C.A., & Pressler, J.L. (2011). Transparency: An Essential Ingredient to a Successful
Deanship. Nurse Educator, 36(6), 231-232.
Kenner, C. (ed). (2011). Nurse, S. International Column: Multiples in the newborn Intensive
Care Unit: Parents’ and Nurses’ Perspectives. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 11(4), 175-179.
Kenner, C. (ed.). (2012). Parker, L. International Column: Neuroprotective Strategies for
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 12(1), 8-11.
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2012). Supporting Student Success on the NCLEX-RN. Nurse
Educator, 37(3), 94-96.
Kenner, C. (ed.). (2012). Nitti, Y. International Column: Cultural Implications: the Increase of
Cesarean Delivery Rates Are leading to Increased Incidents of Respiratory Distress in Newborn. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 12(2), 73-74.
Kenner, C., & Pressler, J.L. (2012). Social Media and the Dean. Nurse Educator, 17(4), 129-
*+Mullins, L., Chaffin, M., Phipps, S., Hullmann, S., Fedele, D., & Kenner, C. (2012). A
Clinic-Based Interdisciplinary Intervention for Mothers of Children Newly Diagnosed with
Cancer: A Pilot Study. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 37(10), 1104-1115.
*Kenner, C., & Boykova, M. (2012). Global Health and Neonatal Nursing: A Personal
Journey. MCN, 37(5), 317-324.
Kenner, C.A., & Pressler, J.L. (2012). Deans’ Concerns About Turning Away Highly Qualified
Applicants. Nurse Educator, 37(5), 183-184.
Kenner, C. (ed). Pritchard, M.A. International Column: Review Clinical Trials. Newborn &
Infant Nursing Reviews, 12(4), 12-123.
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2012). Interprofessional and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in
Nursing. Nurse Educator, 37(6), 230-232.
Boykova, M., & Kenner, C. (2012). International Connections: Transition From Hospital to
Home: Post-Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Discharge: A Global Perspective. Newborn
& Infant Nursing Reviews, 12(4), 184-186.
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2013). The Significance of Academic Genealogies, Part 1. Nurse
Educator, 38(1), 3-4.
*+Fedele, D.A., Hullmann, S.E., Chaffin, M., Kenner, C., Fisher, M.J., Kirk, K., Eddington, A.R.,
Phipps, S., McNall-Knapp, R.Y., & Mullins, L.L. (2013). Impact of a Parent-Based
Interdisciplinary Intervention for Mothers on Adjustment in Children Newly Diagnosed
with Cancer. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 38(5), 531-540.
Kenner, C. (ed). Van der Westhuyzen, A. (2013). International Connections: Neonatal
Therapist: A South African Perspective. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 13(1), 7-
White, R.D, and the Consensus Committee on Recommended Design Standards for Advanced
Neonatal Care. (C. Kenner, member). (2013). Practice Guidelines: Recommended
Standards for Newborn ICU Design, (8th ed.). Journal of Perinatology, 33 (Suppl 1), S2-
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2013). Beachmarking With Whom? How Often? Nurse Educator,
38(3), 87-88.
Pressler, J.L., & Kenner, C. (2013). Students’ Grievances.. Nurse Educator, 38(4), 135-136.
*Premji, S.S., Spence, K., & Kenner, C. (2013). Call for Neonatal Nursing Specialization in
Developing Countries. MCN, epub ahead of print. DOI:
10.1097/NMC.0b013e31829f2c94. 38(6), 343-344.
*Kenner, C, & Reinarz, S. (2013). Interprofessional Teamwork and Neonatal Patient Safety: A
Nursing Perspective. Neoreviews, 14(10), pp. e480-e482.
Kenner, C. (ed.). (2013). Eklund, W. International Column: Interprofessional Education and
Practice: The Call for an Interprofessional Approach to Improve the Quality of
Neonatal Care. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 13(3), 110-112.
Kenner, C., & Boykova, M. (2014). COINN: Neonatal Nurses Making a Difference Globally.
Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 14(1), 4-6.
Kenner, C.A., & Pressler, J.A. (2014). Rx for Deans: Stress Within the Academic Workplace.
Nurse Educator, 39(3), 105-106.
Kenner, C. (ed.). (2014). Foster, J., Psalia, K., & Kenner, C. Maintaining the Heat on Neonatal
Hypothermia in Developing Countries. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 14(2), 42-
McVey, C., Vessey, J.A., Kenner, C.A., & Pressler, J.L. (2014). Rx for Deans: Interprofessional
Dedicated Education Unit: An Academic Practice Parternship. Nurse Educator, 39(4),
Lewis, J.A., & Kenner, C. (2014). 2nd Opinion: Should Informed Consent be Required for
Routine Newborn Screening and for Storage of Blood Samples? MCN, 39(5), 282-283.
Books (BK) and Book Chapters (BC):
*Kenner, C. & Werner, R. (1985). Child Care: An Alternative Experience. Copyright 1985
*Kenner, C., Harjo, J., & Brueggemeyer, A. (1988). Neonatal surgery: A nursing perspective. Orlando: Grune & Stratton, Inc. (BK)
*Kenner, C. (1989). Test Item Contributor. Kelly, L.E., & Salstein, S. Family-Centered Nursing Care of Children. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (1990). Contributor to: Saxton, D.F, Pelikan, P.K., Nugent, P.M., & Needleman, S.R. (eds.). Mosby’s assess test: A practice exam for RN licensure. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby Company. (BC)
*Gunderson, L.P. & Kenner, C. (eds.). (1990). Care of the 24-25 week gestational age infant: Small baby protocol. Monograph. Petaluma, California: Neonatal Network. (BK)
*+Kenner, C. (1990). The transition to parenthood. In L.P. Gunderson & C. Kenner. (eds.). Care of the 24-25 week gestational age infant: Small baby protocol. Monograph. Petaluma, California: Neonatal Network. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (1990). Test Questions. In D.F. Saxton, P.K. Pelikan, P.M. Nugent, & S.R. Needleman (eds). Mosby’s Q & A for NCLEX-RN: Questions, answers, and rationales. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby Company. (BC)
*Cohen, S., Kenner, C., & Hollingsworth, A. Maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BK)
*McSkimming, S. & Kenner, C. (1991). Family Nursing Care: History and Trends. In S. Cohen, C. Kenner, & A. Hollingsworth. (eds). Maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.4-24). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (1991). Care of the Normal Neonate. In S. Cohen, C. Kenner, & A. Hollingsworth. (eds). Maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp. 871-892). Springhouse,PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation (BC)
*Kenner, C., Conrad, L., & Teshlong, B. (1991). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BK)
*McSkimming, S.A. & Kenner, C. (1991). Family Nursing Care: History and Trends. In C. Kenner, L. Conrad, & B. Teshlong (eds). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.1-5). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BC)
*Grant, C.A., & Smith, G.R. (1991). Kenner, C. (Chapter ed.). Family Structure and Function. In C. Kenner, L. Conrad, & B. Teshlong (eds). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.6-9). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (1991). Nursing Process and the Childbearing Family. In C. Kenner, L. Conrad, & B. Teshlong (eds). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.10-13). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BC)
*Gibson, F. (1991). Kenner, C. (Chapter ed.). The Nurse-Client Relationship. In C. Kenner, L. Conrad, & B. Teshlong (eds). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.14-18). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation.(BC)
*Cohen, S. (1991). Kenner, C. (Chapter ed.). Ethical and Legal Concerns in Family Care. In C. Kenner, L. Conrad, & B. Teshlong (eds). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.19-22). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BC)
*Kenner, C. Neonatal Adaptation. In C. Kenner, L. Conrad, & B. Teshlong (eds). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.189-194). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation (BC)
*Cantu, D.N., Vaello, L.R., & Kenner, C. (1991). Neonatal Assessment. In C. Kenner, L. Conrad & B. Teshlong (eds). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.195-200). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (1991). Nursing Care of the Normal Neonate. In C. Kenner, L. Conrad, & B. Teshlong (eds). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.201-206). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BC)
*Blair-Storr, G. (1991). Kenner, C. (Chapter ed.). Infant Nutrition. In C. Kenner, L. Conrad, & B. Teshlong (eds). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.207-213). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BC)
*Gunderson, L.P., Cantu, D.N., Vaello, L.R. (1991). Kenner, C. (Chapter ed.). The High-Risk Neonate. In C. Kenner, L. Conrad, & B. Teshlong (eds). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.214-221). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BC)
* Kenner, C. (1991). (Chapter ed.). Care of the Families of High-Risk Neonates. In C. Kenner, L. Conrad, & B. Teshlong (eds). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.222-227). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BC)
*Gumm, B. & Lynch, M.E. (1991). Kenner, C. (Chapter ed.). Discharge Planning and Neonatal Care at Home. In C. Kenner, L. Conrad, & B. Teshlong (eds). Instructor’s manual for maternal, neonatal, and women’s health. (pp.228-234). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (1991). Nurse’s clinical guide: Neonatal care. Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Corporation. (BK)
*Kenner, C.A., Smith, G.R., Armstrong, C.L., & McSkimming, S.A. (1992). Components of comprehensive maternity care. In A. MacLaren. (ed.). Nurse’s clinical guide: Maternity care. (pp.2-9). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corporation. (BC)
*Kenner, C.A., & Smith, J.W. (1992). The third and fourth stages of labor. In A. MacLaren. (ed.). Nurse’s clinical guide: Maternity care. (pp.308-329). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corporation. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (1992). Contributor to: Saxton, D.F, Pelikan, P.K., Nugent, P.M. & Needleman, S.R. (eds.). Mosby’s assess test: A practice exam for RN licensure. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby Company. (BC)
*Kenner, C. , & MacLaren, A. (1992). Essentials of maternal and neonatal nursing.
Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corporation. (BK)
*Kenner, C. & MacLaren, A. (1992). Instructor’s manual for the essentials of maternal and neonatal nursing. Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corporation. (BK)
*Kenner, C., Brueggemeyer, A., & Gunderson, L.P. (eds). (1993). Comprehensive neonatal nursing: A physiologic perspective. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. (BK)
*Kenner, C., & Brueggemeyer, A. (1993). Assessment and management of genitourinary dysfunction. (pp. 706-741). In C. Kenner, A. Brueggemeyer, & L.P. Gunderson (eds). Comprehensive neonatal nursing: A physiologic perspective. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. (BC)
*Kenner, C., Bergman, K., Inturrisi, M.B., & Hummel, A.L. (1993). Fetal therapy. (pp. 887-902). In C. Kenner, A. Brueggemeyer, & L.P. Gunderson (eds). Comprehensive neonatal nursing: A physiologic perspective. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. (BC)
*Workman, M.L., & Kenner, C. (1993). Human genetics. (pp. 101-131). In C. Kenner, A. Brueggemeyer, & L. P. Gunderson (eds). Comprehensive neonatal nursing: A physiologic perspective. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. (BC)
*Kenner, C., & Bagwell, G. (1993). Assessment and management of the transition to home. (pp. 1134-1147). In C. Kenner, A. Brueggemeyer, & L. P. Gunderson (eds). Comprehensive neonatal nursing: A physiologic perspective. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. (BC)
*Franck, L., Gunderson, L.P., & Kenner, C. (1993). Neonatal Collaborative Research. (pp. 52-66). In C. Kenner, A. Brueggemeyer, & L.P. Gunderson (eds). Comprehensive neonatal nursing: A physiologic perspective. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. (BC)
*Kenner, C., Gunderson, L.P., Lott, J.W., & Amlung, S. (1993). Study guide and review of neonatal nursing. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BK)
*Kenner, C. (1994). Contributor to: Saxton, D.F., Pelikan, P.K., Nugent, P.M., & Needleman, S.R. Mosby’s 1994 AssessTest. St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book, Inc. (BC)
*Lott, J.W., & Kenner, C. (1994). Overview of Infection. (pp.2-9). In J.W. Lott (ed.). Neonatal infection: Assessment, diagnosis, and management. Petaluma, CA: NICU INK. (BC)
*Polak, J.D., Lott, J.W., & Kenner, C. (1994). Overview of the Fetal/Neonatal Immune System. (pp. 10-21). In J.W. Lott (ed.). Neonatal infection: Assessment, diagnosis, and management. Petaluma, CA: NICU INK. (BC)
*Lott, J.W., Kenner, C., & Polak, J.D. (1994). General Evaluation for Suspected Infection. (pp. 22-35). In J.W. Lott (ed.). Neonatal infection: Assessment, diagnosis, and management. Petaluma, CA: NICU INK. (BC)
*Lott, J.W., Kenner, C., & Polak, J.D. (1994). Common Neonatal Infections and Complications. (pp. 36-63). In J.W. Lott (ed.). Neonatal infection: Assessment, diagnosis, and management. Petaluma, CA: NICU INK. (BC)
*Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (1994). Types of Microorganisms. (pp.64-113). In J.W. Lott (ed.). Neonatal infection: Assessment, diagnosis, and management. Petaluma, CA: NICU INK. (35) In J.W. Lott (ed.). Neonatal infection: Assessment, diagnosis, and management. Petaluma, CA: NICU INK. (BC)
*Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (1994). Experimental Therapy. (pp. 136-150). In J.W. Lott (ed.). Neonatal infection: Assessment, diagnosis, and management. Petaluma, CA: NICU INK. (BC)
*Hetteberg, C., Bragg, L., Felblinger, D., Flandermeyer, A., Kenner, C., & Jamerson, P. (1995). Substance Abuse in Perinatal Care. (pp.191-233). In E.J. Sullivan (ed.). Nursing care of clients with substance abuse. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book., Inc. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (1995). Contributor to: Saxton, D.F., Pelikan, P.K., Nugent, P.M., & Needleman, S.R. Mosby’s 1995 AssessTest. St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book, Inc. (BC)
*Gunderson, L.P., & Kenner, C. (eds.). (1995). Care of the 24-25 week gestational age infant: Small baby protocol. (2nd. ed.) Monograph. Petaluma, California: NICU INK. (BK)
*Kenner, C. (1995). The transition to parenthood. In L.P. Gunderson & C. Kenner. (eds.) Care of the 24-25 week gestational age infant: Small baby protocol. 2nd. ed. Monograph. Petaluma, California: NICU INK. (BC)
*Lott, J.W., Polak, J.D., Kenyon, T.B., & Kenner, C.A. (1996). Acute care nurse practitioner. (pp. 351-374). In A.B. Hamerick , .J. A. Spross, & C.M. Hanson (eds.). Advanced nursing practice. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BC)
*Griffin, T., & Kenner, C. (1996). Annual review of research for neonatal nurses. Petaluma, CA: NICU INK. (BK)
*Kenner, C., Flandermeyer, A., & Darling Thornburg, P. (1996). Parenting in the NICU. (pp. 93-108). In J. Zaichkin (ed.). Newborn intensive care: What every parent needs to know. Petaluma, CA: NICU, Ink. (BC)
*Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., & Flandermeyer, A. (1998). Comprehensive neonatal care: A physiologic perspective. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BK)
*Franck, L.S., Kenner, C., & Lucas, D. (1998). Collaborative Research in Neonatal Nursing (pp. 46-58). In C.Kenner, J.W., Lott, & A. Flandermeyer. Comprehensive neonatal care: A physiologic perspective. 2nd. ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BC)
*Kenner, C., Hilse, M.A., & Hetteberg, C. (1998). Human Genetics. (pp. 87-111). In C.Kenner, J.W., Lott, & A. Flandermeyer. Comprehensive neonatal care: A physiologic perspective. 2nd. ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (1998). Complications of Respiratory Management. (pp. 290-305). In C.Kenner, J.W., Lott, & A. Flandermeyer. Comprehensive neonatal care: A physiologic perspective. 2nd. ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BC)
*Lott, J.W., & Kenner, C. (1998). Assessment and Management of Immunologic Dysfunction. (pp. 496-519). In C.Kenner, J.W., Lott, & A. Flandermeyer. Comprehensive neonatal care: A physiologic perspective. 2nd. ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (1998). Assessment and Management of Genitourinary Dysfunction. (pp. 620-647). In C.Kenner, J.W., Lott, & A. Flandermeyer. Comprehensive neonatal care: A physiologic perspective. 2nd. ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (1998). Monitoring Neonatal Biophysical Parameters. (pp. 715-735). In C.Kenner, J.W., Lott, & A. Flandermeyer. Comprehensive neonatal care: A physiologic perspective. 2nd. ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BC)
*Bergman, K., Kenner, C., Inturrisi, MB., Howell, L.J., & Farrell, J. (1998). Fetal Therapy. (pp. 767-780). In C.Kenner, J.W., Lott, & A. Flandermeyer. Comprehensive neonatal care: A physiologic perspective. 2nd. ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (1998). Neonatal Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: Human Immunodeficiency Virus. (pp. 815-837). In C.Kenner, J.W., Lott, & A. Flandermeyer. Comprehensive neonatal care: A physiologic perspective. 2nd. ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BC)
*Kenner, C., & Bagwell, G.A. (1998). Assessment and Management of the Transition to Home. (pp. 969-979). In C.Kenner, J.W., Lott, & A. Flandermeyer. Comprehensive neonatal care: A physiologic perspective. 2nd. ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BC)
*Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., & Amlung, S. (1998). Study guide and review of neonatal nursing. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BK)
*Kenner, C. (1998). Neonatal care. 2nd ed. Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corp. (BK)
*Kenner, C., Amlung, S.R., & Flandermeyer, A.A. (1998). Protocols in neonatal nursing. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. (BK)
*Kenner, C., Amlung, S.R., & Flandermeyer, A.A. (1998). Proctols in neonatal nursing. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. Translated into Russia. (BK)
*Melson, K.A., Jaffe, M.S., Kenner, C., & Amlung, S. (1999). Maternal infant: Health care planning. 2nd. Ed. Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corporation. (BK)
*Kenner, C., & Amlung, S. (1999). Families in Crisis. (pp. 635-650). In J. Deacon & P. O’Neill (eds.). Core curriculum for neonatal intensive care nursing. Philadelphia: Saunders. (BC)
*Kenner, C. (contributor). (2001). Women’s health care. In AACN. (ed.). Ask a nurse. Book Project for People’s Medical Society, a consumer organization. Washington DC: Association of American Colleges of Nursing/People’s Medical Society. (BC)
*Kenner, C., & Walden, M. (2001). Grantwriting tips. Washington DC: American Nurses Publishing. (BK)
*Kenner, C., Flandermeyer, A., & Thornburg, P. (2002). Parenting in the NICU. (pp. 93-108). In J.Zaichkin (ed). Newborn intensive care: What every parent needs to know. 2nd. Ed. Santa Rosa, CA: NICU Ink.
*Amlung, S.R., Keatring, B.J., Kenner, C., & Zebold, K.F. (2002). Genitourinary Alterations. (pp. 615-652). In N.L.Potts & B.L. Mandleco (eds). Pediatric nursing: Caring for children and their families. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (2003). Comprehensive neonatal nursing care: A physiologic perspective. 3rd. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. (BK)
Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (2003). Assessment and Management of the Immune System. (pp.550-579). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott. Comprehensive neonatal nursing care: A physiologic perspective. 3rd. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. (BC)
Kenner, C. (2003). Genetics and Fetal Development. (pp. 132-150). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott. Comprehensive neonatal nursing care: A physiologic perspective. 3rd. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. (BC)
Farrell, J.A., Inturrisi, M., Bergman, K., Kenner, C, & Howell, L.J. (2003). Fetal Therapy. (pp 183-196. In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott. Comprehensive neonatal nursing care: A physiologic perspective. 3rd. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. (BC)
Kenner, C. (2003). Resuscitation and Stabilization of the Newborn. (pp.210-228). Comprehensive neonatal nursing care: A physiologic perspective. 3rd. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. (BC)
Kenner, C. (2003). Assessment and Management of the Newborn and Infant Undergoing Transplantation. (pp. 762-772). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott. Comprehensive neonatal nursing care: A physiologic perspective. 3rd. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. (BC)
Kassidty, N., Jones, J., Kenner, C., Turner, A., and Hayes, M. Complementary Therapies. (pp.868-875). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott. Comprehensive neonatal nursing care: A physiologic perspective. 3rd. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. (BC)
Thigpen, J., & Kenner, C. Assessment and Management of the Gastrointestinal System. (pp. 448-485). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott. Comprehensive neonatal nursing care: A physiologic perspective. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (eds). Assessment and Management of the Immune System. (pp. 550-579). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott (eds). Comprehensive neonatal nursing care: A physiologic perspective. 3rd. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. (BK)
Kenner, C., Bagwell, G., & Torok, L.S. (2003). Transition to Home. (pp. 893-901). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott (eds). Comprehensive neonatal nursing care: A physiologic perspective. 3rd. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (eds). (2004). Neonatal nursing handbook. St. Louis: Mosby. (BK)
Kenner, C. (2004). Nursing Care of the High Risk Newborn. (pp. 1112-11149). In Lowdermilk, D.L., & Perry, S.E. (eds). Maternity & Women’s Health Care. 8th ed. St. Louis: Mosby.
Kenner, C., & McGrath, J. (eds). (2004). NANN’s Developmental care of newborns and infants: A guide for health professionals. St. Louis: Mosby. (BK)
Kenner, C. (2004). Families in Crisis. (pp. 392-409). In T. Verklan and M. Walden (eds). Core curriculum for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing. St. Louis: Mosby. (BC)
Kenner, C., & McSkimming, S. (2006). Palliative Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. (pp. 959-974). In B. R. Ferrell & N. Coyle. Textbook of palliative nursing. 2nd. ed. London: Oxford. (BC)
Bowers, B., Ellison, G., & Kenner, C. (2007). End-of-life and palliative care. In. L. Altimier, B. Brown, et. al. Neonatal Nursing Orientation Series. St. Louis: Elsevier. (BC)
Ellison, G., Bowers, B., & Kenner, C. (2007). Transition to home. In L. Altimier, B. Brown, et al. Neonatal Nursing Orientation Series. St. Louis: Elsevier. (BC)
Finkelman, A. W., & Kenner, C. (2007). Teaching IOM: Implications of the IOM Reports for Nursing Education. Silver Spring, MD: Nursesbooks.org. (BK)
Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (eds.). (2007). Comprehensive neonatal care: An interdisciplinary approach. 4th ed. St. Louis: Saunders. (BK)
Farrell, J.A, Bergman, K., & Kenner, C. (2007). Fetal Therapy. (pp. 372-384). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott (eds). Comprehensive neonatal care: An interdisciplinary approach. 4th ed. St. Louis: Saunders. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Sudia-Robinson, T. (2007). Palliative and End-of_Life Care. (pp.510-521). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott (eds). Comprehensive neonatal care: An interdisciplinary approach. 4th ed. St. Louis: Saunders. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Ellerbee, S. (2007). Postdischarge Care of the Newborn and Infant. (pp. 551-562). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott (eds). Comprehensive neonatal care: An interdisciplinary approach. 4th ed. St. Louis: Saunders. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Pressler, J.L. (2007). Trends in Neonatal Care Delivery. In C. Kenner,& J.W. Lott (eds). Comprehensive neonatal care: An interdisciplinary approach. 4th ed. St. Louis: Saunders. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Nix, K. (2007). Impact of Genomics on Neonatal Care. (pp.577-593). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott (eds). Comprehensive neonatal care: An interdisciplinary approach. 4th ed. St. Louis: Saunders. (BC)
Strodtbeck, F., & Kenner, C. (2007). Competency-Based Education in Neonatal Nursing. (pp.615-624). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott (eds). Comprehensive neonatal care: An interdisciplinary approach. 4th ed. St. Louis: Saunders. (BC)
*Finkelman, A., & Kenner, C. (2007). Teaching the IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Publishing. (BK)
Kenner, C., & Ellerbee, S. (2007). Nursing Care of the High Risk Newborn. (pp. 1053-1089). In D.L. Lowdermilk & S.E. Perry (eds). Maternity & Women’s Health Care. 9th ed. St. Louis: Mosby. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (2007). Neonatal Nursing Handbook. Translated into Chinese. St. Louis: Elsevier. (BK)
Kenner, C., Gallo, A., & Bryant, K. (2007). Promoting Children’s Health through
Understanding of Genetics and Genomics. In. J. Jenkins & K. Calzone (ed). nurseAdvance Collection on Genomics in Nursing and Healthcare. Etext. Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau, International. (BC)
Kenner, C., Finkelman, A. (2007). Collaborating for the World’s Children: Council of International Neonatal Nurses. (pp. 134-140). In. S. Weinstein & A.M. Brooks. Nursing Without Borders…Values, Wisdom and Success. Indianapolis: Nursing Knowledge International through Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. (BC)
*Kenner, C., & Altimier, L. (2008). Assessment of Risk in the Term Newborn. 2nd. Ed. White Plains, NY: March of Dimes. (BK)
Holtzclaw, B.J., Kenner, C., & Walden, M. (2009). Grant Writing Handbook for Nurses. 2nd.ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. (BK)
Kenner, C. (2009). Amy, the Ad, and Adam. (pp. 3-8). In K. Huggins (ed). Kaplan Voices: Nurses: New lives: Nurses’ stories about caring for babies. New York City, NY: Kaplan Publishing. (BC)
Finkelman, A., & Kenner, C. (2010). Professional Nursing Concepts: Competencies for Quality Leadership. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Barlett Publishers. (BK)
Kenner, C. (2010). Families in Crisis. (pp.347-382). In M.T. Verklan & M. Walden (eds). Core Curriculum for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing. 4th ed. St. Louis: Saunders. (BC)
Finkelman, A., & Kenner, C. (2009). Teaching the IOM. 2nd. Ed. Silver Spring, MD: ANA Publishing. (BK)
Boykova, M., & Kenner, C. (2009). The Role of Caring in Leadership Development. (pp. 40-44). In N.R. Gantz (ed.). 101 Global Leadership Lessons for Nurses. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau, Inc. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Boykova, M. (2010). Palliative Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. (pp. 1065-1097). In B.R. Ferrell & N. Coyle (eds). Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing. 3rd. ed. New York: Oxford Press. (BC)
Kenner, C., & McGrath J.M. (2010). Developmental care of newborns and infants., 2nd. Glen View, IL; National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN).(BK)
Pressler, J.L., Turnage-Carrier, C.S., & Kenner, C. (2010). Developmental Care: State of the Science (pp.1-18). In C. Kenner & J.M. McGrath. (eds). Intensive Care Unit Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN).(BC)
Bozzette, M.A, Kenoer, C., & Boykova, M. (2010). The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Environment. (pp 63-74). In C. Kenner & J.M. McGrath (eds). Developmental care of newborns and infants,2nd. Glen View, IL; National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN).(BC)
Boykova, M., & Kenner, C. (2010). Partnerships in Care: Mothers and Fathers. (pp. 145-160). In C. Kenner & J.M. McGrath (eds). Developmental care of newborns and infants,2nd. Glen View, IL; National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN).(BC)
Kenner, C., & King, C. (2010). Critical Periods of Development. (pp. 191-208). In C. Kenner & J.M. McGrath (eds.). Developmental care of newborns and infants.,2nd. Glen View, IL; National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN).(BC)
Kenner, C., & McGrath, J.M. (2010). Professional Issues and the Future of Developmental Care: Where Will It Be in the 21st Century? (pp. 563-568). In C. Kenner & J.M. McGrath (eds). Developmental care of newborns and infants., 2nd. Glen View, IL; National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN).(BC)
Kenner, C., & National Association of Neonatal Nurse Practitioners (NANNP) Task Force. (2010). Competencies and Orientation Tool Kit. Glenview, IL: NANNP. (BK)
Berns, S.D., Dolan, S.M., Kenner, C., Abraham, M.R., Celenza, J., & Johnson, B.H. (2010). The Role of Patients and Families in Improving Perinatal Care.” In W.Oh, (Chair) and the TIOP III Steering Committee (eds). Toward Improving the Outcome of Pregnancy III (TIOP III). March of Dimes: White Plains, NY. (BC)
Kenner, C. (2011). May 7 Leadership Quote. (p.63). In K. Pakieser-Reed (ed). A Daybook for
Nurse Educators. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Finkelman, A. (2012). Chapter 15: Evidence-Based Practice and Management.
(pp. 418-436). In A.Finkelman (ed). Leadership and Management for Nurses: Core Competencies for Quality Care. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. (BC)
Kenner, C., Ellerbee, S. (2012). Chapter 37: Nursing care of their high risk newborn. (pp. 894-
930). In D.L. Lowdermilk, S.E. Perry, K. Cashion, & K.R. Alden (eds). Maternity & Women’s Health Care, 10th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier/Mosby. (BC)
Finkelman, A., & Kenner, C. (eds.). (2012). Professional Nursing Concepts. 2nd. Ed.
Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett. (BK)
Finkelman, A., & Kenner, C. (eds). (2012). Learning IOM: Implications of the Institute of
Medicine Reports for Nursing Education: A Student/Practitioner Version of Teaching IOM, 3rd. ed. Washington, DC: NursesBook.org (American Nurses Association). (BK)
Finkelman, A., & Kenner, C. (eds). (2012). Teaching IOM: Implications of the Institute of
Medicine Reports for Nursing Education. 3rd. Ed. Washington DC: NursesBook.org (American Nurses Association). (BK)
Kenner, C., & Lewis, J.A. (eds). (2013). Genetics and Genomics for Nursing. Boston: Pearson.
Kenner, C., & Boykova, M. (2013). Family Context of Clinical Genetics. (pp. 14-24). In C.
Kenner & J.A. Lewis (eds). Genetics and Genomics for Nursing. Boston: Pearson. (BC)
Lewis, J.A., & Kenner, C. (2013). Prenatal Testing and Screening. (pp. 115-124). In C. Kenner
& J.A. Lewis (eds). Genetics and Genomics for Nursing. Boston: Pearson. (BC)
Kenner, C. (2013). Transition from Practice to Education. (pp.21-24). In D.D. Hunt (ed.). The
New Nurse Educator: Mastering Academe. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (eds). (2014). Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care. 5th. Ed. New
York: Springer Publishing Company. (BK)
Kenner, C. (2014). Palliative and End-of-Life Care. (pp. 766-772). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott
(eds). Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care. 5th. Ed. New York: Springer Publishing
Company. (BC)
Boykova, M., Kenner, C., & Ellerbee, S. (2014). Postdischarge Care of the Newborn, Infant, and
Families. (pp. 783-808). In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott (eds). Comprehensive Neonatal
Nursing Care. 5th. Ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Pressler, J.L. (2014). Trends in Neonatal Care Delivery. (pp.809-816). In C.
Kenner & J.W. Lott (eds). Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care. 5th Ed. New York:
Springer Publishing Company. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Boykova, M. (2014). Neonatal Care From a Global Perspective. (pp.863-867).
In C. Kenner & J.W. Lott (eds). Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care. 5th Ed. New
York: Springer Publishing Company. (BC)
Kenner, C., & Boykova, M. (2014). Enferimagem Neonatal Em Um Contexto Global:
Principais Realizações E Progressos. (pp.9-46). In S.C.R.V. Morais, K.V De Souza, &
E.D. Duarte (organizers). Programa De Atualização Em Enfermagem: Proenf Saúde
Materna E Neonatal, 5(2), Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil: Artmed/Panamericana Ediotra.
Kenner, C., Boykova, M. (2015). Families in Crisis. (pp.331-347). M.T. Verklan & M.
Walden (eds). Core Curriculum for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing. 5th ed. St. Louis:
Elseiver. (BC).
Book/Video Reviews:
Kenner, C. (1986). Review of “Political Action Handbook for Nurses”. Neonatal Network,
5(4), 44.
Kenner, C. (1988). Review of “Birth, Interaction and Attachment”. Neonatal Network,
6(4), 43.
Kenner, C. (1988). Review of “Patient Care In Pediatric Surgery”. Neonatal Network,
6(4), 42.
Kenner, C. (1988). Review of “Nursing Care of Infants and Children and Study Guide”. JOGNN, 17(4), 287.
Kenner, C. (1988). Review of “The Nurses’ Guide to Writing For Publication”. Neonatal Network, 7(1), 45.
Kenner, C. (1989). Review of “Neonatal Respiratory Care”. JOGNN, 18(2), 162-163.
Kenner, C. (1989). Review of “Pocket Nurse Guide: Fetal Monitoring”. Neonatal
Network, 7(6), 79.
Kenner, C. (1989). Review of “Helping Mommy Breastfeed”. Neonatal Network, 8(1),
Kenner, C. (1991). Review of “Setting Standards for Professional Nursing: The Marker Model”. Neonatal Network, 9(6), 34-35.
Kenner, C. (1991). Review of “Intrauterine Growth Retardation”. Neonatal Network, 9(6),
Kenner, C. (1991). Review of “Textbook of Gastroenterology and Nutrition in Infancy”, 2nd. ed. Neonatal Network, 9(6), 37-38.
Kenner, C. (1992). Review of “Born Too Soon”. Neonatal Network, 11(6), 77-78.
Kenner, C. (1992). Review of “Schaffer’s & Avery’s Diseases of the Newborn”. 6th. ed. Neonatal Network, 11(5), 39.
Kenner, C. (1993). Review of “Qualitative Methods in Family Research”. Nursing Research, 42(2), 120-121.
Kenner, C. (1994). Review of “Maternal Neonatal Nursing”. Nursing & Health
Care,15(8), 443-444.
Kenner, C. (1994). Review of “Neonatology: Pathophysiology and Management of the Newborn. Nursing & Health Care, 15(8), 443-444.
Kenner, C. (1995). Review of “Neonatology: Pathophysiology and Management of the Newborn. N&HC: Perspectives on Community, 16(2), 98.
Kenner, C. (1995). Review of “Pediatric Emergencies”. N&HC: Perspectives on
Community, 16(5), 295.
Kenner, C. (1996). Review of “Pediatric Physical Therapy”, 2nd. ed. N&HC: Perspectives on Community, 17(3), 153-154.
Kenner, C. (1996). Book/Video Review of “A Guide to Applying the Art & Science of Human Caring”. NLN Update, 2(1), 10.
Kenner, C. (1996). Review of “Pediatric Emergency Nursing Manual”. N&HC: Perspectives on Community, 17(4), 218-219.
Kenner, C. (1997). Review of “Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing”.
N&HC: Perspective on Community, 18(1), 44-45.
Kenner, C. Video Review of “She’s Pregnant & She’s A Junkie”. (1997). NLN Update, 3(1), 12.
Kenner, C. (1999). Review of “Clinical Reasoning: The Art and Science of Critical and Creative Thinking”. Sigma Theta Tau Electronic Reviews . Doody’s Review Service, Online, May 12.
Kenner, C. (1999). Review of “Becoming a Mother”. N&HC: Perspectives on Community. In
Press. Doody’s Review Service, Online.
Kenner, C. (1999). Review of “Pediatric Primary Care: A Handbook for Nurse Practitioners”.
N&HC: Perspectives on Community. Doody’s Review Service, Online.
Kenner, C. (1999). Review of “Clinical Reasoning: The Art and Science of Critical and Creative
Thinking”. Sigma Theta Tau Electronic Reviews. Doody’s Review Service, Online, June 30.
Kenner, C. (1999). Review of “Hoole’s Patient Care Guidelines for Nurse Practitioners”, 5th ed.
Sigma Theta Tau Electronic Reviews. Doody’s Review Service, Online, August 28.
Kenner, C. (2000). Review of ‘Delmar’s Electronic Care Plan Maker for Nurses CD-ROM
(Win)” by Sheehy appeared in Doody’s Review Service, Online, Volume 7, Number 6,
January 7.
Kenner, C. (2000). Review of “Patient Care Guidelines for Nurse Practitioners”, 5th ed. By Hoole appeared in Doody’s Nursing and Allied Health Book Review Quarterly Online, 5(4), January.
Kenner, C. (2000). Review of “Nursing Diagnosis Handbook with NIC Interventions and NOC Outcomes”, Wilkinson, J.M, appears in Doody’s Review Service, Online, April 21.
Kenner, C. (2000). Review of “Understanding the Nursing Process in a Changing Care Environment,” 6th ed. By M. E. Murray appeared in Doody’s Nursing and Allied Health Book Review Quarterly Online, July.
Kenner, C. (2000). Review of “Nursing Documentation Handbook, ” 3rd. ed. By T. M. Marrelli appeared in Doody’s Nursing and Allied Health Book Review Quarterly, July.
Kenner, C. (2000). Review of “Critical Thinking in Nursing: Case Studies Across the Curriculum”. By C. Green appeared in Doody’s Nursing and Allied Health Book Review Quarterly, September.
Kenner, C. (2000). Review of “Nursing Diagnoses, Outcomes, and Interventions”. By M. Johnson, G. Bulecheck, J. McCloskey, M. Maas, & S. Moorhead appeared in Doody’s Nursing and Allied Health Book Review Quarterly, November.
Kenner, C. (2000). Review of “Integrated Care Pathways: A Practical Approach to
Implementation. By S. Middleton & A. Roberts appeared in Doody’s Nursing and Allied
Health Book Review Quarterly, December.
Kenner, C. Review of “Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual, 5th edition. By Sparks, S. Doody’s
Nursing and Allied Health Book Review Quarterly, February.
Kenner, C. (2001). Review of “Handbook of Nursing Procedures”. By S.E. Appling in Doody’s
Nursing and Allied Health Book Review Quarterly, May.
Kenner, C. (2002). Review of “A Practical Guide to Health Assessment”, 2nd ed. By. M.S.
Leasia & F.D. Monahan. Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 03/17/02.
Kenner, C. (2002). Review of “Nursing Diagnosis Handbook”. By B.J. Ackley & G.B. Ladwig
in Doody’s Review Service (on-line).
Kenner, C. (2002). Review of “Clinical Applications of Nursing Diagnosis: Adult, Child,
Women’s Psychiatric, Gerontic, and Home Health Considerations”, 4th ed. By H.C. Cox, et.
al. in Doody’s Review Service (on-line).
Kenner, C. (2002). Review of “Diseases and Disorders: A Nursing Therapeutics Manual”, 2nd
ed. By . M.S. Sommers & S.A. Johnson, in Doody’s Nursing and Allied Health Book Review
Quarterly. Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 03/31/02.
Kenner, C. (2002). Review of “Applying Nursing Process: Promoting Collaborative Care”, 5th
ed. By R. Alfaro-LeFevre, in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 03/31/02.
Kenner, C. (2002). Review of “Clinical Decision Making: A Case Study”, 2nd. ed. By. D. L.
Robinson, in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com.
Accessed 04/28/02.
Kenner, C. (2002). Review of “Nursing Care Plans: Guidelines for Individualizing Patient Care,
6th Edition. F.A. Davis Company Publishers. By M.E. Doenges et al., in Doody’s Review
Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05/19/02.
Kenner, C. (2002). Review of “Concept Mapping: A Critical-Thinking Approach to Care
Planning”. By P. Schuster in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06/02/02.
Kenner, C. (2002). Review of “Nurse’s Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Rationales”,
8th Edition. By M.E. Doenges, M.F. Moorhouse, & A.C. Geissler-Murr in Doody’s Review
Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06/10/02.
Kenner, C. (2002). Review of “Nursing Care Plans: Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention”, 5th
Edition. By M. Gulanick, et. al in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12/21/02.
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Physical Assessment of Patients: The Byron Physical
Assessment Framework”. By R. Harris in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 01/04/03.
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Rx for the Nursing Shortage: A Guidebook.” By J.W. Shaffner,
& P. Ludwig-Beymer in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 04/12/03.
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Health Assessment in Nursing”, 2nd ed. By J. Weber & J. Kelley
in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Physical Examination and Health Assessment”, 4th ed. By C.
Jarvis in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Nursing Interventions and Clinical Skills”, 3rd Ed. By M.K
Klkin, AG. Perry, & P.A. Potter. Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Skills Perfromance Checklists for Elkin, Peery and Potter’s Nursing Interventions and Clinical Skills, 3rd. ed. By P.A. Castaldi in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-26-03.
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures with Nursing Diagnoses”, 6th Edition. By. J. V. Corbett in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-30-03.
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “RNotes: Nurses Clinical Pocket Guide”. By E. Myers in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 09-06-03.
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Measurement of Nursing Outcomes: Volume 3: Self Care and Coping”, 2nd Ed. By O. Strickland & C. DiIorio in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 09-21-03.
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Delmar’s Fundamental & Advanced Nursing Skills”, 2nd. ed. By G.B. Altman in Doody’s Review Service (on-line).
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management”. 3rd. ed. By R.M. Tappen, S.A., Weiss, & D.K. Whitehead in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-08-03.
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Pocket Guide to Health Assessment”. 5th ed. By P. Potter in Doody’s Review Service (on-line).
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Nursing Health Assessment: Clinical Pocket Guide”. By P.M. Dillon in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 11-16-03.
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Delmar’s Fundamental and Advanced Nursing Skills”, 2nd. By G.B. Altman in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 11-22-03.
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Transcultural Nursing: Assessment and Intervention, 4th Ed. By J. Giger & R. E. Davidhizar in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-14-03.
Kenner, C. (2003). Review of “Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC): Iowa Outcomes Project.” 3rd Ed. By S. Moorhead, M. Johnson, & M. Maas in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-20-03.
Kenner, C. (2004). Review of “Mosby’s Electronic Care Plan Constructor CD-ROM”. By E.B. Kennedy in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 01-11-04.
Kenner, C. (2004). Review of “Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach.” 9th ed. By B.R. Hegner, B. Acello, & E. Caldwell in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 01-17-04.
Kenner, C. (2004). Review of “Pocket Guide to Health Assessment”, 5th ed. By P.A. Potter & P.B. Weilitz in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 02-20-04.
Kenner, C. (2004). Book Review: Conversations in Leadership of Professional Nursing
Associations. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 4(3), 132.
Kenner, C. (2004). Review of “Delegation of Nursing Care”. By P. Kelly-Heidenthal & M.T. Marthaler (eds) in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 10-30-04.
Kenner, C. (2004). Review of “Magnet Status: Assessing, Pursuing, and Achieving Nursing Excellence”. By M.C. Turkel in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://ww.doody.com. Accessed 11-05-04.
Kenner, C. (2004). Review of “Long-Term Care Pocket Guide to Nursing Documentation”. By. P. Amos in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 11-26-04.
Kenner, C. (2004). Review of “Handbook of Practice Nursing”, 3rd. ED. By. J. Martin & J. Lucas in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-18-04.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Making a Difference: Stories from the Point of Care-Vol. 2”. By S. Hudacek in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 02-05-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Waiting With Gabriel: A Story of Cherishing a Baby’s Brief Life” by A. Kuebelbeck. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 19(1), 84.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Ask a Colleague: Expert Nurses Answer More Than 1,000 Complex Clinical Questions” by Springhouse in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available http://www.doody.com. Accessed 04-23-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Doenges/Nursing Diagnosis Manual: Planning, Individualizing, and Documenting Patient Care” by M.E. Doenges, M.. Frances, & A.C. Murry in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 04-23-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Applying Nursing Process: A Tool for Critical Thinking, 6th ed”. By R. Alfaro-Lefever in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05-01-05.
Kenner, C. (2005) Review of Health Assessment Through the Life Span, 4th. Ed. By M.O. Hogstel & L.C. Curry in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://ww.doody.com. Accessed 05-07-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Professinal Guide to Assessment”. By Springhouse in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05-15-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Nurse’s Quick Check”, by Springhouse in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-04-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Nurses and Families: A Guide to Family Assessment and Intervention. 4th ed., by L.M. Wright & M. Leahey in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-11-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice, 11th Ed., by L.J. Carpenito-Moyet in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 09-08-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Managing Chronic Disorders” by Springhouse in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 09-11-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Making a Difference: Stories from the Point of Care-Volume 1, Rev. Ed.” by S. Hudecek in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 09-24-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Advanced Assessment: Interpreting Findings and Formulating Differential Diagnoses” by M.J. Goolsby & L. Grubbs in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 10-01-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis”, 11th Ed., by L.J. Carpenito-Moyet in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 10-07-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Health Assessment and Physical Examination”, 3rd. Ed., by M-E. Zator Estes in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 10-14-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Nursing Process: Concepts and Application, 2nd. ed., by W. Seaback in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 10-22-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning, by J. Rhoads in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-04-05.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice Handbook, 3rd Ed., by N.B. Chohan in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com.
Kenner, C. (2005). Review of “Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: A Guide to Planning Care, 7th ed., by B.J. Ackley & G.B. Ladwig, in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-30-05.
Kenner, C. (2006). Review of “Davis’s Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications”, 2nd ed., by A.M. Van Leeuwen, T.R. Kranpitz, & L.S. Smith in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 02-25-06.
Kenner, C. (2006). Review of “Nursing Care Plans: Guidelines for Individualizing Client Care Across the Life Span”, 7th Ed., by M.E. Doenges, F. Frances, & A. Murr in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05-01-06.
Kenner, C. (2006). Review of “Understanding the Nursing Process: Concept Mapping and Care Planning for Students, by L.J. Carpenito-Moyet in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05-06-06.
Kenner, C. (2006). Review of “Mosby’s Physical Examination Handbook”, 6th ed., by H.M. Seidel, J.W. Ball, J.E. Dains, & G.W. Benedict in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05-24-06.
Kenner, C. (2006). Review of “Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking”, 9th Ed., by L.S. Bickley & P.G. Szilagyi (eds.) in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05-27-06.
Kenner, C. (2006). Review of “Nurse’s Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions, and Rationales”, 10th ed., by M.E. Doenges, M.F. Moorhouse, & M.C. Murr (eds.) in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-16-06.
Kenner, C. (2006). Review of “NANDA, NOC, and NIC Linkages: Nursing Diagnoses, Outcomes, and Interventions”, 2nd. Ed., by M. Johnson, G. Bulechek, H. Butcher, J.M. Dochterman, M. Maas, & S. Moorhead (eds.) in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-25-06.
Kenner, C. (2006). Review of “Emergencies Around Childbirth: A Handbook for Midwives”, 2002 by M. Boyle. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 12, 110.
Kenner, C. (2006). Review of “The Big Book of Care Plans: Best Practices for Interdisciplinary Assessments and Care Planning”, by D. Ohl in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 07-15-06.
Kenner, C. (2006). Review of “Current Issues in Nursing”, 7th Ed., by P.S. Cowen & S. Moorhead (eds) in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-16-06.
Kenner, C. (2006). Review of “Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System Manual: A Guide to Nursing Documentation”, by V.K. Saba in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 01-01-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Mosby’s Pocket Guide for Health Assessment”, 6th Ed., by P.B. Weilitz & P.A. Potter in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05-13-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Professional Guide to Signs and Symptoms”, 5th Ed, by Lipplincott, Williams, & Wilkins in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05-20-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Loss and Bereavement in Childbearing”, 2nd Ed. by R. Mander, in Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 13, 128.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Mosby’s Assessment Memory NoteCards: Visual, Mnemonic,
and Memory Aids for Nurses” by J. Zerwekh, T. Gaglione, MSN; & C.J. Miller in Doody’s
Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05-25-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Alarming Signs and Symptoms” by Lippincott, Williams, &
Wilkins in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com.
Accessed 06-11-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Skill Checklists to Accompany Taylor’s Clinical Nursing
Skills: A Nursing Process Approach”, 2nd Ed. By P. Lynn in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-11-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Nurses’ Clinical Decision Making” by R. Gurbutt in Doody’s
Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-15-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Manual of Nursing Practice Series.” By Lippincott, Williams, &
Wilkins in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com.
Accessed 06-22-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Portable RN.” By Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins in Doody’s
Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-30-07
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Health Assessment in Nursing”, 3rd Ed., J. Webber & J. Kelley
in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 07-
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Assessment: Lippincott’s Manual of Nursing Practice Series.” By Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 07-16-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Loss and Bereavement in childbearing.” By. R. Mander. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 13(3), 128.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Nurse’s 5-Minute Clinical Consult: Procedures.” By Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 07-20-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Nurse’s 5-Minute Clinical Consult: Diagnostic Tests.” By Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 07-27-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “SkillMasters: 3-Minute Assessment.” Bu Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available at http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-24-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach,” 10th ed. By B. Hegner in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available at http://www.doody.com. Accessed 09-22-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care,” 8th ed. By B.J. Ackley & G.B. Ladwig in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 10-20-07.
Kenner, C. (2007). Review of “McGraw-Hill’s Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests.” By
D.D. Wilson in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com.
Accessed 11-23-07.
Kenner, C. (2008). Review of “Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC),” 5th ed. By G.M.
Bulechek, J.K. Butcher, & J. McCloskey Dochterman in Doody’s Review Service (on-
line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 02-01-08.
Kenner, C. (2008). Review of “Mosby’s Guide to Nursing Diagnosis”, 2nd. Ed. By G.B.
Ladwig, B.J. & Ackley in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 02-15-08.
Kenner, C. (2008). Review of “Transcultural Nursing: Assessment and Intervention”, 5th ed. By
J.N. Giger & R.E. Davidhizar in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 02-23-08.
Kenner, C. (2008). Review of “Nurse’s 3-Minute Clinical Reference”, 2nd ed. By Lippincott,
Williams, and Wilkins, in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05-17-08.
Kenner, C. (2008). Review of “Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)”, 4th ed. By S.
Moorehead, M.Johnson, M.L. Maas, & E. Swanson in Doody’s Review Service (on-
line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-21-08.
Kenner, C. (2008). Review of “Quick-E! Pock Guides: Assessment, Clinical Reference, 3rd. ed.
By M. J. Goolsby in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 09-20-08.
Kenner, C. (2008). Review of “Health Policy Issues: An Economic Perspective, 4th Ed. By P.J.
Feldstein in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com.
Accessed 11-13-08.
Kenner, C. (2008). Review of “Essential of Health Policy and Law”. By J.B. Teitelbaum in
Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 11-
Kenner, C. (2008). Review of “Involving People in Healthcare Policy and Practice”. By S.
Green in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-07-08.
Kenner, C. (2008). Review of “Rx for Healthcare Reform”. By K. Terry in Doody’s Review
Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-13-08.
Kenner, C. (2009). Review of “Worried Sick: A Prescription for Health in an Overtreated
America. By N.M. Hadler in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 1-4-09.
Kenner, C. (2009). Review of “Changing the U.S. Health Care System: Key Issues in Health
Services Policy and Management, 3rd Ed. By R.M. Andersen, T.H. Rice, & G.F.
Kominski in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 1-4-09.
Kenner, C. (2009). Review of “Policy Innovation for Health.” By I. Kickbusch in Doody’s
Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 1-16-09.
Kenner, C. (2009). Review of “Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Policy. 5th Ed By T.S.
Bodenheimer & K. Grumbach in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 1-31-09.
Kenner, C. (2009). Review of “Disease, Diagnoses, and Dollars: Facing the Ever-Expanding
Market for Medical Care. By R. M Kaplan in Doody’s Review Service (on-line).
Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 2-06-09.
Kenner, C. (2009). Review of “Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System, 2nd. Ed. By L. Shi &
D.A. Singh in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 5-22-09.
Kenner, C. (2009). Review of “Case Studies in Blobal Health Promotion: From Research to
Practice. By. C.V. Whitman & C.E. Aldinger in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 7-11-09.
Kenner, C. (2009). Review of “Losing My Patience: Why I Quit the Medical Game. By M.
Lebowitz in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody. com. Accessed 08-7-09.
Kenner, C. (2009). Review of “Encyclopedia of Health Services Research. By. R.M. Mullner
in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-
Kenner, C. (2009). Review of “The Economics of New Health Technologies: Incentives,
Organization, and Financing.” By J. Costa-Font, C. Courbage,& A. McGuire in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 09-04-09.
Kenner, C. (2009). Review of “Infectious Ideas: U.S. Political Responses to the AIDS Crisis.”
By J. Brier in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com.
Accessed 12-05-09.
Kenner, C. (2009). Review of “Principles in Health Economics and Policy.” By J.A. Olsen in
Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-11-
Kenner, C. (2010). Review of “The Practice Environment of Nursing: Issues and Trends.” By
K.A. Polifko in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 03-01-10.
Kenner, C. (2010). Review of “The Care of the Uninsured in America.” By N.J. Johnson &
L.P. Johnson in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 03-13-10.
Kenner, C. (2010). Review of “U.S. Healthcare Reform Debate 2009.” By. A.B. Anup in
Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 03-23-
Kenner, C. (2010). Review of “Risk, Safety, and Clinical Practice: Health Care Through the
Lens of Risk.” By B. Heyman, M. Shaw, A. Alaszewski, & M. Titterton in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 03-27-10.
Kenner, C. (2010). Book Review: “Critical Thinking TACTICSs for: Achieving the IOM
Competencies.” Journal of Nursing Regulation, 1(1), 64.
Kenner, C. (2010). Book Review: “Basics of the U.S. Health Care System.” By N.J. Niles in
Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-04-10.
Kenner, C. (2010). Book Review: “Health Care USA: Understanding Its Organization and
Delivery,” 7th ed. By H.A. Sultz, & K.M. Young in Doody’s Review Service (on-line).
Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-17-10.
Kenner, C. (2010). Book Review: “Tracking Medicine: A Researcher’s Quest to Understand
Health Care.” By J.E. Wennberg in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 09-17-10.
Kenner, C. (2010). Book Review: “Shaping Health Policy Through Nursing Research.” By
A.S. Hinshaw & P.A. Grady in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 10-29-10.
Kenner, C. (2010). Book Review: “Developments in Health Economics and Public Policy, Vol.
10.”. By F. Paolucci in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-17-10.
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “Problem Solving for Better Health: A Global Perspective.”
By B.H. Smith, J.J. Fitzpatrick, & P. Hoyt-Hudson in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 01-21-11.
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “The Future of Medicine: Avoiding a Medical Meltdown.”
By R. Barker in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 03-11-11.
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “Healthcare Delivery Reform and New Technologies.” By
M. Gauh in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 03-19-11.
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “Public Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Healthcare
Professionals: Advocacy and Action.” By D. M. Nickitas, D.J. Middough, & N. Aries in Journal of Nursing Regulation, 2(2), 64.
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “Patients, The Public and Priorities in Healthcare.” By P.
Littlejohns; M. Rawlins in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 04-21-11.
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “Futurescan 2011: Healthcare Trends and Implications
2011-2016.” By Health Administration Press in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05-13-11.
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “Healthcare Disparities at the Crossroads with Healthcare
Reform.” By R.A. Williams in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 05-20-11.
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “High Stakes: The Critical Role of Stakeholders in Health
Care.” By. D.A. Shore & E.D. Kupferberg in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 07-05-11.
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “The Future of Healthcare: Global Trends Worth
Watching.” By A.N. Garman, T.J. Johnson, & T.C. Royer in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 07-09-11.
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “Health Policy: Application for Nurses and Other
Healthcare Professionals.” By D.J. Porche in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 09-30-11
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach.”
By L. Shi & D.A. Singh in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 10-17-11.
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “Health Policy and Ethics: A Critical Examination of
Values from a Global Perspective. By R. Worthington & R. Rohrbaugh in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-17-11.
Kenner, C. (2011). Book Review: “Basics of the U.S. Health Care System.” By N.J. Niles in
Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-23-11.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: Health Policy and Politics: A Nurse’s Guide,” 4th ed. By
J.A. Milstead in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 01-6-12.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: Health Care at the Margins: The Safety-Net Health Care
System. By G. Almgren & T. Lindhorst in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 02-3-12.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: Great Health Care: Making it Happen. T.J. Harrigton &
E.D. Newman in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 03-2-12.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: Health Care: Advancing Educational success and Public
Health. By T. Wright & J.W. Richardson in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 03-23-12.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: Critical Issues for the Development of Sustainable E-health
Solutions. By N. Wickramasinghe, R. Bali, R. Suomi, & S. Kirn in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 04-21-12.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: Essential Lessons for the Success of Telehomecare: Why It
is not Plug and Play. By A.P. Glascock & D.M. Kutzik in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 04-21-12.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: Essential Public Health. By J.B. Teitelbaum & S.E.
Wilensky in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-07-12.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: Futurescan 2012: Healthcare Trends and Implications 2012-
2017. By Health Administration Press in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-15-12.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, 6th ed.
By T. Bodenheimer in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-22-12.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: United States Health Care Policymaking: Ideological, Social
and Cultural Differences and Major Influences. By S.E. Ubokudom in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-29-12.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, 2nd.ed. By C. Holtz
in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-19-12.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: World Health Systems: Challenges and Perspectives, 2nd. Ed.
By B.L.. Fried & L.M. Gaydos in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 10-12-12.
Kenner, C. (2012). Book Review: The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and
Population Analysis, v. 13. By L.G. Pol & R.K. Thomas in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 10-21-12.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Global Health Systems: Comparing Strategies for Delivering
Health Services. By M. Lovett-Scott & P. Faith in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 01-04-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Jonas’ Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System, 7th ed.
By R.L. Goldsteen & K. Goldsteen in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 02-01-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: The Quest for Health Reform: A Satirical History. By G.C.
Benjamin, T.M. Brown, S. Ladwig, & E. Berkman in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 02-17-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Mobility of Health professionals: Health Systems, Work
Conditions, Patterns of Health Workers’ Mobility and Implications for Policy Makers.
By F. Tjadens, C. Weilandt, & J. Eckert in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 03-08-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Health Care Reform and American Politics: What Everyone
Needs to Know, Revised and Expanded Edition. By L.R. Jacobs, & T. Skocpol in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 04-05-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Understanding and Using Health Experiences: Improving
Patient Care. By. S. Ziebland, A. Coulter, J.D. Calabresee, & L. Locock in Doody’s
Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-14-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Operations Research and Health Care Policy. By G.S. Zaric
in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 06-22-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Integrating Health Impact Assessment with the Policy
Process: Lessons and Experiences from Around the World. By M. O’Mullane in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-09-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Interest Groups and Health Care Reform Across the United
States. By V. Gray, D. Lowery, & J.K. Benz in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-16-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Evidence for Health: From Patient Choice to Global Policy.
By A. Andermann in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-23-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Comparative Effectiveness Research: Evidence, Medicine,
and Policy. By C.M. Ashton, & H.P. Wray in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-30-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Introduction to Health Policy: A Primer for Physicians and
medical Students. By M.K. Sethi & W.H. Frist in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 10-19-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Introduction to Health Policy. By L. Shi in Doody’s Review
Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 10-25-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Advancing the Human Right to Health. By J.M. Zuniga, S.P.
Marks, & L.O. Gostin in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 11-01-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Research Perspectives on the Role of Informatics in Health
Policy and Management. By C. El Morr in Doody’s Review Service (on-line).
Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed. 11-09-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: The Affordable Care Act as a National Experiment: Health
Policy Innovations and Lessons. By H.P. Selker & J.S. Wasser in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-07-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: Variations in Health Care Spending: Target Decision
Making, Not Geography. By Institute of Medicine in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-15-13.
Kenner, C. (2013). Book Review: The Learning Health System Series. By Institute of
Medicine (IOM) in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 12-23-13.
Kenner, C. (2014). Book Review: Assessment of Population Health Risks of Policies. By
G.Gulis, O. Mekel, B. Adam, & L. Cori in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 01-10-14.
Kenner, C. (2014). Book Review: Mother of Invention: How the Government Created “Free-
Market” Health Care. By R.I. Field in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 01-17-14.
Kenner, C. (2014). Book Review: Decentralizing Health Services: A Global Perspective. By
K. Regmi in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com.
Accessed 01-31-14.
Kenner, C. (2014). Book Review: Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing: Impact and
Implications. By K.A. Goudreau & M.C. Smolenski in Doody’s Review Service (on-
line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 02-15-14.
Kenner, C. (2014). Book Review: Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for
Evidence-Based Practice. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 5(1), 60.
Kenner, C. (2014). Book Review: Health IT as a Tool for Prevention in Public Health
Policies. By D.S. Sridhar in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 04-25-14.
Kenner, C. (2014). Book Review: Population Health Implications of the Affordable Care Act:
Worshop Summary. By the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in Doody’s Review Service
(on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-15-14.
Kenner, C. (2014). Book Review: Health Policy Analysis: Framework and Tools for Success.
By J.W. Seavey, S.A. Aytur, & R.J. McGrath in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available: http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-22-14.
Kenner, C. (2014). Book Review: Health Inequalities and People with Intellectual Disabilities.
By E. Emerson in Doody’s Review Service (on-line). Available:
http://www.doody.com. Accessed 08-29-14.
“The G.I. Assessment”, presentation for the Core Curriculum for Critical Care Nurses,
Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 30, 1984. C. Kenner
“Child Care: An Alternative Experience”, poster presented at the A.C.C.H. National
Convention, Marriott Copley, Boston, Mass., May 26-30, 1985. C. Kenner.
“Innovative Strategies To Combat D.R.G.’s In The Neonatal Population”, a poster
presented at the N.A.A.C.O.G. National Convention, Hilton Towers, New Orleans,
Louisiana, June 2-6, 1985. C. Kenner.
“How to Develop a Nursing Protocol”, presentation for the parent-child graduate class at
the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health, April, 1986. C. Kenner.
“Interhospital Perinatal Specialist: A Cost Effective Idea”, paper presented at High Risk
Perinatal Council Meeting, A.N.A. Convention, Disneyland, California, June, 1986. C.
“A CAI on Congenital Heart Defects”, poster presented at Nursing Informatics
Symposium, sponsored by The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, March, 1987. C.
“The Effects of a Discharge Booklet As a Debriefing Tool on Post-Hospitalization
Behavior of 3 to 6 Year Olds”, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA., May, 1987. C.
“Promotion of Family Centered Care in the NICU: A Holistic Cultural Approach”, poster
presented at the Association for the Care of Children’s Health International Meeting in
Halifax, Nova Scotia in May, 1987. C. Kenner.
“Interhospital Perinatal Specialist: An Expanded Horizon in Perinatal Care”, poster
presented at the Sixth National Meeting, NAACOG, Phoenix, Arizona, June, 1987. C.
“Promotion of Family Centered Care in the NICU: A Holistic Cultural Approach”, poster
presented at the Sixth National Meeting, NAACOG, Phoenix, Arizona, June, 1987. C.
“Promotion of Family Centered Care in the NICU: A Holistic Cultural Approach Through
International Networking”, poster presented at Sigma Theta Tau International Research
Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, July, 1987. C. Kenner.
“Qualitative Research”, Nursing Research Committee, Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio, February 18,1988. C. Kenner.
“Application of Hadley’s Concept of a Theory to a Dissertation”, presentation for the Theoretical
Bases graduate class, University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing and
Health, June and November, 1988. C. Kenner.
“Promotion of the Old Art of Breastfeeding in the New High-Tech Environment of the
Newborn Intensive Care Unit”, symposium presented at the 23rd. Annual Association
for the Care of Children’s Health National Conference , Cleveland, Ohio, June, 1988. C.
“Congenital Heart Disease-C.A. I.-Effectiveness as a Teaching Strategy”, 3rd International
Conference on Computers in Nursing, Dublin, Ireland, June, 1988. C. Kenner.
“Promotion of the Old Art of Breastfeeding in the New High-Tech Environment of the
Newborn Intensive Care Unit”, paper/poster presented at the International Conference
on Human Lactation, Nursing Mothers’ Association of Australia, Nunawading,
Victoria, Australia, August, 1988. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition”, paper presented at the Fourth Annual National Meeting of the National
Association of Neonatal Nurses, Chicago, Illinois, September, 1988. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition: From the NICU to Home”, poster presented at the National Perinatal
Association Meeting, San Diego, California, October, 1988. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition”, paper presented at the Ohio Section Meeting, NAACOG, Kings Island
Inn, Kings Island, Ohio, October, 1988. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, paper presented at the
1988 Nursing Research Symposium-VII, Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus,
Ohio, November, 1988. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, paper
presented at Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov., 1988, Feb., 1989. C.
“Parent Transition from the NICU to Home”, paper presented at University of South
Florida and Sigma Theta Tau, Delta Beta Chapter’s Eight Annual Research Conference,
Tampa, Florida, February, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, poster presented at
the 1989 MCN Conference, San Diego, Calif., March, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, paper presented at the
1989 MNRS Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, April, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, paper presented at the
Seventh National NAACOG Conference, St. Louis, Mo., April, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home” , paper presented at
the Third Annual Loyola Nursing Research Colloquium, Chicago, Ill., April 14, 1989. C.
“How to Prepare a Grant”, class for the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing and
Health RN students, Cincinnati, Ohio, April, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the NICU to Home”, poster to be presented at the 24th Annual
Association for the Care of Children’s Health-National Meeting, Anaheim, California,
May, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the NICU to Home”, poster presented at the Good Samaritan
Hospital Research Day: “Building Foundations for Tomorrow”, Cinti, OH, May, 1989. C.
“Promotion of the Old Art of Breastfeeding in the New High-Tech Environment of the
Newborn Intensive Care Unit”, paper presented at the Good Samaritan Hospital
Research Day: “Building Foundations for Tomorrow”, Cincinnati, Ohio, May, 1989. C.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, paper presented at the
19th Quadrennial Congress International Council of Nurses, Seoul, Korea, May, 1989. C.
“Promotion of the Old Art of Breastfeeding in the New High-Tech Environment of the
Newborn Intensive Care Unit”, paper presented at the 19th Quadrennial Congress
International Council of Nurses, Seoul, Korea, May, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, paper presented at the 1988
Sigma Theta Tau International Research Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, June, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Promotion of the Old Art of Breastfeeding in the New High-Tech Environment of the
Newborn Intensive Care Unit”, poster presented at the 1989 Sigma Theta Tau
International Research Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, June, 1989. C. Kenner.
“The Effects of a Discharge Booklet As a Debriefing Tool on Post-Hospitalization
Behavior of 3 to 6 Year Olds”, poster presented at the 1989 Sigma Theta Tau
International Research Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, June, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, paper accepted for
presentation at the 1989 ANA Research Conference, Chicago, Illinois, Sept.,1989. C.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, paper accepted for
presentation at the 14th International Symposium on Neonatal Intensive Care, Casino of
Sanremo, Italy, September, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, paper presented at the
NAACOG Central Ohio Chapter Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, October 24, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Promotion of the Old Art of Breastfeeding in the NICU”, paper accepted for presentation
at the 1989 Nursing Research Symposium VIII, Riverside Methodist Hospitals,
Columbus, Ohio, October, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, paper presented at
4th Annual Nursing Research Conference, University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago,
Ill., November, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Role of the IRB in the Research Process”, invited speaker at Beta Iota Chapter, Sigma
Theta Tau Research Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, December, 1989. C. Kenner.
“Genetics in Practice”, invited speaker at “Nursing Programs in Genetics Now and in the
Future: A Forum for Discussion”, funded by Department of Health and Human
Services, Maternal Child Health Division and National Foundation March of Dimes,
Vernon Manor Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio, December, 1989. C. Kenner.
“NICU Follow Up: An Intervention Strategy”, poster presented at the 1990: The Dawn
of a New Decade for Nursing, National MCN Convention, Orlando, Florida, March 18-
21, 1990. C. Kenner.
“Nursing Management of the Micropremie”, invited speaker at West Virginia Medical
Center, Charleston, West Virginia, April 27, 1990. C. Kenner.
“Transition Home”, invited speaker West Virginia Medical Center, Charleston, West
Virginia, April 27, 1990. C. Kenner.
“Transition from the NICU to Home”, paper presented at Good Samaritan Hospital School
of Nursing Research Day, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 18, 1990, Gail Bagwell presented
“Genetic Risks and Other Hazards for the NICU Nurse”, invited speaker at National
Association of Neonatal Nurses Regional Clinical Update “Infants at Risk”, Cincinnati,
Ohio, May 20, 1990. C. Kenner.
“Transition from the NICU to Home”, poster presented at National Pediatric Conference,
Taking Pediatric Nursing into the Next Decade: Education, Research and Practice in the
90’s, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Nursing, Madison, Wisconsin,
June 27-30, 1990. C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home”, invited speaker at Greater Cincinnati Chapter
Association of Neonatal Nurses, The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 19, 1990.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, poster presented
at the Parent Care National Conference “Parent Care…Facing Tomorrow Together,
Washington DC, September 6-8, 1990. C. Kenner.
“Writing for Publication”, invited speaker at District V NAACOG Conference “The
Future is Now”, Hyatt Regency, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 27-29, 1990. C. Kenner.
“Grant Writing”, invited speaker at District V NAACOG Conference “The Future is
Now”, Hyatt Regency, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 27-29, 1990. C. Kenner.
“Occupational Exposure to Ribavirin Aerosol in US Pediatric Hospitals”, C. Prows, L.
Shortridge, C. Kenner, G. LeMasters, paper accepted for presentation at the 118th
Annual Meeting, APHA, New York, New York, October, 1990.
“Writing for Publication”, Nursing In-service, Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio, October, 1990. C. Kenner.
“Transition to Home”, Seminar, Parent Support Group, Children’s Hospital Medical
Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, November, 1990. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, paper
presented at the 4th International Congress on Women’s Health Issues, Massey
University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, November 15-19, 1990. C. Kenner.
“Promotion of the Old Art of Breastfeeding in the NICU”, poster presented
at the 4th International Congress on Women’s Health Issues, Massey University,
Palmerston North, New Zealand, November 15-19, 1990. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition From the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home”, paper
presented at the Qualitative Health Research Conference, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, February 22-23, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Gastrointestinal Detours: Maximizing Nutrition in A Round-about Way”, invited speaker
at NANN Clinical Update, Denver, Colorado, March 7-10, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Surgical Treatment of Feeding Disorders”, invited speaker at NANN Clinical Update,
Denver, Colorado, March 7-10, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Nurses’/Parents’ Family-Centered Care Attitudes”. C. Kenner Co-investigator with Gretchen
Vaughn, RN, MSN, Ann Brueggemeyer, RN, MSN, and Parent Involvement Group,
Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, accepted for poster presentation
Society of Pediatric Nursing, Washington DC, March, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Alternative Training for Genetics Professionals”, invited speaker, Region IV 1991 Annual
NSGC Educational Conference, Marriott Pavilion Hotel, St. Louis, MO., April, 1991. C.
“Transition to Home”, poster presented at the 1991 MCN Convention “Forging
Connections”, in New Orleans, LA, March 6-9, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Transition to Home”, paper presented at the Childbearing Related Research Section
Symposium, Childbearing Research with Vulnerable Populations, at the 1991 MNRS Annual Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, April, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home for Mothers and Babies from a Level II Nursery”,
paper presented at the Ninth Annual Research Conference, Beta Iota Chapter, Sigma
Theta Tau, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 22, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Overwhelming Sepsis in the Neonate”, invited speaker at the Good Samaritan
Hospital’s Conference “Critical Care-Perinatal Nursing”, Springdale, Ohio, May, 1991. C.
“Collaborative Research”, invited speaker, Inland Empire Perinatal Center Conference,
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, July 31, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Transfer of the NICU Infant From Hospital To Home”, invited speaker, Inland Empire
Perinatal Center Conference, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, August 1-2, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Developmental Support of the Very Low Birth Weight Infant”, invited speaker with Lisa
Spangler, Inland Empire Perinatal Center Conference, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, August 1-2,
1991. C. Kenner.
“GI Dysfunction in the Neonate”, invited speaker for the workshop session at the Sixth
Annual Perinatal Symposium/1991 Texas Section NAACOG Conference “Cradles to
Careers: Caring for the Family”, Lubbock, Texas, August 17, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from NICU to Home”, poster accepted at Fourth International
Intensive Care Nursing Conference in Vienna, Austria, August 19-23, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Transition to Home”, paper presented at International Nursing Conference “Good
Nursing Care”, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, August 21-23, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Transition to Home”, poster to be presented at the 1991 American Nurses Association
Council of Nurse Researchers Conference, Nursing Research: Global Health
Perspectives”, in Los Angeles, CA., October 23, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home For Mothers and Babies”, Judi Hostiuck, Ann Flandermeyer,
Mary Ellen Spaite, & C. Kenner, poster presented at the 1991 District V NAACOG
Conference, Marriott Griffin Gate Resort, Lexington, Ky, October 14, 1991, presented by
Judi Hostiuck.
“Genetics Education in Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing Programs”, invited speaker
at the Networking Session at the International Society of Nurses in Genetics
Conference, Washington DC, October 6, 1991. C. Kenner.
“What’s New In Neonatal Nursing?”, AHI Workshop Speaker, Congress Inn, Chicago, IL,
October 18,1991. C. Kenner.
“The Caregiver in the NICU”, invited speaker, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio,
November, 1991. C. Kenner.
“Neonatal Assessment”, in-service, United Home Care, Cincinnati, Ohio, November, 1991.
“Nurses’/Parents’ Family-Centered Care Attitudes”. C. Kenner Co-investigator with Gretchen
Vaughn, RN, MSN, Ann Brueggemeyer, RN, MSN, and Parent Involvement Group,
Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, poster presentation
University of South Florida, Third Annual Research Conference, Tampa, Florida,
December,1991, presented by Lisa Spangler. C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home For Mothers and Babies, J. Hostiuck, A. Flandermeyer,
M.E. Spaite, L.P. Gunderson, B.J. Hadley, L. Spangler, & C. Kenner, poster presented at
University of South Florida, Third Annual Research Conference, Tampa, Florida, December,
1991, presented by Lisa Spangler.
“Environmental Hazards Affecting MCH”, invited speaker at the MCN National
Conference, Empowering the Nurse…Empowering Nursing”, Atlanta, GA, March 4,
1992. C. Kenner.
“Designer Bugs: New Problems in Infection Control for Neonates”, invited speaker at
MCN National Conference, Empowering the Nurse…Empowering Nursing”, Atlanta,
GA, March 4, 1992. C. Kenner Co-presenting with Judy Wright Lott.
“Transition from Hospital to Home”, poster accepted for Parent Care, Inc. 8th National
Conference “Building Bridges Through Understanding: A Conference for Families and
Caregivers”, New Orleans, LA, March, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Normal Newborn Care and What to Expect When the Baby Comes Home”, four classes for
pregnant teens in the GRADS Program at Colerain and Northwest High Schools, March 24,
1992. C. Kenner.
CAPP Review Course for the Certification in Neonatal Intensive Care, St. Luke’s Hospital
Women’s Center, Fort Thomas, Kentucky, March 18, 19, & 20, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Overwhelming Sepsis in the Neonate: Invited speaker at Neonatal Conference, Hurley Medical
Center, Flint, Michigan, April 8, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Meeting the Nutritional Needs of the Very Low Birth Weight Infant: Paradox of Increased
Demand and Decreased Tolerance”, paper accepted for the 11th International Congress of
Dietetics, “Nutrition and Dietetics: The Paradox of Plenty”, Jerusalem, Israel, March, 1992.
C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home for Substance Abusing Mother-Infant Dyad”, invited
speaker at “Women and Substance Abuse: Current Issues and Treatment Approaches”,
Cincinnati, Ohio, May 15, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home” paper presented (by L.Spangler & T. Kleeman) for Seventh
Annual Medical College of Ohio School of Nursing and Sigma Theta Tau International Zeta Theta Chapter Research Day, May, 1992, Toledo, Ohio. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition from NICU to Home”, poster presented at AACN Teaching Institute, in
New Orleans, LA., May, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Normal Newborn Care and What to Expect When the Baby Comes Home”, class for
pregnant teens in the GRADS Program at Batavia High Schools, May 19, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Stress in Pregnancy” Babies and You Program, speaker for March of Dimes, at Procter and
Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio, May, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home for Substance Abusing Mother-Infant Dyad”, poster
presented at OSAP National Conference, Washington DC, July, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Designer Bugs”, invited speaker with J. Lott at University of West Virginia Clinical Update,
Morgantown, W. VA, July, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home”, invited speaker at University of West Virginia Clinical
Update, Morgantown, W. VA, July, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Advanced Neonatal Nursing: High Acuity Neonate”, all day workshop, invited speaker, AHI
Workshop Speaker, Atlantic City; Garden City, Long Island, New York; Indianapolis;
Chicago; Baltimore; Pittsburgh; Cleveland; New York City, Fall, Winter 1992-93. C.
“Nurses and Doulas: Working Together to Promote Family and Newborn Health
Second Annual Clinical Nurse Specialist Conference: Clinical Nurse Specialist as Revenue
Generator, paper accepted at Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio, October, 1992. C.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Issues for Parents”, invited speaker, Developmental
Conference, Contemporary Forums, Chicago, October, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Impact of the Environment in the Neonatal ICU on Parents”, invited speaker, Developmental
Conference, Contemporary Forums, Chicago, October, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Designer Bugs: New Problems in Infection Control in Neonates”, invited speaker, 17th Annual
Perinatal Medicine Symposium, Evangelical Health Systems Christ Hospital and Medical
Center Perinatal Center, Oak Lawn, IL, November, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Environmental Hazards Affecting the Maternal-Child Health Nurse”, 17th Annual Perinatal
Medicine Symposium, Evangelical Health Systems Christ Hospital and Medical Center
Perinatal Center, Oak Lawn, IL, November, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Nurses’/Parents’ Family-Centered Care Attitudes”. C. Kenner Co-investigator with Gretchen
Vaughn, RN, MSN, Ann Brueggemeyer, RN, MSN, and Parent Involvement Group,
Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, paper accepted for Children’s Hospital
Medical Center’s Nursing Research Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, November, 1992.
(presented by G. Vaughn).
CAPP Review Course for the Certification in Neonatal Intensive Care, St. Luke’s Hospital
Women’s Center, Blue Ash, Ohio, August 20, 21, & 27, 1992. C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home”, poster presented for “19th Annual Patient Care Research
Colloquium”, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, November, 1992 (presented by
Kathy Spiering, RN, BSN). C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home”, paper presented for Children’s Hospital Medical Center’s
Nursing Research Conference “Pediatric Nursing Research: Making it Happen”, Cincinnati,
Ohio, November, 1992 (presented by A.Flandermeyer & J.Hostiuck). C. Kenner.
Nursing Grand Rounds, invited speaker “Advanced Nursing Practice Roles: Options and
Possibilities”, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, November, 1992. C.
Nursing Grand Rounds, invited speaker “Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and
Intervention”, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, December, 1992. C.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, presentation to graduate students
in High Risk Childbearing Families, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Jan., 1993.
C. Kenner.
“Prenatal Care”, March of Dimes, Babies and You Program, Milford High School, February 12,
1993. C. Kenner.
“Infants with GI Anomalies”, invited speaker at the Pacific Northwest Association of Neonatal
Nurses Conference “Neonatal Care: Creative Approaches for the Smallest of Reasons”,
Hyatt Regency, Bellevue, WA, March 5th, 6th, and 7th, 1993, C. Kenner co-presented with
J.W. Lott.
“Nurturing the Parent in the NICU”, invited speaker at the Pacific Northwest Association of
Neonatal Nurses Conference “Neonatal Care: Creative Approaches for the Smallest of
Reasons”, Hyatt Regency, Bellevue, WA, March 5th, 6th, and 7th, 1993. C. Kenner.
“Designer Bugs”, invited speaker at the Pacific Northwest Association of Neonatal
Nurses Conference “Neonatal Care: Creative Approaches for the Smallest of Reasons”,
Hyatt Regency, Bellevue, WA, March 5th, 6th, and 7th, 1993, C. Kenner co-presented with
J.W. Lott.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument for Home”,
paper accepted for presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau-Delta Gamma Chapter and
Marquette University College of Nursing conference, Annual Nursing Research Conference,
Milwaukee, WI, March 16, 1993. (Presented by G. Bagwell). C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument for Home
Visits”, paper accepted for presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau conference, “Nursing
Research: Making a Positive Difference in Health Care”, sponsored by Beta Eta Chapter of
Sigma Theta Tau, Holiday Inn-West, Madison, Wisconsin, March 19, 1993 (C. Kenner co-
Authors: M.E. Spaite, A. Flandermeyer, J. Hostiuck, G.Bagwell). Presented by
G. Bagwell.
“Transition to Home: A Transcultural Comparison”, paper presented at the Fifth International
Research Symposium on the Clinical Care of the Child and Family, Montreal, Quebec, March, 1993 (Presented by E. McKim, co-authors A. Flandermeyer, C. Kenner).
“Feeding the Low Birth Weight Infant”, invited speaker, Mount Carmel Medical Center,
Columbus, Ohio, April, 1993. C. Kenner.
“Transition to Home: Maternal Perceptions”, paper accepted for “NAACOG’s Tenth National
Meeting “Challenges Beyond Limits”, Reno, Nevada, June 6-10, 1993. C. Kenner
“Transition to Home: A Concurrent Validity Study”, paper accepted for “NAACOG’s Tenth
National Meeting “Challenges Beyond Limits”, Reno, Nevada, June 6-10, 1993. Presented
by J. Hostiuck & L. Spangler. C. Kenner.
“Transition From Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument for Home
Visits”, Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society’s International Research Congress,
Madrid, Spain, June, 1993 (co-authors: Lisa Spangler, Mary Ellen Spaite, Ann
Flandermeyer, Judi Hostiuck). Presented by Patricia Darling Thornburg & C. Kenner.
“Transition From Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument for Home
Visits”, Fourth International Scientific Nursing Congress on “Ethical Issues of Health Care:
Implications for Education, Practice, and Research”, University of Alexandria, Alexandria,
Egypt, June, 1993 (co-authors: L. Spangler, M.E. Spaite, A.Flandermeyer, J.
Hostiuck). Presented by P. Darling Thornburg & C. Kenner.
“Designer Bugs”, invited speaker, CE’s at Sea: The First Neonatal Cruise, July, 1993.
“Hazards in the NICU”, invited speaker, CE’s at Sea: The First Neonatal Cruise, July, 1993.
“Transition to Home”, invited speaker, CE’s at Sea: The First Neonatal Cruise, July, 1993.
“Transition from Hospital to Home for Mothers and Babies”, National Association of Neonatal
Nurses Ninth National Meeting, Orlando, Florida, Walt Disney World Dolphin, September,
1993. C. Kenner. Co-presentation with K. Spiering, A. Flandermeyer, P. Darling Thornburg, L. Spangler, & U. Kotagal.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of an Assessment Instrument for Home Visits”,
poster accepted for presentation at the First International Conference on Community Health
Nursing Research, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, September 27, 1993. C. Kenner.
“What’s Hot and What’s Not in Neonatal Care”, Greater Cincinnati Area Association of Neonatal
Nurses Meeting, invited co-speaker with J. Wright Lott, RNC, DSN, NNP, Cincinnati,
Ohio, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, September 16, 1993. C. Kenner.
“Organizational Meeting of Louisville Chapter, NANN, invited speaker, Kentuckiana
Association of Neonatal Nurses Chapter, Louisville, Kentucky, November 18, 1993. C.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of Maternal Assessment Instrument”, paper
presented at the VLBW Conference in Salt Lake City, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
February, 1994. Presented by C. Kenner. Co-presenters are: A. Flandermeyer, RNC,
MSN, L. Spangler, RN, MSN, K. Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP, U.Kotagal, MD,
P. Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of Maternal Assessment Instrument”, paper
presented at the Nursing Research: For Novice and Expert, Texas Woman’s
University, Houston, Texas, February, 1994. Presented by C. Kenner. Co-presenters are:
A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN, L. Spangler, RN, MSN, K. Spiering, RN, MSN,
NNP, U. Kotagal, MD, P. Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN.
“Smoking, Drinking, & Drugs”, March of Dimes Program “Babies and You”, GRADS Class,
Clark Academy, Cincinnati, Ohio, February 25, 1994. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Stress and Pregnancy”, March of Dimes Program “Babies and You”, Great American Insurance
Company, Blue Ash, Ohio, March 3, 1994. Presented by C. Kenner.
Focus on 48 “Crack Cocaine and FAS”, Channel 48 TV. C. Kenner
“Designer Bugs”, invited speaker, NANN Hawaii Clinical Update, “Therapeutic Interventions in
Neonatal Sepsis,” Honolulu, Hawaii, March, 1994. C. Kenner.
“New Treatment Modalities for Neonatal Sepsis”, invited speaker, NANN Hawaii Clinical
Update, “Therapeutic Interventions in Neonatal Sepsis”, Honolulu, Hawaii, March, 1994. C.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of Maternal Assessment Instrument”, paper
presented at the 1994 National Conference on Primary Health Care for the
Underserved, March 12, 1994. Co-presenters are: C. Kenner, RNC, DNS, A.
Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN, L. Spangler, RN, MSN, K. Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP,
U. Kotagal, MD, P. Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, paper presented at the
1994 National Conference on Primary Health Care for the Underserved, March 12, 1994.
Co-presenters are: J. Dyehouse, Ph.D., RN, P. Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN;
A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN; C. Hetteberg, RN, MSN; J. Hill, RN, MSN; R.
Osterman, RNC, MSN; U. Kotagal, MD; P. Handel, RN, MSN; T. Siddiqi, MD;
C. Kenner, RNC, DNS. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument”, paper
accepted for presentation at the Mu Epsilon Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau Second Annual
Research Day, March 25, 1994. C. Kenner. Co-presenters: A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN,
L. Spangler, K. Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP, U. Kotagal, MD, P. Thornburg,
Ph.D., RN. Presented by L. Spanger, RN, MSN.
“Outcomes of Low Birthweight Infants”, invited speaker at the 21st Annual Newborn Day, West
Virginia University, Charleston Division, Charleston, West Virginia, March 25, 1994, Co-
presented with C.Hetterberg. C. Kenner.
“Transition From Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument”, poster
presentation, “1994 Verhonick/Critical Care Conference, Nursing Research: Directing the
Future of Critical Care”, Charlottesville, VA, University of Virginia School of Nursing,
April, 1994. C. Kenner. Co-presenters are: A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN;
L. Spangler, RN, MSN; K. Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP; U. Kotagal, MD; C.
Deets, Ed.D., RN; P. Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN; C. Kenner, RNC, DNS.
“Mentoring Through Research”, invited speaker, Beta Iota Chapter Sigma Theta Tau,
Cincinnati, Ohio. C. Kenner. Co-presenters: C. Hetteberg and S. Amlung.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, Symposium on Substance
Abuse/Addictions at Midwest Nursing Research Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April,
1993. C. Kenner. Co-presenters are: J. Dyehouse, Ph.D., RN, P. Darling Thornburg,
Ph.D., RN; A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN; C. Hetteberg, RN, MSN; J. Hill, RN,
MSN; R. Osterman, RNC, MSN; U. Kotagal, MD; P. Handel, RN, MSN; T.
Siddiqi, MD; Presented by Drs. Kenner & Thornburg.
“Transition from Hospital to Home”, accepted for poster presentation at the Stewart Conference
Research Day, Nursing Education Alumni Association, Teachers College Columbia
University, New York, New York, April 15, 1994. Co-presenters are: A. Flandermeyer,
RNC, MSN; L. Spangler, RN, MSN; K. Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP;
U. Kotagal, MD; C. Deets, Ed.D., RN; P. Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN; C.
Kenner, RNC, DNS.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, Psychology Class for Masters’
in Education students at Xavier University, April 18, 1994. Co-presented by C. Hetteberg
and C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument”, presented as
a poster presentation at the Fifth Annual Regional Perinatal Nursing Conference, Cincinnati,
Ohio, April 22, 1994. C. Kenner. Co-presenters: A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN, L.
Spangler, K. Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP, U. Kotagal, MD, P. Thornburg, Ph.D.,
RN. Presented by A. Flandermeyer.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, presented at a poster presentation
at the Fifth Annual Regional Perinatal Nursing Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 22,
1994. C. Kenner. Co-presenters are: J. Dyehouse, Ph.D., RN, Pat Darling Thornburg,
Ph.D., RN; A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN; C.Hetteberg, RN, MSN; J. Hill, RN,
MSN; R. Osterman, RNC, MSN; U. Kotagal, MD; P. Handel, RN, MSN; T. Siddiqi, MD.
Presented by A. Flandermeyer
“Transition from Hospital to Home”, accepted for paper presentation at the Third International
Middle East Nursing Conference, April 24-25, 1994, in Irbid, Jordan. Co-presenters are:
A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN; L. Spangler, RN, MSN; K. Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP; U.
Kotagal, MD; C.Deets, Ed.D., RN; P. Darling Thornburg, Ph.D.,
RN; C. Kenner, RNC, DNS. Presented by Dr. Thornburg.
“Nursing Challenges in the Care of the Very or Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant (<1,000
grams). 1994 Pre-NTI Conference of the AACN “National Critical Care Conference”,
invited speaker, May 8, 1994, Atlanta, GA. C. Kenner.
“Ethical Challenges in neonatal and Pediatric Critical Care”. 1994 Pre-NTI Conference of the
AACN “National Critical Care Conference”, invited speaker, May 8, 1994, Atlanta, GA. C.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, poster accepted for presentation at
the 9th Annual National Parent Care 1994 Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, May, 1994. C.
Co-presenters are: J. Dyehouse, Ph.D., RN, P. Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN;
A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN; C.Hetteberg, RN, MSN; J. Hill, RN, MSN; R.
Osterman, RNC, MSN; U. Kotagal, MD; P. Handel, RN, MSN; T. Siddiqi, MD;
C. Kenner, RNC, DNS. Presented by Dr. Thornburg.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: A New Clinical Challenge for Family Nurses”, accepted for
poster presentation at the Third International Family Nursing Conference in Montreal
Quebec, Canada, May, 1994. Co-presenters are: A.Flandermeyer, L. Spangler, RN,
MSN; K. Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP; U. Kotagal, MD; C. Deets, Ed.D., RN; P.
Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN; C. Kenner, RNC, DNS.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument”, paper
accepted for presentation at the 9th Annual National Parent Care 1994 Conference, Salt
Lake City, Utah, May, 1994. Co-presenters are: A.Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN; L. Spangler,
RN, MSN; K. Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP; U. Kotagal, MD; C. Deets, Ed.D., RN; P.Darling
Thornburg, Ph.D., RN; C. Kenner, RNC, DNS. Presented by Dr. Thornburg.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument”
paper presentation at the Fifth Annual Research Day at Southern Illinois University at
Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL, June, 1994. Co-presenters are: Ann Flandermeyer, RNC,
MSN, Lisa Spangler, Kathy Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP, Uma Kotagal, MD, Patricia
Thornburg, Ph.D., RN. Presented by C. Kenner and A. Flandermeyer.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument” accepted for
paper presentation at the COGNN’S Fifth National Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June,
1994. Co-presenters are: L. Spangler, RN, MSN; K. Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP; U.
Kotagal, MD; C. Deets, Ed.D., RN; P.Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN; C. Kenner, RNC,
DNS. Presented by A. Flandermeyer.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention” accepted for paper presentation at the
COGNN’S Fifth National Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June, 1994. Co-presenters are:
J. Dyehouse, Ph.D., RN, P. Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN; C. Hetteberg, RN,
MSN; Janice Hill, RN, MSN; Robin Osterman, RNC, MSN; U. Kotagal, MD; P. Handel,
RN, MSN; T. Siddiqi, MD; C. Kenner, RNC, DNS. Presented by A. Flandermeyer.
“Transition from Hospital to Home-A New Clinical Challenge” accepted for poster presentation
at the COGNN’S Fifth National Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June, 1994. Co-
presenters are: L. Spangler, RN, MSN; K. Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP; U. Kotagal,
MD; C. Deets, Ed.D., RN; P.Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN; C. Kenner, RNC, DNS.
Presented by A. Flandermeyer.
“Developmental Care of the High-Risk Neonate”-respondent to research at AWHONN’s 1994
Annual Meeting “Bridge to the Future”, June 29, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio. Invited Speaker.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument” accepted for
paper presentation at the 7th Biennial Conference in Oslo, Norway, July 3-6, 1994. Co-
presenters are: C. Kenner, RNC, DNS, A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN, L. Spangler,
RN, MSN, K. Spiering, RN, MSN, NNP, U. Kotagal, MD, P. Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN.
Presented by C. Deets, Ed.D., RN.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument” accepted for
paper presentation at the 1994 National Conference on Family Violence: Research and
Practice, on July 14-16, 1994, Omaha, Nebraska. Co-presenters are: C. Kenner, RNC,
DNS, A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN, L. Spangler, RN, MSN, K. Spiering, RN,
MSN, NNP, U. Kotagal, MD, P. Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN. Presented by
T. Kleeman, RN, MSN, NNP.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention” accepted for paper presentation at the
1994 National Conference on Family Violence: Research and Practice, on July 14-16, 1994,
Omaha, Nebraska. Co-presenters are: J. Dyehouse, Ph.D., RN, P. Darling Thornburg,
Ph.D., RN; A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN; Carol Hetteberg, RN, MSN; J. Hill, RN,
MSN; R. Osterman, RNC, MSN; U. Kotagal, MD; P. Handel, RN, MSN; T. Siddiqi, MD; C.
Kenner, RNC, DNS. Presented by T. Kleeman, RN, MSN, NNP.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, poster accepted for presentation at
the ResourceLink 3, Third National Conference sponsored by the CSAP National Resource
Center for the Prevention of Perinatal Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs., Washington, DC,
July 19, 1994. C. Kenner. Presented by J. Dyehouse, Ph.D., RN.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, accepted for paper presentation
at the Seventh International Research Congress, Sigma Theta Tau International, Sydney
Australia, July 11-13, 1994. Co-presenters are: J. Dyehouse, Ph.D., RN, P. Darling
Thornburg, Ph.D., RN; A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN; C. Hetteberg, RN, MSN; J.
Hill, RN, MSN; R. Osterman, RNC, MSN; U. Kotagal, MD; P. Handel, RN, MSN;
T. Siddiqi, MD; C. Kenner, RNC, DNS. Presented by P. Thornburg.
“New Directions: Traditions vs. Research in Perinatal/Neonatal Practice”, Keynote address for
“Research in Women’s Health & Perinatal Nursing”, University of Washington School of
Nursing, Seattle, Washington, July 14-15, 1994. C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, invited speaker at the Rogue Valley
Medical Center’s 19th Annual Perinatal Seminar on July 21-22, 1994, Medford, Oregon.
“Transition to Home”, invited speaker at the Rogue Valley Medical Center’s 19th Annual
Perinatal Seminar on July 21-22, 1994, Medford, Oregon. C. Kenner.
“Developing An Early Discharge Follow-Up Program”, invited speaker at the Rogue Valley
Medical Center’s 19th Annual Perinatal Seminar on July 21-22, 1994, Medford, Oregon.
Educator’s Forum. NANN’s Tenth Anniversary National Meeting. Moderator for Roundtable
Discussion. Chicago, IL, September 7, 1994. C. Kenner.
“Summary and Evaluation”, Educator’s Forum. NANN’s Tenth Anniversary National Meeting.
Chicago, IL, September 7, 1994. C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, accepted for poster presentation at
Pediatric Nursing: Challenges in the 90’s Workshop, Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati and Dayton Children’s, September 15 & 16th, Dayton, Ohio. Co-
presenters: C. Kenner, Carol Hetteberg, A. Flandermeyer, S. Amlung, L. Shortridge, L.
Bragg, and L. Niemer. Presented by C. Hetteberg.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, accepted for paper presentation at
the 3rd Annual Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Drugs Conference, Colorado Fetal
Alcohol and Substance Abuse Coalition, Denver, Colorado, September 30-October 1, 1994.
Co-presenters: C. Kenner, C. Hetteberg, A. Flandermeyer, S. Amlung, L. Shortridge, L.
Bragg, and L. Niemer. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, Moderator for Roundtable
Discussion. 3rd. Annual Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Drugs Conference, Colorado
Fetal Alcohol and Substance Abuse Coalition, Denver, Colorado, September 30-October 1,
1994. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Abusing Pregnant Women: Surveillance and Evaluation of Case Management on Pregnancy
Outcomes”, accepted for poster presentation at the American Public Health Association, on
October 30-November 3, 1994, in Washington DC. Co-presenters are: Linda Shortridge,
Ph.D., RN, C. Kenner, DNS, RNC, L. Bragg, MSN, RN, & L. Niemer, MSN,
RN. Presented by: L. Shortridge.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument”, accepted for
paper presentation at the International Fall Conference sponsored by Detroit Medical Center
Education Leadership Committee and Wayne State University College of Nursing,
November 3, 1994, in Detroit, Michigan. Co-presenters are: C. Kenner, RNC,
DNS, A. Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN, L. Spangler, RN, MSN, K. Spiering, RN,
MSN, NNP, U. Kotagal, MD, P. Darling Thornburg, Ph.D., RN. Presented by K.
“How Parents ‘Want It to Happen’: Content Analysis of Survey Comments”, accepted for poster
presentation at the Second Pediatric nursing Research Symposium at Children’s Hospital
Medical Center, November, 4, 1994. Co-presenters are: P. Schaffer, G. Vaughn,
C. Kenner, F. Donohue, & A. Longo.
“Expanding Role of the Nurse”, invited speaker at the AWHONN 1994 Armed Forces District
Meeting, Reno, Nevada, November 17, 1994. C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: A Report of a Maternal Instrument”, accepted for poster
presentation at the “The Physical and Developmental Environment of the High Risk Infant”,
Orlando, Florida, January 19-21, 1995. Co-presenters are: P. Thornburg, L.
Spangler, J. Hostiuck, A. Flandermeyer, & C. Kenner.
“FAS Research”, invited speaker. Children’s Hospital Medical Center Conference, Cincinnati,
Ohio, January 20-21, 1995. C. Kenner.
“Documentation: Russian Roulette”, invited speaker for CEs @ Sea: Third Neonatal-Perinatal
Conference at Sea, Mexico, February 5-12, 1995. C. Kenner. Co-presenter: P. Johnson.
“Steroids-the Miracle Drugs of the Present and Future”, invited speaker for CEs @ Sea: Third
Neonatal-Perinatal Conference at Sea, Mexico, February 5-12, 1995. C. Kenner. Co-
presenters P. Johnson and K. Haubrich.
“Collegialities, Who’s the Enemy?”, invited speaker for CEs @ Sea: Third Neonatal-Perinatal
Conference at Sea, Mexico, February 5-12, 1995. C. Kenner. Co-presenters: P. Johnson and
K. Haubrich.
“How Did I Get Here? A Look at Genetics and Embryology”, invited speaker for CEs @ Sea:
Third Neonatal-Perinatal Conference at Sea, Mexico, February 5-12, 1995. C. Kenner. Co-
presenter: P. Johnson.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, invited speaker for CEs @ Sea:
Third Neonatal-Perinatal Conference at Sea, Mexico, February 5-12, 1995. C. Kenner.
“Past Practices, Current Trends and Future Trends in Neonatal Surgery”, invited speaker. The
Surgical Neonate Conference, Women and Infant’s Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island,
March 8, 1995. C. Kenner.
“Future Trends in Neonatal Surgery: Question and Answers”, invited speaker. The Surgical
Neonate Conference, Women and Infant’s Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island, March 8,
1995. C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Parent Care Conference. Columbus,
Ohio, March 10, 1995. FAS Team. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Community Interventions for Alcohol Consuming Pregnant Women: Evaluating Professional
Education, Theoretical Models for Care and Client/Infant Outcomes”, accepted for paper
presentation at MNRS Public Health/Community Health/Nurse Managed Centers Research
Section”, 19th Annual Research Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society,
Kansas City, MO, April 1-4, 1995. C. Kenner. Presented by S. Amlung, RN, MSN.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, paper accepted for presentation at
the Sigma Theta Tau, Beta Eta Chapter conference “Nursing Research: Making a Positive
Difference in Health Care”, Madison, WI, April 21, 1995. FAS Team. C. Kenner. Presented
by Dr. J. Dyehouse.
“Coming to Terms with Technology: Panel Discussion.” Invited Moderator. Neonatal Nursing:
One World Caring and Sharing. NANN Seattle International Clinical Update and Research
Symposium, Seattle, WA, April 23, 1995. C. Kenner.
“Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Identification and Prevention”. Invited speaker at “The Effects of
Alcohol Across the Life Span”, sponsored by The Faculty Development Program in Alcohol
and Substance Abuse of the College of Nursing and Health University of Cincinnati,
Covington, KY, April 28, 1995. FAS Team. Presented by C. Kenner and C. Hetteberg.
“Eating for Two”, Babies and You March of Dimes Program. Invited Speaker. Great American
Insurance Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 12, 1995. C. Kenner.
“Cardiovascular Patient Care Problems”. Invited speaker at “National Neonatal Conference: A
Core Review. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses 1995 National Teaching
Institute Pre-conference Session, New Orleans, LA, May 14, 1995. C. Kenner.
“Community Interventions for Alcohol Consuming Pregnant Women: Evaluating Professional
Education, Theoretical Models for Care and Client/Infant Outcomes”, paper accepted for
presentation at East Tennessee State University College of Nursing National Conference
“Community Based Primary Care: Strategies for Nursing Intervention,” Ashville, NC, May,
1995. FAS Team. C. Kenner. Presented D. Felblinger.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention” at “Research Issues for the 21st
Century: Addressing Special Populations”, sponsored by the Dayton Veterans Affairs
Medical Center, Wright State University-Miami Valley College of Nursing and Health, Zeta
Phi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International and Upper Valley Medical Centers, Dayton,
Ohio, May 22, 1995. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument”, accepted for
paper presentation at the International Nursing Congress “Quality in Nursing: Realities and
Visions”, University of Athens, Athens, Greece, June 6-9, 1995. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention” , accepted for poster presentation
at the International Nursing Congress “Quality in Nursing: Realities and
Visions”, University of Athens, Athens, Greece, June 6-9, 1995. FAS Team. Presented by
C. Kenner.
“Eating for Two”, Babies and You March of Dimes Program. Invited Speaker. Provident Bank,
Cincinnati, Ohio, June 14, 1995. C. Kenner.
“Exercise in Pregnancy”, Babies and You March of Dimes Program. Invited Speaker.
Provident Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 14, 1995. C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home: Report of a Maternal Assessment Instrument”, accepted for
paper presentation at the First Biennial International Conference: Connecting Conversations: Nursing Scholarship and Practice, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, June, 1995.
Transition Team. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention” , accepted for paper presentation at
the First Biennial International Conference: Connecting Conversations:
Nursing Scholarship and Practice, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, June,1995.
FAS Team. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, accepted for paper presentation at
the International Conference in Nursing, Sponsored by the Ministry of Health and The
College of Nursing University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq, September, 5 & 6th, 1995. FAS
Team. C. Kenner. Presented by P. Thornburg.
“Nursing in the Year 2000″Set for the Future”. Invited Speaker. Neonatology: The Sick
Newborn. School of Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, September,
1995. C. Kenner.
“Expanded Role of Neonatal Nurses”. Invited Speaker. Neonatology: The Sick Newborn.
School of Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, September, 1995. C.
“Transition to Home and Early Discharges”, Midwestern Regional Conference, NANN. Invited
Speaker. Chicago, IL, October 19, 1995. C. Kenner.
“Content Analysis of Parent Satisfaction Surveys about Children’s Hospitalizations”. Paper
accepted for presentation. Annual Northwest Indiana Nursing Research Conference,
Merrillville, Indiana, October, 1995. Parent Involvement Research Group: P. Schaffer,
G. Vaughn, C. Kenner, F. Donohue, & A. Longo. Presented by P. Schaffer.
“Transition to Home”. Invited Speaker. Australian Neonatal Nurses Association (ANNA) and
Australian Perinatal Society (APS) Annual Conference, 1996. Adelaide, South Australia,
March, 1996. C. Kenner.
“Nursing Challenges in the Care of the VLBW and ELBW Infant”. Invited Speaker. Australian
Neonatal Nurses Association (ANNA) and Australian Perinatal Society (APS) Annual
Conference, 1996. Adelaide, South Australia, March, 1996. C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Invited Speaker. Australian
Perinatal Society (APS) Annual Conference, 1996. Adelaide, South Australia, March, 1996.
“Diaphragmatic Hernia”, Neonatal Intensive Care Staff Nurses, Royal Women’s Hospital,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, March, 1996. C. Kenner.
“Group B Strep”, Neonatal Intensive Care Staff Nurses, Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, March, 1996. C. Kenner.
“Transition to Home”. Invited Speaker. King George the V Hospital, Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia, March, 1996. C. Kenner.
“Discharge Planning for the Premature Infant”. Invited Speaker. Continuing Medical Education
seminar, “Neonatology Seminar”, sponsored by St. John Hospital and Medical Center,
Detroit, Michigan, April, 1996. C. Kenner.
“Raising Your Own Leaders: Promoting Chapter Leadership Development”, NANN Chapter
Leadership Conference, Williamsburg, VA, April, 1996. C. Kenner.
“Getting Your Chapter Connected”, NANN Chapter Leadership Conference, Williamsburg,
VA, April, 1996, C. Kenner. Co-present with L. Lynam.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Paper accepted for presentation at
the 22nd Annual National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties Conference
“Collaborating for Better Outcomes”, Boston, MA, April, 1996. FAS Team. Presented by
C. Kenner.
“Writing for Publication”. Invited Speaker. University of Cincinnati Continuing Education
Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio, June, 1996. C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Paper accepted for presentation at
the 8th International Research Congress”, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, June, 1996. FAS Team.
C. Kenner. Presented by D. Felblinger.
“Trends in Neonatal Nursing”. Invited Speaker. Toledo Hospital. Toledo, Ohio,
October, 1996. C. Kenner.
“Discharge Planning and Transition from Home to Home.” Invited Speaker. Toledo Hospital.
Toledo, Ohio , October, 1996. C. Kenner.
“Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Preventative Strategies”. Paper accepted for presentation at
“Collaborative Primary Care Practice in Women’s Health”. Rush University, Chicago, IL,
October, 1996. FAS Team. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Nurses in Transition: The United States Perspective”. Paper accepted for presentation at the
Seventh International Congress on Women’s Health Issues (ICOWHI), Khon Kaen
University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, November, 1996. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Paper accepted for presentation at
the Seventh International Congress on Women’s Health Issues (ICOWHI), Khon Kaen
University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, November, 1996. FAS Team. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Paper accepted for presentation at
the Children’s Hospital Medical Center’s Nursing Research Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio,
November, 1996. FAS Team. C. Kenner. Presented by D. Felblinger.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Paper accepted for presentation at
9th Congress of the Federation of the Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies. Singapore,
November, 1996. FAS Team. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Prevention Strategies”. Poster accepted for presentation at 1996
Annual Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Epidemiology Workshop, Atlanta, GA,
December, 1996. FAS Team. C. Kenner. Presented by D. Hess.
“Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Prevention Study: Preliminary Results. Paper accepted for
presentation at The American Society of Human Genetics, Minneapolis, MN, October, 1996.
E.K. Schorry, C.G. Hetteberg, S.R. Amlung, & C.A. Kenner. Presented by E. K. Schorry.
“Genetics Content in Nursing Curricula”. Poster accepted for presentation at the American
College of Medical Genetics Conference, Florida, February, 1997. C.A. Prows, C.
Hetteberg, C. Deets, C. Kenner, & R. Monsen. Presented by C. Prows.
“So You Want a Job”. Invited Speaker. Workshop for University of Cincinnati Continuing
Education Department. Cassie Klemt and C. Kenner. Cincinnati, Ohio, March, 1997.
“Ohio Bridge Program: Nurse Midwifery By Distance Learning an Interdisciplinary
Experience”, National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties 23rd Annual Conference,
Albuquerque, NM, April, 1997. K. McGee, J.A. Davis, M.A. Madewell, C. Kenner.
Presented by J.A. Davis.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, Midwestern Nurses Research
Society, 21st Annual Research Conference, Models of Health Care: Research, Economical,
Ethical, and Policy Issues, Minneapolis, MN, April, 1997. FAS Team. Presented by S.
Amlung & C. Kenner.
“Nurse Educator Roles in Genetics”, Panel Discussion. Summer Institute, Children’s Hospital
Medical Center and University of Cincinnati: Exploring The Impact of Human
Genetics on Nursing Education and Practice: Nursing Education and Practice: A Summer
Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, June, 1997. C. Kenner.
“Integrating Genetics into Nursing Curriculum”: Breakout Sessions. Summer Institute,
Children’s Hospital Medical Center and University of Cincinnati: Exploring The Impact of
Human Genetics on Nursing Education and Practice: Nursing Education and Practice: A
Summer Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, June, 1997. C. Kenner.
“Ohio Bridges Program: Nurse-Midwifery by Distance Learning An Interdisciplinary
Experience.” Paper accepted. 8th International Congress on Women’s Health Issues,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, June, 1997. Nurse-Midwifery Faculty. C. Kenner.
Presented by M.C. Akers.
“Writing for Publication”. Invited Speaker. University of Cincinnati Continuing Education
Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio, July, 1997. C. Kenner.
“Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”. Poster accepted. Women’s Health Issues: A
Global Nursing Perspective, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health, St.
Thomas, Virgin Island, August, 1997. C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identified and Intervention”. Paper accepted. Women’s Health
Issues: A Global Nursing Perspective, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and
Health, St. Thomas, Virgin Island, August, 1997. FAS Team. Presented by C.Kenner and
S. Amlung.
“Ohio Bridges Program”. Paper accepted. Women’s Health Issues: A Global Nursing
Perspective, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health, , St. Thomas, Virgin
Island, August, 1997. Nurse-Midwifery Faculty. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Ohio Bridges Program”. Poster accepted. Women’s Health Issues: A Global Nursing
Perspective, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health, St. Thomas, Virgin
Island, August, 1997. Nurse-Midwifery Faculty. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Writing for Publication”. Invited Speaker. Ohio State College of Medicine Quality
Improvement Department, Columbus, Ohio, August, 1997. C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Paper accepted for presentation.
AWHONN District Conference, Louisville, KY, September, 1997. Presented by D.
Felblinger. C. Kenner.
“Ohio Bridges Program: Nurse-Midwifery by Distance Leaning An Interdisciplinary
Experience”. Paper accepted. International Nurse Practitioner Conference Groningen
University Hospital, Groningen, The Netherlands, November, 1997. C. Kenner.
“A Nurse-Midwifery Curriculum by Distance Learning”. Paper accepted. Second Biennial
International Connecting Conversations Conference, Massey University, Palmerston North,
New Zealand, December, 1997. C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Paper accepted. Second Biennial
International Connecting Conversations Conference, Massey University, Palmerston North,
New Zealand, December, 1997. C. Kenner.
“Physiologic Effects of Surface Transfers in the Low Birthweight Infants”, Presentation for
VersaletTM Production Team, Hill-Rom, Batesville, Indiana, December, 1997. C. Kenner.
Co-presenter: S. Amlung.
“Ohio Bridges Program: Nurse-Midwifery by Distance Learning an Interdisciplinary
Experience”. Paper accepted. 6th International Nurse Practitioners Conference, Royal
College of Nursing, Melbourne, Australia, February, 1998. Nurse-Midwifery Faculty. C.
“Nurses in Transition: A United States Perspective”. Paper accepted. 6th International Nurse
Practitioners Conference, Royal College of Nursing, Melbourne, Australia, February, 1998.
C. Kenner.
“Survey Results of a Genetics Summer Institute”. Paper accepted. 22nd Annual Midwestern
Nursing Research Society Conference, “Advancing the Research Enterprise in Nursing”,
Columbus, Ohio, March, 1997. C. Prows, C. Hetteberg, R.B. Monsen, C. Deets, & C.
“Fetal Alcohol Syndrome”. Invited Speaker. NANN Clinical Update, Banff, Alberta, Canada,
April, 1998. C. Kenner.
“Genetics: An Overview”. Invited Speaker. NANN Clinical Update, Banff, Alberta, Canada,
April, 1998. C. Kenner.
“Case Management and Brief Intervention: Interventions for Perinatal Alcohol Users. Invited
Speaker. Perinatal and Women’s Health Care: Directions for the 21st Century. Department
of Women and Infant Nursing Region IV Perinatal Education and Center for Professional
Development. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio, April,
1998. C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Invited Speaker. NIAAA Workshop
“Working Group on Prevention of Risk Drinking in Pregnancy”. Bethesda MD, April, 1998.
“So You Want a Job”. Invited Speaker. Workshop for University of Cincinnati Continuing
Education Department. C. Klemt and C. Kenner. Cincinnati, Ohio, April, 1998.
“Ohio Bridges Program: Nurse-Midwifery by Distance Learning and Interdisciplinary
Experience”. Accepted for poster presentation. International Conference of WHO
Collaborating Centers for Nursing/Midwifery in Korea. KyongJu, Korea, April, 1998. C.
Kenner, M.C. Akers, M.A. Madewell, J.A. Davis, & K. McGee.
“The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program School-Based Health Project: A Model for Primary
Health Care”. Accepted for paper presentation. International Conference of WHO
Collaborating Centers for Nursing/Midwifery in Korea. KyongJu, Korea, April, 1998. C.
Klemt, M. Dwyer, M. Hern, C. Kenner, & H.S. Chung.
“Case Management and Brief Intervention: Interventions for Perinatal Alcohol Users”, “Perinatal
Substance Abuse: Consequences for Mothers, Infants, and Children”, international
conference, sponsored by University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, May, 1998.
“Practical Considerations in High Frequency Ventilation”. Invited speaker. VIII Seminario
Internacional de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales” Cetnto Cultural “General San Martin”,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, May, 1998. C. Kenner.
“Early Discharge if High Risk Neonates-Role of Nurses Before Discharge, Home Care”. Invited
speaker. VIII Seminario Internacional de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales” Cetnto Cultural
“General San Martin”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May, 1998. C. Kenner.
“What To Do and How to Organize For Developmental Care in the NICU”. Invited speaker.
VIII Seminario Internacional de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales” Cetnto Cultural “General
San Martin”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May, 1998. C. Kenner.
“Nursing Records, Standards of Care and Quality Control”. Invited speaker. VIII Seminario
Internacional de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales” Cetnto Cultural “General San Martin”,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, May, 1998. C. Kenner.
“HIV Positive Patients: Clinical Signs and Management”. Invited speaker. VIII Seminario
Internacional de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales” Cetnto Cultural “General San Martin”,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, May, 1998. C. Kenner.
“How and Why Neonatal Nurses Should Join Associations”. Invited speaker. VIII Seminario
Internacional de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales” Cetnto Cultural “General San Martin”,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, May, 1998. C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Paper accepted for presentation at
the Ninth International Congress on Women’s Health Issues: “Women, Toward a Better
Quality of Life”, University of Alexandria, Egypt, June, 1998. C. Kenner.
“Integrating Genetics into Nursing Curriculum: The Cincinnati Experience” For the Summer
Genetics Institute for Nursing: “Exploring the Impact of Human Genetics on Nursing
Education and Practice”. Invited Panel. R.B. Monsen, J. Williams, & C. Kenner.
“Development of Time Lines and Strategies for Integrating Genetics into Nursing Curriculum”,
facilitator for the Summer Genetics Institute for Nursing: “Exploring the Impact of Human
Genetics on Nursing Education and Practice”. C. Kenner.
“Building a Program of Research”. Invited Speaker. Rush University, Chicago, IL, June, 1998.
“Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia”. Radio Talk Show Guest. WAIF 88.3 FM, Cincinnati,
OH., July, 1998. C. Kenner.
“Neonatal Nursing Education Panel”, 14th National Meeting of the National Association of
Neonatal Nurses, Cincinnati, Ohio, September, 1998. Drs. F. Strodtbeck, R.
Manious, & C. Kenner.
“Value Study Results: Neonatal Thermoregulation”. Paper accepted for presentation at the 10
Congress of the Federation of the Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies. 1998, Seoul, Korea, October, 1998. L.Altimier, B.Warner, C. Kenner, & S.Amlung.
“Value Study Results: Neonatal Thermoregulaton”. Poster accepted for presentation at theNANN
National Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, September, 1998. L.Altimier, B.Warner,
C.Kenner, & S.Amlung.
“Neonatal Thermoregulation: A Value Study”. Poster accepted for presentation at the
“Perinatal Education: Best Practices, Best Outcomes”, School of Nursing, University of
Madison, Middleton, Wisconsin, October, 1998. L.Altimier, B.Warner, C.Kenner, &
“Value Study Results: Neonatal Thermoregulation”. Poster accepted for presentation at “New
Dimensions in Nursing Research: Expanding the Foundations of Practice”, Northwest
Indiana Nursing Research Consortium and Sigma Theta Tau, Inc., November, 1998.
L. Altimier, B. Warner, S. Amlung, and C. Kenner.
“Value Study Results: Neonatal Thermoregulation”. Poster accepted for presentation at
“Nursing Research: Application to Practice”, Clarian Health Methodist Indiana University
Riley Children’s Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana, November, 1998. L. Altimier, B. Warner, S. Amlung, and C. Kenner.
“A National Survey of Genetics Content in RN Preparatory Programs”. Paper accepted for presentation at the “Fourth Biennial Pediatric Nursing Research Conference: Pediatric Nursing Research: Making It Happen”, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, November, 1998. C. Prows, C. Hetteberg, C. Deets, R. Monsen, & C. Kenner. Presented by C. Prows.
“Neonatal Nursing in the Year 2000….What’s in Our Future?”. Invited Key Speaker. 10th Annual Symposium Sponsored by The Connecticut Association of Neonatal Nurses, Cromwell, CT., November, 1998. C. Kenner.
“Getting Involved with Your Professional Organization”, Invited Presentation for Faculty. University of South Alabama College of Nursing, Mobile, Alabama, December, 1998. C. Kenner.
“Developmentally Appropriate Assessment of the Very Low Birth Weight Infant”, Invited Presentation for Community Leaders and Students. University of South Alabama College of Nursing, Mobile, Alabama, December, 1998. C. Kenner.
“Value Study Results: Neonatal Thermoregulation”. Paper accepted for presentation at
“New Horizons: Nursing Outcomes Research”, Beta Tau Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau on the
Sovereign of the Seas, January, 1999. L. Altimier, B. Warner, S. Amlung, and C.Kenner.
Presented by C.Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Paper accepted for presentation at
“New Horizons: Nursing Outcomes Research”, Beta Tau Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, on
the Sovereign of the Seas, January, 1999. FAS Team. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Health Care Issues: What You Can Do!”. Invited Speaker. Susan B. Anthony Luncheon Greater Cincinnati Chapter League for Women Voters, Cincinnati, Ohio, February, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Building a Program of Research: Transition from Hospital to Home for Newborns and Families”. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, February, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Conference Planning: The Marketing Tool for Your Association”. Invited Speaker. Panel presentation at the National Leadership Institute, National Association of Neonatal Nurses, Chicago, IL, February, 1999. C. Kenner, B. Morrison, J.A. Casazza, & Jack Edelman.
“Grantwriting: The Ego Buster or Booster?. Invited Speaker. Presentation at the National Leadership Institute, National Association of Neonatal Nurses, Chicago, IL, February, 1999. C. Kenner and M. Walden.
“Professional Development: Don’t Get Left in the Dust”. Invited Speaker. Roundtable presentation at the NANN Clinical Institute, Kansas City, MO, April, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Case Management and Brief Intervention: Interventions for Perinatal Alcohol Users”. Paper accepted for presentation at “Bridging The World” 3rd International Neonatal Nursing Conference, Harrogate International Conference Centre, Neonatal Nurses Association and the National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Harrogate, England, April, 1999. FAS Research Team. Presented by C.Kenner.
“A Joint Practitioner Program with Korea: A Cultural Exchange”. Paper accepted for presentation at NONPF 25th Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA, April, 1999. C.Klemt, H.S. Chung, A. Lindell, & C.Kenner.
“Value Study Results: Neonatal Thermoregulation”. Paper accepted for presentation at “Bridging The World”. International Neonatal Nursing Conference, Harrogate International Conference Centre, Neonatal Nurses Association and the National Association of Neonatal Nurses. April, 1999. L. Altimier, B. Warner, S. Amlung, & C.Kenner. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Management of Substance Dependent Neonates”. Invited Speaker. National Conference of the Intravenous Nursing Society. Charlotte, NC, May, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Perinatal and Women’s Health Problem”. Invited Speaker. Perinatal and Women’s Health Care: Directions for the 21st Century. Center for Professional Development and The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio, May, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Case Management”. Kuwait University Faculty of Allied Health Sciences & Nursing, Kuwait City, Kuwait, May, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Transition from Hospital to Home”. Kuwait University Faculty of Allied Health Sciences & Nursing, Kuwait City, Kuwait, May, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Competencies for an Undergraduate Curriculum”. Kuwait University Faculty of Allied Health Sciences & Nursing, Kuwait City, Kuwait, May, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Health Care Trends in the Next Millennium. Kuwait University Faculty of Allied Health Sciences & Nursing, Kuwait City, Kuwait, May, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Transition From Hospital To Home: Where’s the Safety Net? Invited Speaker. AWHONN 1999 National Conference “Building a Brighter Tomorrow”, Chicago, IL, June, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention: An Impossible Dream? Invited Speaker. AWHONN 1999 National Conference “Building a Brighter Tomorrow”, Chicago, IL, June, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Value Study Results: Neonatal Thermoregulation”. Poster accepted for presentation at AWHONN 1999 National Convention, “Building a Brighter Tomorrow”, Chicago, IL, June, 1999. L. Altimier, B. Warner, S. Amlung, & C.Kenner.
“A Joint Practitioner Program with Korea: A Cultural Exchange”. Paper accepted for International Congress of Nursing’s Centennial Conference, “Celebrating Nursing’s Past, Claiming the Future”, London, England, June, 1999. Cassandra Klemt, Andrea Lindell, Hae Soo Chung, & C. Kenner.
“Developmentally Appropriate Assessment of the Very Low Birth Weight Infant.” Invited Speaker. University of Alabama at Birmingham, July, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Value Study Results: Neonatal Thermoregulation”. Paper accepted for presentation at “The New Nursing: Converging Conversations of Education, Research and Practice, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing Third Biennial International Nursing Conference, Madison, WI, July, 1999. Leslie Altimier, Barbara Warner, Stephanie Amlung, & Carole Kenner. Presented by Lisa Dreyer.
“Advanced Practice Nursing”. Invited Speaker. Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, July, 1999.
“Neonatal Skin Care: An Update”. Invited Speaker. Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, July, 1999. Judy Wright Lott and Carole Kenner.
“A Joint Practitioner Program with Korea: A Cultural Exchange”. Poster accepted for International Congress of Nursing’s Centennial Conference, “Celebrating Nursing’s Past, Claiming the Future”, 2nd International Women’s Health Conference, University of Cincinnati, Maui, Hawaii, August, 1999. C. Kenner.
“A Developmental Approach to Assessment”. Baby’s First Massage Conference. Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, August, 1999. C. Kenner.
“Neonatal Genetic Screening”. Paper accepted for Neonatal Screening Conference, St. Louis, MO, September, 1999. C. Kenner and L. Dreyer. Presented by L. Dreyer.
“Professional Development: Don’t Get Left in the Dust”. Invited Speaker. Roundtable presentation at the NANN National Meeting. Orlando, FL, September, 1999. C. Kenner.
“New Trends in Nursing Education: The U.S. Perspective”. Invited Speakers. Tain City Central Hospital, Shandong Province, P.R. China, October, 1999. A. Lindell and C. Kenner.
“A Joint Practitioner Program with Korea: A Cultural Exchange”. Invited Speaker. University of Cincinnati Institute for Globalization, Cincinnati, Ohio, November, 1999. M.Hern, H.S. Chung, C. Klemt, J.W. Lott, & C. Kenner. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An International Women’s Health Problem. Poster accepted for presentation at the 11th International Congress on Women’s Health and Quality of Life. Sponsored by University of California at San Francisco. San Francisco, CA. January, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Developmental Core Curriculum: NANN”. Paper/poster accepted for presentation at the Physical Environment of the High Risk Infant. Sand Key, FL. Sponsored by the University of South Florida, January, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An International Women’s Health Problem. Poster/Paper accepted for presentation at the International Women’s Health Conference, Delhi, India. Sponsored by McMaster University, Toronto, Canada. February, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Neonatal-Perinatal Nursing: Trends for Managers and Staff. Lorman Education Services,. Cincinnati, Ohio, February, 2000. L. Dreyer and C. Kenner. Invited Speakers.
“Joint Practitioner Program in Korea”. Paper accepted for presentation at the Sixth International Middle East Nursing Conference “Celebrating Success in the New Millenium: International Reflections on Nursing Heritage”. Iribid, Jordon, May, 2000. C. Kenner.
“The Nursing Process Using NIC and NOC”. Invited presentation for Kuwait University Faculty of Allied Health Sciences and Nursing. Kuwait City, Kuwait, May, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Nursing Trends in the New Millennium”. Invited presentation for Kuwait University Faculty of Allied Health and Nursing and invited community guests. Kuwait City, Kuwait, May, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Surfactant: Pathophysiology and Pharmacology”. Invited Speaker at the 3rd World Congress on Pediatric Intensive Care, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, June, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Pulmonary Hypertension: Pathophysiology and Pharmacology”. Invited Speaker at the 3rd World Congress on Pediatric Intensive Care, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, June, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Joint Practitioner Program in Korea”. Poster accepted for presentation at the 5th International Family Nursing Conference: Family Nursing for the 21st Century, Chicago, July, 2000. M.H. Hern, H.S. Chung, C.Klemt, & C. Kenner.
“Value Study Results: Neonatal Thermoregulation”. Poster accepted for presentation at the 5th International Family Nursing Conference: Family Nursing for the 21st Century, Chicago, July, 2000. L. Altimier, S. Amlung, & C. Kenner.
“Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”. Paper accepted for presentation at the 5th International Family Nursing Conference: Family Nursing for the 21st Century, Chicago, July, 2000. C.Kenner and FAS Team. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Ohio Bridges Program: Nurse-Midwifery By Distance Learning_An Interdisciplinary Experience”. Paper accepted for presentation at the 5th International Family Nursing Conference: Family Nursing for the 21st Century, Chicago, July, 2000. M.A. Akers, M.A. Madewell, K. McGee, J.A., Davis, & C. Kenner. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Family Centered Perinatal-Neonatal Care”. Symposium. Three papers accepted for presentation: “Family Centered Maternity Care”. L. Dreyer & C. Kenner. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Prenatal and Newborn Screening and Testing: A Double Edged Sword”. C. Kenner; & “Family Centered Care in the NICU: An Impossible Dream?” S. Amlung & C. Kenner. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Case Management and Intervention: Perinatal Alcohol Users”, 2nd International Health Care Conference, University of South Africa, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, August, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Challenges of Graduate Nursing Education”. Birmingham, AL: University of Alabama, September, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Pulmonary Hypertension: Pathophysiology and Pharmacology”. Invited Speaker. 11th Annual Maternal-Child Nursing Symposium, Care and Pastoral Education, Inc. Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, Kansas, October, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Neonatal Skin Care: An Update”. Invited Speaker. 11th Annual Maternal-Child Nursing Symposium, Care and Pastoral Education, Inc. Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, Kansas, October, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention: An Impossible Dream?”. Invited Speaker. 11th Annual Maternal-Child Nursing Symposium, Care and Pastoral Education, Inc. Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, Kansas, October, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Genetic Health Care Expert Panel Symposium”, American Academy of Nursing National Meeting 2000 “char the Course: Designing Nursing’s Legacy for the Future”, San Diego, CA. Invited Panel, November, 2000. C. Kenner.
“Challenges of Graduate Nursing Education”. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago, November, 2000. C. Kenner.
“I Can’t Find the Answer! Using Evidence-Based Research to Guide Practice.” Paper Accepted for Symposium. “Searching for Evidence & Finding the Answers”, 14th Annual Nursing Research Conference, Tripler Army Medical Center and The University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, March, 2000. Co-presenters: Drs. A. Tse and C. Kenner.
“International Federation of Neonatal Nursing Associations: Should We Do It” Paper accepted for presentation at the “Perspectives in Health Care Administration-Theory, Research and Practice Congress”, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, May, 2001. C. Kenner, K. Spence, D. Beresford, & Jill Hecker Fernadez.
“International Neonatal Nurses Federation: Should We Do it?” Paper accepted for presentation at the ICN 22nd Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, June, 2001, C. Kenner, K. Spence D., Beresford, & Jill Hecker Fernadez. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Help! I Can’t Find the Answer, I See Lots of Practice Problems But Where’s the Evidence? Paper accepted for presentation at “The Fifth International Nursing Conference: Nursing in the Third Millennium”, Amman, Jordan, September, 2001, C. Kenner and A. Tse.
“Case Management and Brief Intervention: Interventions for Perinatal Alcohol Users”. Paper accepted for presentation at 4th International Neonatal Nursing “Excellence Knows No Boundaries” Conference, Rydges Wentworth, Sydney, Australia, November 2001. C. Kenner. Presented by C. Kenner.
“International Neonatal Nurses Federation: Should We Do It?” Paper accepted for presentation at 4th International Neonatal Nursing “Excellence Knows No Boundaries” Conference, Rydges Wentworth, Sydney, Australia, November 2001, C. Kenner, K.Spence, D. Bedesford, & J. Hecker Fernadez. Presented by C. Kenner.
“Case Management and Brief Intervention: Interventions for Perinatal Alcohol Users”. Paper accepted for poster presentation at “Contesting Conversations in Practice, Education, Research, & Policy”, Contesting Conversations Conference, 2001, Adelaide, South Australia.
“Genetic Trends and Family Implications”. Guest Lecture for Nursing Maternal Child Graduate Course. Chicago: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing, January, 2002, C. Kenner.
“HELP! I Can’t Find the Answer!, I See Lots of Practice Problems But Where’s the Evidence?” Paper Accepted for Symposium. “Traditions, Evidence, and Innovations in Nursing, Royal Phuket City, Phuket Thailand, March, 2002. Co-presenters: Drs. Alice Tse and C. Kenner.
“APT Process for Clinical Faculty” Invited presentation for Faculty Development, University of Illinois at Chicago, March, 2002. Co-presenters: Professors Karla Niacin and Kathy Baldwin.
“Developmental Care of the Premature Infant”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. 22nd Pediatric and Neonatal Conference, East Tennessee Children’s Hospital, Knoxville, TN, April, 2002.
“End of Life Ethical Issues”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. 22nd Pediatric and Neonatal Conference, East Tennessee Children’s Hospital, Knoxville, TN, April, 2002.
“Influence of Technology on Healthcare”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. NUSC 397: Issues in Professional Nursing, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing, Chicago, IL, April, 2002.
“Influence of Technology on Healthcare”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. Graduate Information Session. University of Illinois at Chicago Urbana Campus, College of Nursing, Urbana, IL, April, 2002.
“Writing for Publication”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. Institute for International Leadership Development. University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing, Chicago, IL.
“Trends in Neonatal Care”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. Perinatal/Neonatal Nursing Conference. Lubbock, TX, August, 2002.
“What a Pain!”. Invited Speaker. Perinatal/Neonatal Nursing Conference. Lubbock, TX, August, 2002.
“Writing for Publication”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. Southern Indiana Sigma Theta Tau Omicron Psi Chapter. Evansville, IN, September 25, 2002.
“Career Trajectory”. Invited Speaker. NUSC 590 Leadership in Scientific Careers (PhD students). University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing, Chicago, IL, October, 2002.
“Teaching Clinical Genetics Through the Family Context: A Web-Based Curriculum”. P. Bashook, L. Hruska, R. Parker, C. Kenner, S. Cummings. International Society of Nurses in Genetics (ISONG) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October, 2002.
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses”, C. Kenner and N. Sugrue. “Impact of Global Issues on Women and Children”, International Conference, McMaster University, Canada and Burapha University, Thailand. Bangkok, Thailand, February, 2003.
“Teaching clinical genetics through the family context. a web-based curriculum. P. G. Bashook, L. Hruska, R. Parker, C. Kenner, S. Cummings. Poster presented at the International Society of Nurses in Genetics Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. October 13, 2002.
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses (CINN)”, C. Kenner and N. Sugrue. ICN International Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, June, 2003.
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses (CINN)”, C. Kenner and N. Sugrue. 6th International Family Conference, Gaborone, Botswana, Africa, June, 2003.
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses (CINN)”, C. Kenner and N. Sugrue. 4th US-Russian Nursing Conference, sponsored by. Providence/Portland Medical Center, Portland, OR.,Russia, July, 2003. Sponsored by Providence/Portland Medical Center, Portland, OR.
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses (CINN): An International Collaborative Partnership”, C. Kenner and N. Sugrue. Sponsored by National Centers of Excellence in Women’s Health Second National Forum, Tysons Corner, VA, May, 2003.
“Accreditation: How to Survive:”, Sponsored by the Global Leadership Office, WHO Collaborating Center, University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing, Chicago, IL, June, 2003. Invited Speaker.
“Career Options: Steering a Course for the Future”, C. Kenner. University of Oklahoma School of Nursing, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, August, 2003. Invited Speaker.
“Pain Management in Pediatric End of Life”, M. Hellston, C. Kenner, & M.Conway-Orgel. American Association of Colleges of Nursing & City of Hope National Medical Center Nursing Research and Education, End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium Pediatric Palliative Care, Pasadena, CA, August, 2003. Invited Speaker.
“Career Trajectory”, C. Kenner. University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing, Chicago, IL, September, 2003. Invited Speaker.
“Bridges to the Doctoral Program”, C. Kenner. National Institutes of Health Midwest Regional Bridges Conference: Building Partnerships for the Future, Hyatt Lodge, Oakbrook, IL, October, 2003. Invited Speaker.
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses (CINN): An International Collaborative Partnership”, C. Kenner and N. Sugrue. 37th Biennial Convention, Sigma Theta Tau International, Toronto, Canada, November, 2003.
“Competency in Undergraduate Curriculum”. C. Kenner. University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing, Chicago, IL, Global Health Leadership Office, November, 2003. Invited Speaker.
“Developmental Care Of Newborns And Infants: Evidence To Support Our Practice”, J.
McGrath & C.Kenner. Physical Environment of the High-Risk Infant. Clearwater Beach,
FL, February, 2004. Poster.
“Calming the Seas of Paper: Influence of Technology in Nursing”, C. Kenner. CEs at Sea: 12th Annual Perinatal Neonatal Conference, Eastern Caribbean, February, 2004.
“Genetics: The New Wave of the Future in Perinatal/Neonatal Nursing”, C. Kenner. CEs at Sea: 12th Annual Perinatal Neonatal Conference, Eastern Caribbean, February, 2004.
“Writing for Publication: The Clinical Solution”, C. Kenner. CEs at Sea: 12th Annual Perinatal Neonatal Conference, Eastern Caribbean, February, 2004.
“Career Options are you Cruising or Stalling?” C. Kenner. CEs at Sea: 12th Annual Perinatal Neonatal Conference, Eastern Caribbean, February, 2004.
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses”, C. Kenner & N. Sugrue. 3rd International Multidisciplinary Health Care Conference presented by the Department of Health Studies UNISA, in collaboration with the Global Network of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery – Caesar’s Palace, South Africa, 3-5 March 2004.
“Leadership and Professional Development”, C.Kenner. Invited Speaker. Mead-Johnson Nutritionals, Oklahoma City, OK, April, 2004.
“The First Ten Minutes of Life: Neonatal Transition”. Invited Speaker. 2004 AWHONN Oklahoma Section Conference, “What Mark Will You Leave on the Future?”, Norman, OK, April, 2004.
“Intrauterine Substance Exposure”. Invited Speaker. 2004 AWHONN Oklahoma Section Conference, “What Mark Will you Leave on the Future?”, Norman, OK, April, 2004.
“Vision for Nursing in Oklahoma”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. 2004 AWHONN Oklahoma Section Conference, “What Mark Will You Leave on the Future?”, Norman, OK, April, 2004.
“Graduation Day”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. University of Oklahoma College of Nursing Graduation. Norman, OK, May, 2004.
“Pediatric ELNEC Training”, C.Kenner. Invited Speaker. Cardinal Glennon, St. Louis, MO., May, 2004.
“Grantwriting”, C.Kenner. University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, June, 2004.
“Nurse Led Care in the Developing World: A Macro Economic Justification”. C. Kenner & N. Sugrue. 15th International Nursing Research Congress, Sigma Theta Tau International , Dublin, Ireland, July, 2004.
“Leadership and Professional Development”, C.Kenner. Invited Speaker. Mead-Johnson Nutritionals, Oklahoma City, OK, July, 2004.
“Pediatric ELNEC-End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium Project”, C.Kenner. Invited Speaker. City of Hope and AACN, Los Angles, CA., August, 2004.
“Challenges in Nursing Practice and Education”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. Chapman Foundation and University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, September, 2004.
“Lunch with a Dean: Career in Nursing: On the Road”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. University of Oklahoma Student Organizations, Oklahoma City, OK, September 2004.
“Neonatal and PediatricHospice/Palliative Care”, Attorney General’s Task Force, Oklahoma City, OK, September, 2004.
“How I Came to Oklahoma”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. Crimson Club, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, October, 2004.
“Vision for Oklahoma Nursing”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker Oklahoma Student Nurses Association State Meeting, Tulsa, OK, October, 2004.
“Council of Neonatal Nurses”, C.Kenner , N. Sugrue, & A. Kaiser. Health Promotion: Evidence, Practice and Policy. Chaing Mai, Thailand, October, 2004.
“Transition from Hospital to Home”, C.Kenner. Invited Speaker. Chiang Mai University Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai, Thailand, October, 2004.
“Teaching Clinical Genetics Through the Family Context: A Web-Based Curriculum”. P. Bashook, L. Hruska, R. Parker, C. Kenner, S. Cummings. International Society of Nurses in Genetics (ISONG) Genomic Nursing in the 21st Century Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October, 2004. Presented by R. Parker.
“Vision for Oklahoma Nursing”. C.Kenner. Invited Speaker-Keynote. Oklahoma Nurses Association, Tulsa, OK, October, 2004.
“Council of Neonatal Nurses” C.Kenner & N. Sugrue. 15th Annual International Women’s Health Congress. Sao Paulo, Brazil, November, 2004. Presented by S. Phipps.
“Genetics: The New Wave of the Future in Perinatal/Neonatal Nursing”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. University of Alabama School of Nursing, Birmingham, AL, October, 2004.
“Genetics: The Future of Perinatal/Neonatal Nursing”. C. Kenner. Invited Speaker-Keynote. Eight Annual Neonatal Conference “Changing Seasons in Neonatology”, Oklahoma University Medical Center/Children’s Hospital of Oklahoma/Section of Neonatology. Oklahoma City ,OK November, 2004.
“Building a Program of Research”. C.Kenner, Invited Speaker. Children’s Hospital Grant Rounds, Oklahoma University Medical Center/Children’s Hospital of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, November, 2004.
“What’s Happening in Oklahoma Nursing”. C.Kenner. Invited Speaker. Neonatal and Women’s Health Conference, OU Medical Center, Oklahoma City, OK, November, 2004.
“Health Policy: A Global Perspective”. C.Kenner. Invited Speaker. “Health Policy and Ethics”, graduate nursing class. Oklahoma City, University of Oklahoma College of Nursing, March, 2005.
“Economic Development and Health: A Justification for the Formation Of the Council of
International Neonatal Nurses.” C.Kenner & N. Sugrue. International Conference on
Nursing Education in the Twenty-First Century. Co-Sponsored by The University of Huye,
School of Medicine, Department of Nursing and the University of Hawaii at Manoa School of
Nursing and Dental Hygiene, Hue, Viet Nam, March, 2005.
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN)”. C.Kenner & N. Sugrue. 5th U.S. Russian
Nursing Conference. Sponsored by Providence/Portland Medical Center, Moscow, Russia,
August, 2005.
“End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC)”. C.Kenner. 5th U.S. Russian Nursing
Conference. Sponsored by Providence/Portland Medical Center, Moscow, Russia, August
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN).” C.Kenner & N. Sugrue. Neonatal, Flight
and Emergency Nurses Conference. Christchuch, New Zealand, September, 2005.
“End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC)”. C.Kenner. Neonatal, Flight
and Emergency Nurses Conference. Christchuch, New Zealand, September, 2005.
“Neonatal and Pediatric Palliative Care: Ethical Issues of Pain Management” Legal/Ethical Issues
at End of Life Workshop, University of Oklahoma College of Nursing Consortium,
Oklahoma City, September, 2005. (2 sessions)
“Family as Context in Clinical Genetics Project”. C.Kenner, R.Fineman, R. Parker. Poster for
55th Annual Meeting of the Genetic Counseling and Clinical Testing, Salt Lake City, UT,
September, 2005.
“Pediatric Ethical-Legal End-of-Life Issues”. C.Kenner. Invited Paper for The University of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center College of Nursing “Legal and Ethical Issues at End
of Life. Oklahoma City, OK, September 8 and 16, 2005.
Pediatric Ethical-Legal End-of-Life Issues”. Invited Keynote. C.Kenner. The Oklahoma
Association for Health Care Ethics, Oklahoma City Community College, Oklahoma
City, November, 2005.
“End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC)”. C.Kenner. Paper for the 3rd Pan-
Pacific Nursing Conference & The 5th Hong Kong Nursing Symposium on Cancer Care,
Hong Kong, November, 2005. Presented by Maribeth Moran.
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN).” C.Kenner & N. Sugrue. Poster for the 3rd
Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference & The 5th Hong Kong Nursing Symposium on Cancer
Care, Hong Kong, November, 2005.
“End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC).” C.Kenner. Invited Presentation for
Neonatal Nurses in Adelaide, South Australia, November, 2005.
“Family as Context in Clinical Genetics Project (FCCGP): An Interactive, Web-Based
Curriculum, Genetic Information Resource, and Continuing Education Program for Health
Care Professionals (HCP’s) and Students.” R. Parker, R.Fineman, & C. Kenner. Poster for
the 19th Annual Pacific Nursing Research Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, February, 2006.
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN): Meeting Unmet Clinical Needs and
Formulating Economic and Health Policies in a Global Setting.” C.Kenner & N. Sugrue.
“Impact of Global Issues on Women and Children” Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 2006.
Presented by E. Acheson.
“Changing the Outcome: the Integration of Evidence-Based Practice and Critical Thinking.”
C.Kenner. Invited Speaker for Nursing Grand Rounds, Cincinnati, OH: Cincinnati
Childrens, Hospital, March, 2006.
“COINN: Impact of Global Issues on Women and Children.” C.Kenner. The 2nd National
Pediatrics Nursing Conference, Hanoi, Viet Nam. Presented by E. Wood.
“Overview of ELNEC-Nursing Care at the End of Life.” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker for the
“ELNEC Train the Trainer Course.” University of Oklahoma College of Nursing,
Oklahoma City, OK, March, 2006.
“Grief, Loss, Bereavement.” .” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker for the
“ELNEC Train the Trainer Course.” University of Oklahoma College of Nursing,
Oklahoma City, OK, March, 2006.
“ELNEC Overview.” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker for Pediatric Grand Rounds, OU Medical
Center and Children’s Hospital, Oklahoma City, OK, April, 2006.
“JBIO-Joanna Briggs Institute of Oklahoma: Overview.” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker for “Quest
for Quality Conference.” Integris Healthcare System and University of Oklahoma, Integris Southwest Medical Center, Oklahoma City, OK, May, 2006.
“JBIO-Joanna Briggs Institute of Oklahoma: Overview.” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker for “Quest
forQuality Conference.” Integris Healthcare System and University of Oklahoma,
Integris Baptist Medical Center, Oklahoma City, OK, May, 2006.
“COINN: Early Intervention in Neonatal Nursing Care.” C.Kenner & N. Sugrue. Poster for the
2006 NHS Conference, “Beyond Newborn Hearing Screening: Infant and Childhood
Hearing in Science and Clinical Practice,” Villa Erba, Cernobbio (Como Lake), Italy,
June, 2006.
“COINN: Evidence Based Nursing in a Global Setting.” C.Kenner & N. Sugrue. Paper for the
Joanna Briggs Conference, Durban, South Africa, August, 2006.
“COINN: Neonatal Nursing From a Global Perspective.” C.Kenner & N.Sugrue. Poster for the
Europaediatrics Congress, Barceona, Spain, October, 2006.
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses.” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker for “First All Russian
International Neonatal Nursing Conference”, Sponsored by Russian Nurses Association
and Hospital Number 1, St. Petersburg, Russia., October, 2006.
“End of Life Care (ELNEC).” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker for “First All Russian
International Neonatal Nursing Conference”, Sponsored by Russian Nurses Association
and Hospital Number 1, St. Petersburg, Russia., October, 2006.
“History of US Nursing.” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker for “First All Russian
International Neonatal Nursing Conference”, Sponsored by Russian Nurses Association
and Hospital Number 1, St. Petersburg, Russia., October, 2006.
“Overview of Academic Integration of Genetics.” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker. Essential Nursing
Competencies Meeting. Silver Spring, MD., October, 2006.
“Career Options: Cruising or Stalling?” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker. Oklahoma Student Nurses
Association Annual Meeting, Stillwater, OK., October, 2006.
“Family as Context in Clinical Genetics Project (FCCGP): An Interactive Web-Based
Curriculum, Genetic Information Resource, and Continuing Education and Program for
Health Professionals (HCPs) and Students.” C.Kenner. Poster for presentation at 10th
International Nursing Research Conference, Madrid, Spain, November, 2006.
“Just Because We Can” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker. Renaissance Project: 2006-2007 Fall
Semester Symposium on Biotechnology & Ethics. Honors College University of
Oklahoma, Norman, OK, November, 2006.
“Genetics and Implications for Neonatal Care.” C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. Texas MOD
Visiting Nurse Professorship, Texas MOD, Houston, TX, April, 2007.
“Transition From Hospital to Home: Special Needs Infants.” C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. Texas
MOD Visiting Nurse Professorship, Texas MOD, Houston, TX, April, 2007.
“Joanna Briggs Institute of Oklahoma (JBIO)-What is it and What Does It Mean to You?” C.
Kenner & S. Jones. Invited Speakers. Quest for Quality, JBIO and Integris Health,
Integris Southwestern Medical Center, Oklahoma City, OK, April, 2007.
“EBP Education at your Fingertips.” C. Kenner, A. Finkelman, S. Barnes, H. Ritchie. Invited
Speakers. Quest for Quality, JBIO and Integris Health,
Integris Baptist Medical Center, Oklahoma City, OK, April, 2007.
“Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN) : Nursing at the Intersection of Clinical
Practice and Policy Using the Past to Predict the Future.” ICN Conference and CNR:
Nursing at the Forefront: Dealing with the Unexpected. Yokohama, Japan, May, 2007.
“End of Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC).” ICN Conference and CNR: Nursing at
The Forefront: Dealing with the Unexpected. Yokohama, Japan, May, 2007.
“Family as Context in Clinical Genetics Project: An Interactive, Web-based Curriculum,
Genetic Information resource, and Continuing Education Program for Health Care
Professionals and Students. ICN Conference and CNR: Nursing at
The Forefront: Dealing with the Unexpected. Yokohama, Japan, May, 2007.
“Interdisciplinary Efforts to Heal Families and Communities Educating and Improving Health
Outcomes for Neonates, Families and Communities.” C.Kenner. Paper for presentation
at the 8th International Family Nursing Conference: Healing Families, Healing Communities: New Innovations in Practices, Education, and Research. Bangkok, Thailand, June, 2007.
“New Innovations in Family Nursing Education End of Life Nursing Education Consortium.”
C.Kenner. Paper for presentation at the 8th International Family Nursing Conference: Healing Families, Healing Communities: New Innovations in Practices, Education, and Research. Bangkok, Thailand, June, 2007.
“Family as Context in Clinical Genetics Project (FCCGP): An interactive Web-Based
Curriculum, Genetic Information Resource, and Continuing Education Program for
Health Care Professionals (HCP’s) and Students.” C.Kenner. Poster for presentation at the 8h International Family Nursing Conference: Healing Families, Healing Communities: New Innovations in Practices Education, and Research. Bangkok, Thailand, June, 2007.
“Family as Context in Clinical Genetics Project (FCCGP): An Interactive Web-Based
Curriculum, Genetic Information Resource, and Continuing Education Program for
Health Care Professionals (HCP’s) and Students.” C.Kenner. Paper for presentation at
the 18th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice.
Sigma Theta Tau International. Vienna, Austria, July 2007.
“NeoNatal COnNECT – A Web Based Platform for Research.” C.Kenner.
Paper as part of a Symposium: “A Web-Based Platform to Inform International
Evidence-Based Healthcare, Clinical Quality Improvement and Research” at the18th
International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice.
Sigma Theta Tau International. Vienna, Austria, July 2007.
“An International Nursing Organization: Linking Primary Care and Economic Development.”
C.Kenner & A. Kaisar. Paper presentation at the18th International Nursing Research
Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice. Sigma Theta Tau International. Vienna,
Austria, July 2007.
“Academic Leadership in a Man’s Land.” C.Kenner. Paper presented at the Oxford Round Table
“Women’s Rights and Leadership: Regaining the Momentum.” Oxford University, Oxford, England.
“COINN: Why Should You Join.” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker at Kenyan Nurses Association
meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, August, 2007.
“COINN Why Should you Join.” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker at Meru Methodist University,
Meru, Kenyan, August, 2007.
“Handling Difficult Situations.” C.Kenner. Co-Moderator at 6th International Neonatal Nursing
Conference at the Ashtok Hotel, New Delhi, India, September, 2007.
“Global Perspective.” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker at 6th International Neonatal Nursing
Conference at the Ashtok Hotel, New Delhi, India, September, 2007.
“Nursing Shortage”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker at Oklahoma Medical Society Alliance Meeting,
Nichols Hills, OK, October, 2007.
“Next Steps for Solving Oklahoma’s Nursing Shortage”, C. Kenner, G. Ellison, R.M. Smith
R.Webb, & D. Blanke. Invited Speakers. Oklahoma Nursing Association’s Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK, October, 2007.
“So You Want to Publish or Not?” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker. Florida Association of
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner 18th National Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Symposium: Clinical Update and Review, Clearwater Beach, FL, October, 2007.
“Barriers to Implementation of Development Care.” C.Kenner. Invited Speaker. Florida
Association of Neonatal Nurse Practitioner 18th National Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Symposium: Clinical Update and Review, Clearwater Beach, FL, October, 2007.
“Witch Brew is Right for You?” R.Bissinger, C.Kenner, & M. Beuleau. Ross Roundtable
Discussion. Florida Association of Neonatal Nurse Practitioner 18th National Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Symposium: Clinical Update and Review, Clearwater Beach, FL, October, 2007
“Building Capacity Through Learning Networks: The US-Russian Experience.” M. Driever, M.
Boykova, C. Kenner 39th Annual Sigma Theta Tau Conference, Baltimore, MD, October,
“Nursing as a Career” C.Kenner. For the Freshman class “The 21st Century Woman:
Tomorrow’s Woman in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics.” University of
Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, November, 2007.
“Combating Neonatal Mortality in Developing Countries”, C.Kenner & N. Sugrue. The Joanna
Briggs Institute 2007 Biennial International Convention: Pebbles of Knowledge: Evidence for Excellence”, Adelaide, Australia, November, 2007.
“Teaching IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education”, C.
Kenner & A. Finkelman. Invited Speakers, American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Baccalaureate Education Conference “Quest for Quality in Baccalaureate Nursing Education”, New Orleans, LA, December, 2007. Presented by A. Finkelman.
“The Push/Pull Factors Associated with the International Migration of Health Care Workers: Who
Stays and Who Goes”, N.Sugrue, C.Kenner, & S.Wells. World Universities Forum,
Davos, Switzerland, January, 2008.
“The Ethical Challenges for Creating Collaboration among Nursing Schools,” Invited Speaker.
C.Kenner, L.Brakhage, C.Dorough, K. Jezek, L. Rider, & G. Ellison. Oklahoma City
University Nurse Educator Conference “Ethics in Nursing Education,”, Oklahoma City, OK, February, 2008.
“International Nursing.” Invited speaker. C.Kenner. Oklahoma Nurses Association (ONA)
Region 1 Meeting. Oklahoma City, OK, March, 2008.
“Teaching IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education”, C.
Kenner & A. Finkelman. Invited Speakers, American Association of Colleges of
Nursing (AACN) Spring Meeting, Washington DC, March, 2008.
“Teaching IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education”, C.
Kenner. Invited Speaker. Texas Nursing Educators, Lubbock, TX, May, 2008.
“Teaching Research and Evidence Based Practice to Meet Current Needs in Academic Settings:
Expanding Access in Time of Globalization.”, A. Finkelman., & C. Kenner. Facing the
Challenge of Health Care Systems in Transition. Jerusalem, Israel, June, 2008.
“International Health Care Worker”, N. Sugrue, & C. Kenner. Facing the Challenge of Health
Care Systems in Transition. Jerusalem, Israel, June, 2008.
“Teaching IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education”. C.
Kenner & A. Finkelman. Invited Speakers, PACE University, White Plains, NY, June,
“Global Educational Trends: COINN’s Role”, C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. Neonatal Nursing
Advanced Practice Forum, Washington DC, June, 2008.
“Teaching the IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education and
Practice.” C. Kenner & A. Finkelman. Invited Speakers. Texas HCA, Plano, TX,
August, 2008.
“ELNEC Overview.” C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. Perinatal/Neonatal/Women’s Health Center,
Integris Baptist Healthcare System, Oklahoma City, OK, August, 2008.
“Career Path.” C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. University of Oklahoma (OU) College of Nursing
Student Nurses Association, Oklahoma City, OK, September, 2008.
“Charting the Course for the OUCON.” C. Kenner. Invited Speaker. University of Oklahoma
(OU) College of Nursing Alumni Meeting, Tulsa, OK, September, 2008.
“Health Care Labor Reforms: A Necessary Ingredient for Health Care Reforms, Globally. Alfred
P. Sloan Workshop on Labor Issues. N. Sugrue & C. Kenner. Invited Speakers.
University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, Champaign, IL, September, 2008.
“Teaching the IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education and
Practice.” A. Finkelman & C. Kenner. Invited Speakers. Institute of Oklahoma
Nursing Education (IONE), Shawnee, OK, September, 2008.
“Celebrating Our Families−Family Centered Care.” Invited Speaker. Saint Elizabeth Regional
Medical Center NICU’s 12 Annual Perinatal Conference “Building Blocks of Care.”
Lincoln, NE, September, 2008.
“Palliative/End of Life Care for the Neonate. Invited Speaker. Saint Elizabeth Regional
Medical Center NICU’s 12 Annual Perinatal Conference “Building Blocks of Care.”
Lincoln, NE, September, 2008.
“The Role of the Professional Organization in Providing Specialized Training to Nurses in
Developing Countries: Lessons, Challenges, and Barriers”. C. Kenner & N. Sugrue. 2008 GANES Educating the Future Nursing and Health Workforce: a Global Challenge Conference. Toronto, Canada, October, 2008.
“Teaching IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education”, C.
Kenner & A. Finkelman. Invited Speakers, Arizona Nurse Educators, Grand Canyon
University, Phoenix, AZ, October, 2008.
“Stop Your Making My Heart Race”. C. Kenner, R. White, D. Stevens, J. Harrell, V.
VanStavern, & C. Helseth. Invited Panel Member. Dream Course: NICU Design. D.
Boeck, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma, College of Architecture, October, 2008.
“Global Integration of Family-Centered Developmentally Supportive Caregiving into Neonatal
Nursing Education.” J. McGrath & C. Kenner. Poster Presentation. “Health as a Bridge for Global Peace,” 35th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Nursing, Scottsdale, AZ, November, 2008.
“End of Life Nursing in the Russian Federation.” M. Matzo & C. Kenner. Poster Presentation.
“Health as a Bridge for Global Peace,” 35th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Nursing, Scottsdale, AZ, November, 2008.
“Genetics and Genomics: The Global Bridge to Health.” Strategies for Next Steps. C. Kenner,
panel member. “Health as a Bridge for Global Peace,” 35th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Nursing, Scottsdale, AZ, November, 2008.
“Those Who Care for Each of Us: The Paraprofessionals.” N. Sugrue & C. Kenner. Invited
Paper for Labor and Employment Relations Meeting, San Francisco, CA, January, 2009.
“Teaching IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education.” A.
Finkelman & C. Kenner. Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (N-
OADN) Annual Convention, Orlando, FL, November 2009.
“Teaching IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education.” A.
Finkelman & C. Kenner. Southeastern Community College, Lincoln, NE, June, 2009.
“Why Health Care Workers Migrate and How They are Creating an Occupational Diaspora.” N.
Sugrue & C. Kenner. The Migration and Remittances team of the
Development Economics and Prospects Group (DEPG) of the World Bank International
Conference on Diaspora and Development. Washington DC, July, 2009.
“Just Because we Can…” Invited Speaker. C. Kenner. Texas AWHONN, Dallas, TX,
September, 2009.
Fall Forum 2009 “Riding the Winds of Change”, Maternal Child Panel: C. Kenner, Senator
Clark Jolley, Rep. Kris Steel. Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK, October, 2009.
“Medication Safety in the NICU.” C.Kenner. Invited speaker for Neonatal Conference 2009.
North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, Long Island, NY, November, 2009.
“Skin Care in the NICU.” C.Kenner. Invited speaker for Neonatal Conference 2009.
North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, Long Island, NY, November, 2009.
“Hospice/Palliative Care in the NICU.” C.Kenner. Invited speaker for Neonatal Conference
2009. North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, Long Island, NY, November, 2009.
“International Work for Neonatal Nurses.” C.Kenner. Invited speaker for “The 23rd Annual
Gravens Conference on the Physical and Developmental Environment of the High Risk
Infant”, Sheraton Sand Key Resort, Clearwater Beach, FL, February, 2010.
“Credentialing, Standards Roundtable.” C.Kenner. Invited facilitator for ”The 23rd Annual
Gravens Conference on the Physical and Developmental Environment of the High Risk
Infant,” Sheraton San Key Resort, Clearwater Beach, FL, February, 2010.
“Discussion in Dealing with Patients at End of Life.” C.Kenner. Invited speaker for Grand
Rounds, Open Forum, Memorial Medical Center, Wedeberg Conference Center, Springfield, IL, February, 2010.
“Can We Talk? Tips for Communicating with Your Doctor.” C.Kenner. Invited speaker for
Community Cancer Wellness Education Program. Memorial Medical Center, Wedeberg
Conference Center, Springfield, I., February, 2010.
“Staying Connected,”, C. Kenner. Invited speaker for Gamma Episolon Chapter Sigma Theta
Tau, International, Northeastern University School of Nursing, Boston, MA, April, 2010.
“Vision for The School of Nursing,” C. Kenner. Invited speaker for Northeastern University
School of Nursing Research Day, Boston, MA, April, 2010.
“Grantwriting: How to Survive and Thrive,” C. Kenner. Invited speaker for Meditech Nurse
Leader Conference, Marriott Hotel, Quincy, MA, June, 2010.
“Difficult Decision Making at the End of Life in the ICU.” C. Kenner. 21st Annual Conference
on Newborn Intensive Care. Lebanon, NH: Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, October, 2010. Invited Speaker.
“COINN: Raising the Standards for Neonatal Care and Education Globally.” C. Kenner.
Association of Neonatal Nurses South Australia (ANNSA) Annual Meeting “Cleft, Clicks, and Caring.” Ridleyton, South Australia: ANNSA, October, 2010. Invited Speaker.
“Developing the Neonatal/Pediatric Palliative Care.” C. Kenner.
Association of Neonatal Nurses South Australia (ANNSA) Annual Meeting “Cleft, Clicks, and Caring.” Ridleyton, South Australia: ANNSA, October, 2010. Invited Speaker.
“Panel Discussion: Summary about Neonatal Care.” C. Kenner.
Association of Neonatal Nurses South Australia (ANNSA) Annual Meeting “Cleft, Clicks, and Caring.” Ridleyton, South Australia: ANNSA, October, 2010. Invited Speaker.
“Skilled Attendants for Babies: A Labor Force Necessity for Meeting MDG4.” N. Sugrue, C.
Kenner, M. Boykova. & R. Smith. 7th International Neonatal Nursing Conference,
Durban, South Africa, October, 2010.
“COINN.” C.Kenner. 7th International Neonatal Nursing Conference,
Durban, South Africa, October, 2010. Invited Speaker.
“Developmental Care: Past, Present, and Future.” C. Kenner. “II Jornadas Internacionales:
Cuidados Neonatales Centrados en el Desarrollo y en la Familia, “ Madrid, Spain. Invited Speaker:
“IOM & Radical Transformation in Education: An Opportunity for Collaboration Between
Practice Academia.” C. Kenner. Boston, MA:
Northeastern University Alumni Center and Massachusetts General Hospital. Holiday Inn, Beacon Hill, November, 2010. Invited Speaker.
“Forces of Magnetism, IOM and Academia: Opportunity for Collaboration.” C. Kenner.
Capital District Nursing Research Alliance 7th Annual conference: “Improving Patient Safety and Quality.” Lathan, NY: Capital District Nursing Research Alliance & New York State Nurses Association, April, 2011. Invited Speaker.
“How Do We Keep the Caring?” C. Kenner.
Capital District Nursing Research Alliance 7th Annual conference: “Improving Patient Safety and Quality.” Lathan, NY: Capital District Nursing Research Alliance & New York State Nurses Association, April, 2011. Invited Speaker.
“Transforming the Research Core by Using Graduate Nursing Student Engagement with
Experienced Research Preceptors: A Mentorship Model.” J. Aorian, K. Damus, & C. Kenner. Poster presentation by J. Aorian at the Evidence Based Practice and Education in Nursing Education and Administration conference. International Nursing Administration Conference, Denver, CO, October, 2011.
“A Leadership Role in Nursing Academia: The Essentials for Success.” Invited Speaker. AACN
Faculty Development Webinar Series. Washington DC, December, 2011.
“The IOM: Implications for Nursing.” 2012 CNS Conference: “Optimizing Outcomes-
Influencing Across the Spheres.” Chicago, IL: National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists. Fairmont Chicago-Millennium Park, IL, March, 2012. Invited Speaker.
“An Interdisciplinary Intervention for Mothers of Children newly Diagnosed with Cancer.” S.E.
Hullman, D.A. Fedele, A.E. Eddington, M. Page, C. Kenner, & L.L. Mullins. 2012 Regional Conference in Pediatric Psychology, Milwaukee, WI, Spring, 2012.
“Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Progress, Challenges and Recommendations for the
Transition Home from the NICU.” Fifth Annual School of Nursing Research Symposium “Celebrating Nursing Scholarship and Interprofessional Health Alliances.” Boston, MA: Northeastern University, April, 2012. Invited Speaker.
“Enfermagem in Neonatal no Contexto Mudial: Principals Conquistas e Avancos.” Neonatal
Nursing within a Global Context. 2nd Congresso Brasileiro de Enfermagem Neonatal. Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, June, 2012. Invited Speaker.
“The Environment of the NICU and Its Impact on Newborns and Their Families.” 2nd Congresso
Brasileiro de Enfermagem Neonatal Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, June, 2012. Invited Speaker.
“Future of Nursing and Health Care: Where Do We Fit? Northeastern University School Health
Institute Summer Institute 20121: Navigating the Future…Facing the Challenges and Celebrating the Victories. Hyannis, MA: Cape Codder Resort, August, 2012. Invited Speaker.
“Northeastern University School of Nursing Update.” C. Kenner & L. Malone. The
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health: Essential School Health Services School Nurse Leader Quarterly Meeting, Marlborough, MA: Marlborough Holiday Inn, September, 2012. Invited Speakers.
“Operationalizing Interprofessional Education and Practice.” Panel: C. Kenner & S. Grant.
ANCC Magnet Conference. Los Angeles, CA: LA Convention Center, October, 2012. Invited Speaker.
“Academic Genealogies: Their Significance and Use in Nursing Doctoral Education.” J.
Pressler, & C. Kenner. American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Doctoral Conference, San Diego, CA, Poster Presentation, January, 2013.
“COINN: The Future Direction of Neonatal Nursing Globally Is in Our Hands.” 8th International
Neonatal Nursing Conference. Belfast, Northern Ireland, September, 2013. Invited Keynote Speaker.
“Navigating Quality Teaching and Learning IOM.” A. Finkelman & C. Kenner. American
Nurses Association, Washington, DC, Webinar, January 24, 2013.
“Family Centered Care and Its Implications in Transitioning a Baby to Home.” Midwest
Regional NIDCAP Meeting. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 22, 2013.
“Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Developmental Care.” Midwest
Regional NIDCAP Meeting. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 22, 2013.
“Who Art We? How We Trained? What Do We Do? Where Do We Practice?: The COINN
Global Neonatal Provider Database Initiative (CGNPD). W. Eklund, K.A. Karlsen, M. Boykova, P.C. Fleck, K. Bugrara, K. Damus, & C. Kenner. The Council of International Neonatal Nurses: 8th International; Neonatal Nursing; Nursing Conference 2013. Belfast, Northern Ireland, September, 2013.
“COINN: The Future Direction of Neonatal Nursing Globally Is In Our Hands.” Keynote
Address. C. Kenner. The Council of International Neonatal Nurses: 8th International Neonatal Nursing Conference 2013, Belfast, Northern Ireland, September, 2013.
“COINN: The Future Direction of Neonatal Nursing Globally Is In Our Hands.” C. Kenner.
Workshop Leader. Leadership Development, Sao Paulo, Brazil, December, 2013.
“Nursing, Leadership, Safety, and Quality: Sigma Theta Tau Networking.” Keynote Address. C.
Kenner. Delta Nu Chapter Sigma Theta Tau, International, 34 Annual Induction Ceremony, The College of New Jersey, Washington Crossing Inn, Washington Crossings, PA, March 30, 2014.
“Integration of IOM Core Competencies in Curriculum.” C. Kenner, T. Morris, & M.B. Brunell.
Invited Panel Speakers. ATI National Nurse Educator Summit, Orlando, FL, April, 2014.
“Every Newborn Part 2: PAS Launch of Every Newborn.” Invited Panel: M. Bull,
Konstantopoulos, J. Perrin, & C. Kenner. Pediatric Academic Societies and Asian
Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting, PAS, Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 5, 2014.
“Neonatal Nursing Growing from Local to Global.” Invited Keynote: C. Kenner. Malama o
NA Keiki 2014 Institute for Neonatal Professionals “Navigating Through NICU Waters.”
Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity. Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 19, 2014.
“Antecedents of Patient-Centric Collaboration in the Emergency Department.” F. Lassk, Y. Lee,
& C. Kenner. 2014 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Conferences, ESAN Graduate School of Business, Lima, Peru, August, 2014.
Focus on 48 “Crack Cocaine and FAS”, (1997). Channel 48 TV. C. Kenner
“Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia”. Radio Talk Show Guest. WAIF 88.3 FM, Cincinnati,
OH., July, 1998. C. Kenner.
U.S. News and World Report. (1999). Premature Infants.
Berk, B. (2000). Hearing Screenings Recommended for PPHN Survivors. Interviewed for WebRN, August 14,2000. http://webmed-practice.medcast.com/Z/Channels/3162/article590
Parmar, A. (2001). Nursing schools fight uphill battle to fill ranks, combat misconceptions. Daily Herald, Chicago, IL May 6, 2001.
Sackrider, A. (2002). Newborn reflexes. Parenting Magazine.
Ritter, J. (2002). Nursing Image. Chicago Sun Times.
Ritter, J. (2002, September 22). Retrofitting Nurses. Chicago Sun Times.
Kennedy, K. (2003). Nursing Shortage and Enrollments. Nursing Spectrum.
Crocker, E. (2004). New Position. Oklahoma Nursing Times.
Crocker, E. (2004). Cruise Ship Lecturer. Oklahoma Nursing Times.
Crocker, E. (2004). Joanna Briggs Initiative. Oklahoma Nursing Times.
Smith, N. (2005). University of Oklahoma becomes Affiliate WHO Collaborating Center. Tulsa
Crocker, E. (2006). Neonatal Emergencies. Oklahoma Nursing Times.
Smith, N. (2006). Hillcrest Recruits Nurses from Overseas. Tulsa World.
Coburn, J. (2006). Genetic Research. Edmond Sun Times.
Anderson, B. (2006). Nursing Shortage. Oklahoma Nursing Times.
Talk Radio: Hello Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Fairchild, P. (2006). Local Heroes. Edmond Sun Times.
Crocker, E. (2007, September). PhD in Nursing. Oklahoma Nursing Times.
Crocker, E. (2007, November). Russian US Partnership. Oklahoma Nursing Times.
Crocker, E. (2007, December). Neonatal Care. Oklahoma Nursing Times.
Trossman, S. (2008, May). Issues up Close. American Nurse Today.
Wood, D. (2010, July). HEALTH: Improving Nurse-Physician Relationships. NurseZone.
SAFM Radio. (2010, October). MidDay Live and Afternoon Talk Back. 7th International
Neonatal Nursing Conference.
Channel Africa. (2010, October). News. 7th International Neonatal Nursing Conference.
Marta Escavias, Spanish Newspaper. (2010, November). Developmental Care.
NurseZone, Patient Safety, January, 2011.
NurseZone Nursing as the Best Profession, 2012.
Patton, C. (2013). Nursing Schools Reinventing Recruitment. University Business.
Academy of Neonatal Nurses (ANN)
American Academy of Nursing (AAN)
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
American Nurses Association (ANA)
American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE)
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nursing (AWHONN) (formerly: Nurses’ Association of The American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists)
Gamma Epsilon Sigma Theta Tau (STT)
Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS)
Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS)
International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE)
International Society of Nurses in Genetics (ISONG)
Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses (MARN)
Massachusetts Organization of Nurse Executives (MONE)
Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS)
National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN)
National Association of Neonatal Nurse Practitioners (NANNP)
National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF)
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, Inc. (OCPA)
Sigma Theta Tau, International (STTI)
Society of Pediatric Nurses (SPN)
1982 Member of The Christ Hospital Planning Committee for Workshop
“Disappointed Parents,” presented at Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1983-1985 Chairperson of Core Curriculum Metabolic Subcommittee. Children’s Hospital
1983-1985 Center Core Curriculum Committee. Cincinnati, Ohio.
1982-1989 C.P.R. Instructor at Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1983 Assisted with Children’s Hospital Medical Center First Friends Reunion for Newborn Special Care Unit Children and Family, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1983 Assisted with American Diabetes Association: 1983 Diabetes Education Fair,
November 6, 1983, Cincinnati, Convention Center, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1984 Assisted with Careers Unlimited at The Westin Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio,
February 20,1984.
1984 Planning Committee Member for the S.O.N.A. Membership Drive Party for
graduating senior nursing students from diploma schools at Maple Knoll,
Cincinnati, OH.
1984 Chairperson for Child Care for the Conference of Cincinnati Women, University
of Cincinnati, Tangeman Center.
1984 Book Review of Group Process For Nurses, Maxine Loomis, author, for the
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
1984 Committee member for the S.O.N.A. Membership Drive Party for
graduating seniors from the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing &
Health, Procter Hall, University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing &
Health, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1984 Planning Committee member for the Symposium on Nursing Ethics, University
of Cincinnati, College of Nursing & Health, advisor for Group
Communications Class on planning, symposium.
1985-2000 Review Panel for Neonatal Network.
1985-1989 Co-coordinator of the Greater Cincinnati, Chapter of N.A.A.C.O.G.
1989-1991 Educational Coordinator, Ohio Section of N.A.A.C.O.G.
1985-1986 Planning Committee for Ohio Section Meeting, N.A.A.C.O.G.
1986-200 Review Panel for Clinical Nurse Specialist.
1986 Book Reviewer, Addison-Wesley.
Item Writer for NAACOG “Low Risk Neonatal Nursing Certification
Exam”, NAACOG Certification Corporation, Chicago, Illinois.
1987-1992 Member of National Association of Neonatal Nurses Communication’s
1987-1988 Reviewer for Advances in Nursing Science.
1987-1989 Planning Committee for Ohio Section Meeting, N.A.A.C.O.G.
1987-1993 Reviewer Test Question Writer for W.B. Saunders Company.
1990-1991 Chair, National Association of Neonatal Nurses Communication’s Committee.
1988-1989 Editor, NANN Update, National Association of Neonatal Nurses, Neonatal
1988-1999 Reviewer Test Question Writer for C.V. Mosby Company.
1988-1989 Planning Committee for District Meeting, N.A.A.C.O.G.
1989-1996 Reviewer for Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing.
1989 Delegate, Ohio Nurses Association, Toledo, Ohio.
1989-pres Reviewer for Journal of Pediatric Nursing.
1990-pres Reviewer for Journal of Perinatal Neonatal Nursing.
1990-1994 Nurse Liaison to the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on Fetus and
Newborn (COFN) to represent ANA, NAACOG, & NANN.
1991-1993 Board of Directors At Large, NANN.
1991 Reviewer for Ignatavicius & Bayne’s Medical Surgical Nursing: A Nursing
Process Approach. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company.
1991-1992 Reviewer for The Addison Wesley Pediatric Care Plans Manual. Addison-
Wesley, Redwood City, California.
1991-1993 Member, Nomination Committee, Maternal Child Council, ANA.
1991-2000 Book Reviewer for Nursing Research.
1992-1993 Editorial Board JOGNN.
1990-1993 Member, March of Dimes Selection Committee for the Ohio Nurses Association.
1992-1994 Member, National Association of Neonatal Nurses’ SIG-AP Economic Task
1992-1999 Speaker, BABIES AND YOU, March of Dimes.
1992-1999 Reviewer for J.B. Lippincott. Philadelphia, PA.
1993-1994 President-Elect, National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN).
1992-1998 Member, PreNatal Care Alliance, November.
1993 Book Reviewer for Jackson, D.B., & Saunders, R.B. (1993). Child Health
Nursing. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.
1993-2000 Reviewer, Grants for The Hospital For Sick Children Foundation, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
1993-1995 Chair, Bylaws Committee, National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN).
1993-1995 Member, Nominations Committee, National Association of Neonatal Nurses
1993-pres Member, Consensus Conference on Newborn ICU Design sponsored by Ross
Planning Associates, Ross Laboratories.
1993-1994 Member, Nurse’s Bargain Network Editorial Advisory Board, Global Success
Corporation, Naples, Florida.
1993-pres Member, Study Group and Review Panel for the National Project, The Physical
and Developmental Environment of the High-Risk Infant.
1993-1994 Member, Fernside Funding and Finance Committee.
1991-pres Expert Medical/Legal Reviewer for Malpractice/Negligence Cases.
Stephen C. Wolfe & Associates, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Shay Samples, JD, Birmingham, Alabama, 1991
Ted Earls, Columbus, Ohio, 1994
Deters, Benzinger & La Velle, P.S.C., Covington, Kentucky, 1994 to
C.L. McNeely, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1995
Emens, Kegler, Brown, Hill, & Ritter, Columbus, Ohio, 1995-96
Taylor & Swope, Tampa, Florida, 1996
Freund, Freeze & Arnold, Dayton, Ohio, 1996
MacMillen & Reinhart, Orlando, Florida, 1997
Arter & Hadden, LLP, Cleveland, Ohio, 2000
Choate & Guinn, LLP, San Diego, CA, 2000
Smith, Huaghey, Rice, & Roegge, Grand Rapids, MI, 2001
Hutton & Hutton, Wichita, Kansas, 2001-2003
Parenti, Falk & Waas, Miami, FL, 2004
Huddleston & Nohr, Marietta, GE, 2005
U.S. Department of Justice, United States Attorney Middle District of
Georgia, 2005
Leib & Katt, LLC, Milwaukee, WI, 2009 to present
Randall/Danskin, Spokane, Washington, 2011 to present
Sasscer, Clagett & Bucher, 2011 to present
Arnold Todaro & Welch, 2012 to present
Evans, Craven & Lackie, P.S. 2012 to present
Grey & Robinson, 2013 to present
1994-2010 Reviewer, for books, for Nursing & Health Care, National League for Nursing.
1994 Representative for NANN to the Nursing Organization Liaison Forum (NOLF),
Washington DC.
1995-1996 Member, Finance Committee, National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN).
1995-1996 Secretary, Foundation for Neonatal Research and Education.
1995-1996 President, National Association of Neonatal Nurses.
1995-2001 Member, Nurses in Advanced Practice, Inc. Board of Directors. University of
Cincinnati, Ohio.
1996-2002 Reviewer, Training Grants, Department of Health and Human Services.
1996 Member at Large, Girl Scouts of America. Board of Directors. Great Rivers
Council, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1996 Research Consultant, nominated by the Midwest Nursing Research Society
Research Sections to serve as a Research Consultant at the 1996 MNRS
Annual Research Conference, Detroit, MI.
1996-pres Member, Review Panel for Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses.
1996-2000 Reviewer for On Line Journal of Nursing Informatics.
1996-2009 Member, American Academy of Nursing Publications Committee.
1996-1999 Member, International Society of Nurses in Genetics WWW Board.
1996-1997 Member, Planning Committee for the University of Cincinnati Women’s Health
International Conference in St. Thomas Virgin Islands.
1995-2002 Reviewer for Re-appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee for, University
of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
1995-2003 External Reviewer for Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee for
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
1996 External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure Committee,
Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education, Spokane, WA.
1996-1998 Member, Search Committee for Hospital Based Early Intervention Service
Coordinator for the University Affiliated Cincinnati Center for
Developmental Disorders.
1997-1998 Past President, National Association of Neonatal Nurses.
1997-2000 President, Foundation for Neonatal Research and Education.
1997-1998 Chair, Nominations Committee, National Association of Neonatal Nurses.
1997-2000 Reviewer, The Clinical Letter for Nurse Practitioners.
1997-1998 Reviewer, Advanced Training Grants, Department of Health and Human
1996-1999 External Reviewer for Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee for
East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.
1996-2000 External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure Committee for University of
Illinois at Chicago.
1997 External Reviewer for Promotion for McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
1997-2012 Member, Working Group on Education, Licensure, and Education for the
National Coalition for Health Professional Education.
1997 Grant Reviewer for Medical Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
1997 External Reviewer for promotion at Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
1997-1999 Reviewer, Delmar Publishers.
1997-1998 Member, International Society Of Nurses in Genetics Professional Practice
1998-pres Reviewer, AWHONN Lifelines, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Publishers.
1998 Guest Co-Editor with R. Pickler for Neonatal Network, Genetics Issue.
1998 Guest Editor, Journal of Pediatric Nursing Neonatal Issue.
1998 Guest Co-Editor with L. Sommers, C. Hetteberg, & C. Prows for AACN Issues
in Critical Care.
1998-2010 Chair, Editorial Review Group for Nursing Process/Clinical Decision Making.
Doody Publishing.
1998-2010 Reviewer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
1998-1999 Reviewer, Training Grants, Department of Health and Human Services,
Rockville, MD.
1997-1999 External Reviewer for promotion at Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio.
1999-pres Reviewer, MCN. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Publishers.
1999 Grant Reviewer, United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Jerusalem,
1999-pres Member, Genetics Health Expert Panel, American Academy of Nursing,
Washington DC.
2000-2002 Chair, American Academy of Nursing Publications Advisory Committee.
2000 Reviewer, Basic Education Training Grants, Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, MD.
1999-2004 Co-Editor, Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, W.B. Saunders. Co-Editors
Judy Wright Lott and Frances Strodtbeck.
2000-2012 Member, National Academy of Nursing Leadership on End-Of-Life Care,
representing the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, sponsored by
Johns Hopkins.
2000 Delegation Leader, Professional Exchanges International, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ,
Neonatal-Pediatric Nursing Delegation to Eastern Europe.
2001 Member, Healthy People 2010 Nursing Focus Group, Bureau of Maternal Child
Health, Washington, DC
2001-2012 Member, American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel on End of Life Care,
Washington DC
2001-2002 Member, Planning Committee for “Partnerships for the Future-A National
Conference on Professional Nursing Education and Development”, Grand
Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI, Chicago, IL
2001 Member, End of Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC), Washington DC.
2002 Moderator, NICU Design Web Based Group “Developmental Care-Practice
Strategies to Protect and Enhance Development of the Preterm Infant”.
2002 Moderator, for Focus Group for Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Genetic
Testing, Baltimore, MD
2002-pres Pediatric Advisory Committee, End-of-Life Nursing Educational Consortium
(ELNEC), City of Hope Duarte, CA and American Association of
Colleges of Nursing, Washington DC.
2002 Advisory Committee, Dr. Panniers, Research Grant, Neonatal, New York
2002-2009 Advisory Committee, HGP Conference for Minorities.
2002-2006 Secretary, American Academy of Nursing.
2002 Moderator, Member, Planning Committee for “Partnerships for the Future-A
National Conference on Professional Nursing Education and
Development”, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI,
Chicago, IL.
2002 Facilitator, for “Healthcare Workforce Summit”, Workforce Boards of
Metropolitan Chicago, Hilton Towers, Chicago, IL.
2002 Member, Planning Committee for “Healthcare Workforce Summit”, Workforce
Boards of Metropolitan Chicago, Hilton Towers, Chicago, IL.
2002 External Reviewer for Tenure for University of Texas Houston Health Science
Center, School of Nursing, Houston, TX.
2002-2010 Member, American Academy of Nursing Development Committee, Washington
2003 Member, Graduate Nursing CSM Advisory Subcommittee, Excelsior College,
Albany, NY
2003 Member, Career Advisement Project, Sigma Theta Tau International,
Indianapolis, IN
2003-2005 Member, Illinois Practice Associates, Institute for Healthcare Innovation,
University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing, Chicago, IL
2003-pres Member, ASHG/NHGRI Genetics Mentor Network, Washington, DC.
2004-2010 Member, Attorney General’s Task Force on Palliative Care, Oklahoma City, OK
2004-2010 Member, 2004 Mead Johnson Nutritionals-Oklahoma Continuing Education
Advisory Board, Tulsa, OK
2004-2013 Member, 2004 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Executive
Development Leadership Group, Washington DC.
2004-2010 Member, 2004 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) State
Grassroots Liaison Program, Washington DC.
2004-pres Member, Review Panel for Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Nursing.
Official journal of the Australian Confederation of Paediatric and
Child Health Nurses and the Australian Neonatal Nurses Association,
Sydney, Australia.
2004-2005 Member, the International Scientific Advisory Panel (ISAP), the role of which is
to review abstracts submitted for presentation at the Royal College of
Nursing of the United Kingdom’s annual International Nursing
Research conference, 8th – 11th March 2005, Belfast, Northern Ireland,
2004-pres Member, Review Panel for Lifelines, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
2004-2005 Member, American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), mentor for Dr.
Beverly Bowers in the Executive Leadership Development Program,
Washington DC.
2003 External Reviewer for promotion and tenure for Univ. of Kansas Medical Center,
School of Nursing, Kansas City, KS.
2004 Abstract Reviewer for Leadership Abstracts. Sigma Theta Tau, Inc.,
Indianapolis, IN.
2004-2007 Member, Advisory Committee to Plan 6th International Neonatal Nursing
Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
2004-2010 Member, Review Panel for International Journal of Evidence Based
Healthcare, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
2005 Affiliate Member, Center for Child and Family Health Promotion
Research, University of Minnesota School of Nursing, Minneapolis,
2005-2006 Member, Scientific Review Committee for International Conference on
“The Impact of Global Issues on Women and Children” in Dhaka,
Bangladesh in November, 2006, Co-Sponsored by McMaster
University and University of Oklahoma College of Nursing.
2005-pres Member, Review Panel for Journal of Neonatal Nurses. Official Journal of
the United Kingdom Neonatal Nurses Association, Nottingham,
2005-pres Co-Editor, Department Rx for Deans, Nurse Educator, Philadelphia, PA.
2005-pres Editor, Column International Health for Journal of Neonatal Nurses,
Official Journal of the United Kingdom Neonatal Nurses Association,
Nottingham, England
2005-2010 Co-Chair, Attorney General’s Task Force on Palliative Care, Oklahoma
City, OK
2005-2006 Member, Scientific Advisory Panel for the Royal College of Nursing of
the United Kingdom’s International Nursing Research conference,
March, 2006, York, England.
2005-2006 President/Executive Director, Council of International Neonatal Nurses
(COINN), Edmond, OK
2005-2012 President, Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN), Edmond, OK
2005-pres Member, National Nurse Advisory Council for the March of Dimes, White
Plains, NY
2005-pres Member, Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews Editorial Board,
Philadelphia, PA.
2005-2010 Member, Professional Advisory Board, OU Physicians Breast Institute,
Oklahoma City, OK
2005 Member, 2005 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
Executive Development Leadership Group, mentor for Dr. Susan
Barnes Washington DC.
2003 Member, 2005 American Association of Colleges of Nursing Executive
Development Leadership Group, mentor for Dr. Tim Smith,
Washington DC.
2005-2006 Chair, American Academy of Nursing (AAN) Bylaws Committee,
Milwaukee, WI.
2004 External Reviewer for Career Review, University of Louisville, Department of Pediatrics, Louisville, KY.
2005 External Reviewer for promotion, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX.
2006-2007 Member, Review Panel for Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice, New York.
2006-2010 Reviewer, Journal of Perinatology, Baltimore, MD.
2006-2010 Member, editorial advisory panel for the US Nursing 2006 publication, Touch
Briefings, London, England.
2006 Member, Review Panel for RCN International Nursing Research Conference,
2007, London, England
2006-2010 Member, Oklahoma Genetics Advisory Council (OGAC), Oklahoma City, OK
2006-2007 Member, American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), for mentor
for Dr. Sandra Upchurch in the Executive Leadership Development
Program, Washington DC.
2006-2007 Member, American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), for mentor
for Dr. S. Thompson in the Executive Leadership Development
Program, Washington DC.
2007-2010 Member, Review Panel for International Journal for Evidence-Based
Healthcare, Adelaide, Australia.
2007-2010 Member, Review Panel for The American Journal of Managed Care,
Princeton, NJ.
2007-2012 Member, University of Alabama School of Nursing World Health
Organization Collaborating Center (WHOCC) Advisory Board,
Birmingham, AL.
2008-pres Liaison member, NeoReviews, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Editorial Board, Elk Grove Village, IL.
2008 Oklahoma Nurses Association (ONA) Delegate, October, 2008.
2008. Chair, Session 33 “Evidence through Technology” at 12th International Nursing
Research Conference and 6th Biennial Joanna Briggs Colloquium,
Cordoba, Spain, November, 2008.
2008-2010 Member, All-Country Nursing Education Capacity Summit, Sponsored by
the Center to Champion Nursing in American at AARP, Robert Wood
Johnson Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future (PIN), the US Department of
Labor and the Health Resources Service Administration (HRSA), February,
2008-2010 Member, National Advisory Committee, PIN grant: A Multi-Regional Model to
Increase the Number of Baccalaureate Nurses in the US (RIBN), Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation, January, 2009.
2008-pres Member, Career Advisor, Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc., December, 2008.
2008 Member, American Association of Colleges of Nursing Executive
Development Leadership Group, mentor for Dr. Sarah Thompson.
2008 Member, American Association of Colleges of Nursing Executive
Development Leadership Group, mentor for Colonel Bruce
2008 Member, American Association of Colleges of Nursing Executive
Development Leadership Group, mentor for Dr. Krista M.
2008 Member, American Association of Colleges of Nursing Executive
Development Leadership Group, mentor for Dr. Amy Hall.
2008-2010 Co-Chair, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition, State of Oklahoma,
Oklahoma City, OK, July, 2008.
2008-2010 Member, Executive Committee, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition,
State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, July, 2008.
2008-2010 Member, Leadership Team, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition,
State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, July, 2008.
2008-2010 Member, Awareness Subcommittee, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
Coalition, State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, July, 2008.
2008-2010 Member, Substance Abuse in Pregnancy Ad Hoc Committee, Healthy Mothers,
Healthy Babies Coalition, State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, Dec.,
2008-2010 Member, Oklahoma Infant Alliance, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
Coalition, State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, July, 2008.
2008-2010 Member, Oklahoma Infant Alliance Leadership Team, Healthy Mothers,
Healthy Babies Coalition, State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, July,
2009 External Reviewer for promotion for University of Texas, Arlington, January,
2009 External Reviewer for promotion for Duke University, North Carolina, January,
2009 Member, Editorial Board, Nursing Research and Practice, Hindawi Publishing
Corp., August, 2009.
2009 -pres Member, Global Nursing Exchange, December, 2009.
2010-pres Member, Essential Genetics and Genomics Competencies for Graduate
Nursing Consensus Panel,” June, 2010.
2010-pres Member, Review Panel, Journal of Nursing Regulation.
2010-pres Member, CRUDEM Educational Committee, August, 2010.
2010 External Reviewer, for Named Professorship, Duke University, North
Carolina, November, 2010.
2010-pres Chair, Editorial Review Group for Health Policy, Doody Publishing.
2011-2013 Member, Judging Committee for Sigma Theta Tau International Book Award,
Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), Indianapolis, IN., March, 2011.
2011-pres Member, ANCC CE Subcommittee of the Nursing Advisory Committee, March
of Dimes Foundation, White Plains, NY, April, 2011.
2011-pres Chair, IOM Subcommittee of the Nursing Advisory Committee, March of Dimes
Foundation, White Plains, NY, April, 2011.
2011 External Reviewer, for promotion to full Professor, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
2011 External Reviewer, for tenure, Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing, New York,
2011-2013 Co-Liaison for Massachusetts-State Grassroots Liaison, American Association of
Colleges of Nursing (AACN), Washington DC.
2011-2013 Member, Legislative Committee, Massachusetts Association of Colleges of
Nursing (MACN), Boston, MA.
2012-pres Mentor, Pioneer. The Mentor Exchange (TME). New York.
2012-2013 Member, Nominating Committee, American Association of Colleges of Nursing
(AACN). Washington DC.
2012-pres Secretary, Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc., Boston, MA.
2012-pres Member, Editorial Board of the Clinical Nursing Studies, Sciedu Press, Toronto,
2012-2013 Judge, for the 2013 International Awards for the Audrey Hepburn Award for
Contributions to the Health and Welfare of Children, Sigma Theta Tau,
International, Indianapolis, IN.
2013 Member, Programming Committee for the International Social Pharmacy Workshop, Northeastern University Bouvé College of Health Sciences,
Boston, MA.
2013 External Reviewer for Promotion for Hunter College School of Nursing, New
York City, New York.
2013 External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure for Wright State University-Miami
Valley College of Nursing, Dayton, OH.
2013 External Reviewer for Tenure for Hunter College School of Nursing, New York
City, New York.
2013 External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure for the University of Connecticut
School of Nursing, Storrs, CT.
2013-pres Member, Developmental Care Guidelines Committee for the Physical
Environment of the High-Risk Newborn.
2013-pres Member, Policy Working Group to Address Every Newborn Action Plan Globally
2014 External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure for McMaster University, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada
2014-pres Member, National Perinatal Association Working Group on Palliative Care
2014 External Reviewer for Brown University, Providence, RI
2014 External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure, University of Cincinnati College of
Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
2014-pres Mentor, American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Dean’s Mentor
Program for Cheryl Bergman, Washington DCj
1994 Consultant, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Program at Stony Brook Health
Sciences Center School of Nursing, State University of New York.
1996-pres Consultant, Medical Research Consultants, Inc.
1995-1996 Consultant, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Program at University of South Alabama
School of Nursing, Mobile, Alabama.
1996-1999 DHHS funded “Summer Genetics Institute”, Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
1997-pres Hill-Rom, Inc, Neonatal Clinical/Research Consultation, Batesville, Indiana.
1997-2002 Delmar Publishers, Inc. Writing/Educational Consultation, Albany, NY.
1997-2000 National Association of Neonatal Nurses, Education and Programs Consultation.
Petaluma, CA.
1999-2001 External Examiner of the Curriculum, University of Kuwait, College of Nursing, Kuwait City Kuwait
1999-pres Consultant to the Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Program,
University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama.
1999-pres Consultant to Excelsior (formerly Regents) College, Albany, New York.
2001-pres Consultant to the Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Program, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.
2001, May Member, DHHS Basic Grants and Special Projects Review Committee, Bethesda, MD.
2002-2004 Consultant, Member Baby CareLink Clinical Advisory Board, Clinician Support Technology, Framingham, MA.
2004 Consultant, Orbis Educational Services, Inc., Indianapolis, IN.
Requests for Research Instrument or Replication of Studies:
Seoul, Korea-Transition Study
Australia-Transition Study
Newfoundland-Transition Study
Iceland-Transition Study
Norway-Transition Study
Edmonton, Alberta Canada-Transition Study
Toronto, Ontario Canada-Transition Study
Texas-Transition Study
Connecticut-Transition Study
Malta-Fetal Alcohol Study
Singapore-Fetal Alcohol Study
Kuwait-Transition Study
Russia-St. Petersburg, Russia Study
Japan-Transition Study
Thailand-Transition Study
Russia-Transition Study
Malaysia-Transition Study
March, 2008 “Continuing Education Program on SIDS Risk Reduction: Curriculum for
Nurses.” Bethesda, MD: National Institute of Child Health & Human
Development, 1.1 C.H.
April, 2008 “AACN 2008 Spring Annual Meeting: Nursing Higher Education: External
Impact−Policy, Politics, and the Community.” American Association
of Colleges of Nursing (AACN): Fairmont Hotel, Washington DC, 4.5
April, 2008 “Society of Pediatric Nursing Annual Meeting.” Grand Hyatt, Denver, CO, 3.4
April, 2008 “The Ohio Nurse Practice Act”, CME Resource, Sacramento, CA, 1.0 C.H.
May, 2008 “Women and Power: Leadership in a New World.” Harvard Kennedy School
of Government, Cambridge, MA.
June, 2008 “The 11th Annual Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Forum”, The Nursing
Continuing Education -Hitchcock Medical Center,
Washington DC, 3.0 C.H.
October, 2008 “Educating the Future Nursing and Health Workforce: A Global Challenge
Conference. GANES, CASN, ACESI, Toronto, Canada.
November, 2008 “American Academy of Nursing Health as a Bridge for Global Peace. 35th
Annual Meeting & Conference,” Scottsdale, AZ: Westin Kierland
Resort &Spa, 6.5 C.H.
March, 2009 “Ohio Nursing Laws: How Practice is Regulated,” Western Schools, Brockton,
MA, 1 C.H.
March, 2009 “AACN 2009 Spring Annual Meeting: Building Thriving Organizations for the
Future,” American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Washington DC, 6.25 C.H.
July, 2009 “International Council of Nurses ICN Congress 2009, Leading Change:
Building Healthier Nations”, Durban, South Africa, 1C.H.
September, 2009 “NANN 25th Annual Educational Conference: The Neonatal Community:
Creating the Silver Lining”, Austin, TX: NANN, 3.0 C.H.
February, 2010 “The 23rd Annual Gravens Conference on the Physical and Developmental
Environment of the High Risk Infant”, Sheraton Sand Key Resort-
Clearwater Beach, FL, 10.9 C.H.
March, 2010 “Shaping the Future of Nursing Education”, American Association of
Colleges of Nursing. Washington DC 3 C.H.
March, 2010 “ENRS 22nd Annual Scientific Sessions: Celebrating Diversity in Nursing
Science,” Eastern Nurses Research Society (ENRS), Providence, RI,
11.5 C.H.
May, 2010 “Nursing Exemplars: A Palette of Professional Practice,” Children’s Hospital
Boston, Boston, MA, 1 C.H.
June, 2010 “Eight Annual Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Faculty Forum 2010,”
The Nursing Continuing Education Council Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC, .50 C.H.
June, 2010 “Using Genetics/Genomics Competencies,”, Washington DC: American
Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), `1 C.H.
June, 2010 “Nurse Executives Lead New Paradigms for Practice and Education,” Institute
for Nursing Healthcare Leadership (INHL) Executive Nurse Leadership Conference, Massachusetts General Hospital The Institute for Patient Care, Boston, MA, 5.0 C.H.
June, 2010 “Meditech Nurse Leader Conference,” Marriott Hotel, Quincy, MA, 3.0 C.H.
September, 2010 “Nursing Education: Stimulus for Improvement,” Northeastern University
Bouvé College of Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Boston, MA, 2.0 C.H.
October, 2010 “How Do We Decide? Factors Influencing Difficult Decisions in Perinatal
Care?” Dartmouth-Hitchcock, The Fireside Inn, West Lebanon, New
Hampshire, 5.5 C.H.
October, 2010 “7th International Conference of Neonatal Nursing 2010: Excellence Against all
Odds-Researching Solutions to Global Challenges.” Durban, South Africa.
November, 2010 “HRSA Programs and Grant-Writing Strategies.” Northeastern University
Bouvé College of Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Boston, MA, 1.0 C.H.
November, 2010 “II Journadas Internacionales: Cuidados Neonatales en el
Desarrollo y en la Familia.” Madrid, Spain.
January, 2011 “The 24th Annual Gravens Conference on Physical & Developmental
Environment of the High Risk Infant.” Clearwater Beach, FL, 10.50
March, 2011 “AACN 2011 Spring Annual Meeting: The Future is Now: Putting the Puzzle
into Perspective.” Washington DC, 4.25 C.H.
April, 2011 “Nursing Research: A View from the Trenches.” Fourth Annual Research Day,
Northeastern University, Boston, MA, 1.0 C.H.
May, 2011 “AACN Strategic Planning and the IOM Report.” Webinar, Washington DC, 1
June, 2011 “Emerging Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities for Executive Nurse
Leaders.” Massachusetts General Hospital The Institute for Patient
Care, Boston, MA, 6.0 C.H.
July, 2011 “Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma (Shaken Baby Syndrome).” Elite Continuing
Education, Ormond Beach, FL, 1.5 C.H.
July, 2011 “Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Syndrome.” Elite Continuing Education,
Ormond Beach, FL 5.5 C.H.
July, 2011 “Geriatric Assessment.” Elite Continuing Education, Ormond Beach, FL. 7
Sept., 2011 “NANN Annual Meeting.” IOM Update. NANN, Caribe Royal, Orlando, FL. 1
Sept., 2011 “Genomic Competency by Nursing: it Begins with Faculty.” Northeastern
University School of Nursing, Boston, MA. 1.5 C.H.
October, 2011 “Preparing Nurses for the Challenges of the Future.” AACN 2011 Fall
Semiannual Meeting, Washington, DC. 4.0 C.H.
November, 2011 “Joyce C. Clifford Seminar in Nursing 2011, BIDMC PCS-111130.” Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA. 1 C.H.
January, 2012 “25th Annual Gravens Conference.” University of South Florida, Clearwater
Beach, FL, 8.0 C.H.
March, 2012 “AACN 2012 Spring Annual Meeting: Impacting the Future: Interprofessional
Education and Collaboration.” Washington DC: AACN. 6.75 C.H.
March, 2012 “24th Annual Scientific Sessions: From Cell to Society: The Intersection of
Nursing Research, Practice and Policy.” New Haven, CT: Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS). 10 C.H.
April, 2012 Fifth Annual School of Nursing Research Symposium “Celebrating Nursing
Scholarship and Interprofessional Health Alliances.” Boston, MA: Northeastern University. 2.5 C.H.
April, 2012 “Visiting Irving Harris Professor Lecture, Evidence-Based Practice: The BSN
to DNP Curriculum-Front Line Improvement-How to Do It, How to Lead it, How to Inform it..” Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). 1.0 C.H.
September, 2012 “2012 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research.” Washington DC:
Council of the Advancement of Nursing Science. 9.0 C.H.
October, 2012 “American Association of Colleges of Nursing 2012 Fall Semiannual Meeting.”
Washington D.C., AACN, 9.0 C.H.
October, 2012 “American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)2012 ANCC National magnet
Conference. Pre-Conference: By the Team, for the Team.” Los Angeles, CA: ANCC. 3.5 C.H.
February, 2013 “Washington Nursing Research Consortium Research Series.” Washington
DC: Department of Veterans Affairs and The Catholic University School of Nursing, 1.0 C.H.
March, 2013 “26th Annual Gravens Conference on the Physical and Developmental
Environment of the High Risk Infant.” Sand Key, FL: University of South Florida, 3.0 C.H.
March, 2013 “Information Needed for the Care of Hospitalized Patients.” Boston, MA:
Gamma Epsilon Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, International, Northeastern University School of Nursing, 1. C.H.
March, 2013 “American Association of Colleges of Nursing 2013 Spring Annual Meeting.”
Washington D.C., AANC, 6.75 C.H.
April, 2013 “6th Annual Research Day.” From Competencies to Change Agents:
Transformative Learning for a Healthier World. Boston, MA: Northeastern University Bouvé College of Health Sciences School of Nursing, 1 C.H.
April, 2013 “6th Annual Research Day.” Getting Ready for Health Care Transformation:
The Role of Interprofessional Practice and Education. Boston, MA: Northeastern University Bouvé College of Health Sciences School of Nursing, 1 C.H.
May, 2013 “Ohio Nursing Laws and Standards (2012). Online: Elite Continuing
Education, 1.0 C.H.
July, 2013 “Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma (Shaken Baby Syndrome).” Elite Continuing
Education, Ormond Beach, FL, 1.5 C.H.
September, 2013 “The New Health Care model: It’s Time to Nurse IT.” Boston, MA:
Northeastern University Bouvé College of Health Sciences School of Nursing, 1.0 C.H.
October, 2013 “2013 Fall Semiannual Meeting.” Washington, DC: American Association of
Colleges of Nursing, 6.75 C.H.
October, 2013 “2013 American Academy of Nursing Annual Meeting: Transforming Health
Care: Diving Policy.” Washington, DC: American Academy of
Nursing, 7.01 C.H.
October, 2013 “Peer Review of Article Title: State of the Science: A Contemporary Review of
Feeding Readiness in the Preterm Infant. For the Journal: The Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing.” New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1.0 C.H.
February, 2014 “27th Annual Gravens Conference on the Physical and Developmental
Environment of the High Risk Infant.” Clearwater Beach, FL, 12.C.H.
February, 2014 “Peer Review of Effect of Breastfeeding and Maternal Holding in Relieving
Painful Responses in Full Term Neonates.” New York: The Journal of
Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 1.0 C.H.
May, 2014 “Peer Review of Assessing Neonates for Neonatal Abstinence: Are You
Reliable?” New York: The Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing,
0.5 C.H.
August, 2014 “Connect Suicide Postvention Training.” Ewing, NJ: Rutgers-University
Behavioral HealthCare-Traumatic Loss Coalition-NJ Youth Suicide Prevention Project. C.H. 4.0.
Courses Taken:
June, 1984 “Nursing Theory”, Dr. R. Ellis, Frances Payne
July, 1984 Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western
Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio, 3 Cr.H.
June, 1984 – “Evaluation Research in Nursing”, Dr. P.
July, 1984 Schwirian, Frances Payne Bolton School of
Nursing, Case Western Reserve Univ.,
Cleveland, Ohio, 3 Credit Hours
September, 1984 – “Theories and Operations in Nursing Service
December, 1984 Administration”, Mary Correa, University of
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 3 Credit Hours
September, 1984 – “Organizational Behavioral Consultation”, Dr. B.
December, 1984 Reddy, Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio., 3
Credit Hours
January, 1985 – “Nursing Research”, Dr. Carol Deets, Indiana
May, 1985 Univ., Indianapolis, Indiana, 3 Credit Hours
January, 1985- “Intermediate Statistics”, Dr. A. Garvin,
March, 1985 Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio., 3 Credit
March, 1985- “Instructional Technologies in Higher
June, 1985, Dr. B. Armstrong, Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
Ohio., 3 Credit Hours
May, 1985- “Theory Development Strategies”, Dr. E. Donnelly,
June, 1985 Indiana U., Indianapolis, Ind., 3 Credit Hours
July, 1985 “Contemporary Issues in Higher Education”,
Dr. B. Armstrong, Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
Ohio., 3 C.H.
August, 1985- “Analysis of Nursing Models and Theories”,
December, 1985 Dr. E. Donnelly, Indiana University,
Indianapolis, Indiana, 3 Credit Hours
August, 1985- “Health Belief Model”, Dr. C. Deets, Indiana
December, 1985 Univ., Indianapolis, Indiana, 3 Credit Hours
September, 1985- “History of Higher Education”, Dr. B.
December, 1985 Armstrong, Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio., 3
September- “Law in Higher Education”, Dr. C. Weilbaker,
December, 1985 Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio., 3 Credit
January- “Curriculum Literature in Teacher Education”,
March, 1986 Dr. C. Weilbaker, Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
Ohio, 3 Credit Hours
January- “Program Development in Higher Education”,
March, 1986 Dr. B. Armstrong, Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
Ohio, 3 Credit Hours
January- “Educational Models and Theories in Maternal
May, 1986 Child Health Nursing”, Dr. Frances Strodtbeck, Indiana Univ., Indianapolis, Indiana, 3 Credit Hours
March- “Regression Analysis”, Dr. Gartside,
June, 1986 Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 3 Credit Hours
May, 1986 “Directed Study in Educational Models and
Theory Of Maternal Child Health Nursing”,
Dr. Frances Strodtbeck, Indiana University,
Indianapolis, Ind., 3 Credit Hours
August- “Parent Adaptation”, Dr. Elizabeth Choi,
December, 1986 Indiana Univ. , Indianapolis, Ind., 3 C.H.
August- “Women and Health Care”, Dr. Angela McBride,
December, 1986 Indiana Univ., Indianapolis, Ind., 3 C.H.
August- “Introduction To SPSS-X”, Dr. M. Rider,
December, 1986 Indiana Univ., Indianapolis, Ind., 2 C.H.
May- “Parent Transition from the NICU to Home”,
December, 1987 Dr. E. Choi, Indiana U., Indianapolis, Ind.,
Dissertation, 4 Credit Hours
January, 1987 “Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive
March, 1988 Care Unit to Home”, dissertation, Indiana
Univ., Indianapolis, Indiana, 9 Credit Hours
March, 1989- “Parent- Infant Interaction”, University of
June, 1989 Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 3 Credit Hours-Audit
October, 1989 “Nursing Systems Toward Effective Parenting-Preterm”,
NCAST, University of Washington, 41 Contact Hours
December, 2000 “HCP 350 Alternative Modalities”, Clayton College of
Natural Healing, Birmingham, AL, 4 Credit Hours.
January, 2001 “HCP 353 Mind-Body Healing”, Clayton College of
Natural Healing, Birmingham, AL, 4 Credit Hours.
March-April, 2001 “Online Learning: An Overview”, Illinois Online,
Chicago, IL, 5.2 CH
September, 2001 “HCP 222 Holistic Health and Lifestyles”, Clayton College
of Natural Healing, Birmingham, AL, 4 Credit Hours
September, 2001 “NH 508 Overview of Energy Techniques”, Clayton
College of Natural Healing, Birmingham, AL, 4
Credit Hours.
December, 2001 “NU 301 Holistic Nutrition”, Clayton College of Natural
Healing, Birmingham, AL, 4 Credit Hours.
December, 2001 “HCP 355 Creating an Integrative Healthcare Practice”,
Clayton College of Natural Healing, Birmingham,
AL, 4 Credit Hours.
February, 2002 “HA 830 Biomedical Ethics”, Kennedy-Western
University, Thousand Oaks, CA, 3 Credit Hours.
April, 2002 “HA 840 Strategic Planning and Marketing in Health
Care”, Kennedy- Western University, Thousand
Oaks, CA, 3 Credit Hours
May, 2002 “HA 805 Problems and Issues in the Health Field”,
Kennedy-Western University, Thousand Oaks,
CA, 3 Credit Hours
July, 2002 “HA750 Health Services Administration”, Kennedy-
Western University, Thousand Oaks, CA, 3 Credit
November, 2004 “NH541 Alternative Approaches to Fibromyalgia”, Clayton
College of Natural Healing, Birmingham, AL, 3
Credit Hours
Committee Memberships:
Medical Center:
Member, Children’s Hospital Medical Center Core Curriculum Committee, July, 1982 –
Chairperson, Core Curriculum Subcommittee: Metabolic, July, 1982 -1985
Member, Children’s Hospital Medical Center Nursing Research Parent Involvement Committee,
August, 1986-2001
Member, Health Science Center Focused Planning Committee for Neonatal/OB/Pediatrics,
October, 1987-1993.
Member, Institutional Review Board, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept,
1988-April, 1999.
Member, Perinatal Substance Abuse Committee, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, April,
Member, Southwestern Ohio Nurses Association (SONA). Council of Nursing Practice, Sept.,
Member, Southwestern Ohio Nurses’ Assoc. Membership Committee, Feb. 1984-June,
Co-Chair, Assoc. for the Care of Children’s Health Publicity Committee, July, 1984 –
June, 1986.
Member, Beta Iota Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau Public Relations Committee, Sept., 1984-89.
Chairperson, Child-Care Committee for Conference of Cincinnati Women, Univ. of
Cincinnati, Tangeman Center, April, 1984 .
Counselor, Beta Iota Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, 1987-April, 1989.
Member, Consultation Department, University Hospital, October, 1984-1996.
Co-coordinator, Nurses Assoc. of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Greater Cincinnati Chapter, November, 1985-Jan., 1989.
Chair, Nurses Assoc. of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology Program
Planning Committee of Ohio Section Meeting, November, 1985-May, 1986.
Member, National Communications Committee & Editor of the NANN UPDATE,
National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN), May, 1987-September, 1989.
Member, Nurses Assoc. of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology Program
Planning Committee of the Ohio Section Meeting, November, 1987-1996.
Educational Coordinator for the Ohio Section, Nurses Assoc. of the American College of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, March, 1989-91.
Chair, Nominations Committee, Beta Iota Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, April, 1989-to present
Member, NAACOG Certification Corporation Expert Panel on Measurement of Practice
Outcomes in Neonatal Nursing, April, 1989-1991.
Chairperson, National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN)
Communications Committee, July, 1989-January, 1991.
Member, Ohio Nurses Association (ONA) March of Dimes Selection Committee, Jan., 1990-
December 31, 1993.
Chapter Advisor, Greater Cincinnati Association of Neonatal Nurses, Jan. 1990-2000.
Member, Advisory Committee for the Cincinnati Health Network Perinatal Grant, July,
Director at Large, NANN (National Association of Neonatal Nurses) Board, January, 1991-
December, 1992.
Member, Nominating Committee for ANA Maternal Child Council, June, 1991-December, 1993.
Member, JOGNN Editorial Review Board, January, 1992-December, 1994.
Member, NANN SIG-AP Economic Task Force, January 1, 1992-December 31,1992.
Member, PreNatal Care Alliance, November, 1992-1995.
President-Elect, NANN (National Association of Neonatal Nurses) Board, January, 1993-
December, 1994.
Chair, Bylaws Committee, NANN, January, 1993-December, 1994.
Member, NICU Design Standards National Committee, 1993-February, 2000.
Member, Nominations Committee, NANN, January, 1993-December, 1994.
Member, Fernside Funding and Finance Committee, August 1993-December, 1994.
President, NANN (National Association of Neonatal Nurses) Board, January, 1995-
December, 1996.
Secretary, Foundation for Nursing Research and Education (FNRE), January, 1995-
December, 1996.
Member, NANN Finance Committee, January, 1995-December, 1996.
Member, Great Rivers Girl Scout Council, Board of Directors, April, 1995-December,
Member, ISONG WWW Board, July, 1996-April, 2000.
Member, American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, Review Panel, 1996 to present.
Member, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Review Panel, 1996 to present.
Member, Clinical Nurse Specialist Journal, Review Panel, 1996 to present.
Member, American Academy of Nursing Publication Advisory Committee, September, 1996-
November, 1998.
Past President, NANN (National Association of Neonatal Nurses) Board, January, 1997 to
Chair, Nominations Committee, NANN (National Association of Neonatal Nurses), January
1997-February, 1998.
President, Foundation for Nursing Research and Education (FNRE), January, 1997-April, 2000.
Member, NANN 1998 National Conference Planning Committee, February, 1997-September,
Member, AWHONN Lifelines Review Panel, January, 1998 to present.
Chair, American Academy of Nursing Publication Advisory Committee, November, 1998 to
Ex-Officio Member, Nursing Outlook Editorial Board, November, 1998-2002.
Co-Editor, Neonatal and Infant Nursing Reviews, January, 2000 to present.
Member, Expert Panel on Genetics, American Academy of Nursing, 2000 to present.
Member, Expert Panel on End-of-Life Issues, American Academy of Nursing, June, 2001-present.
Member, Advisory Committee of the National Genetics and Health Workforce Research Center,
funded by Health Services and Resources Administration (HRSA) and the National Human
Genome Research Institutes, Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Program.
Secretary, American Academy of Nursing, November 2003-present.
Member, Advisory Committee of the U.S. Nursing Reviews2006 Business Briefings, Touch
Briefings, Plc, London, England, 2006-present.
Chair, Bylaws Committee, American Academy of Nursing, November, 2005-2006.
Member, Nursing Advisory Council (NAC) of the March of Dimes Subcommittee on Global
Health, 2007-present.
Member, Review Board, Neoreviews, September, 2008-present.
Member, Review Panel, Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine, February, 2009-present.
Member, Boston Board, March of Dimes, 2011-present
Member, Developmental Care Guidelines, 2013-present
College of Nursing and Health University of Cincinnati:
Member, Task Force for Development of Alterations III – Spring Quarter. 1985.
Co-chair of the Committee to Develop Anticipatory Guidance for the High Risk Family (A
Nursing Elective), 1985.
Senior Class Co-Advisor, June, 1985 -June, 1986.
Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Sept., 1984-June, 1987.
Member, Student Awards Committee, September, 1984-September, 1985.
Member, Steering Committee to Select Department Chairs, Sept., 1984 -85.
Member of the Task Force for C.A.I. Development, November, 1984
Co-Chairperson, Child-Care Committee for Conference of Cincinnati Women, Univ. of
Cincinnati, Tangeman Center, September, 1984-June, 1985.
Member, Task Force on Mentoring, March, 1986-1989.
Member, Ad Hoc R.P.T. Committee, May, 1986-December, 1986.
Member, Nominating Committee, Alumni Association, June, 1986-1988.
Faculty Advisor, College’s Student Tribunal June, 1986-June, 1988.
Chair, General Education Committee, Col. of Nursing & Health, Jan., 1987 -Sept, 1994.
Member, Student Grievance Committee, September, 1987-September, 1989.
Member, Admissions and Progress Committee, September, 1987-June, 1988.
Member, Strategic Planning Curriculum Committee, March, 1988-1989.
Member, Graduate Curriculum Committee, September, 1988-September, 1989.
Member, Search Committee for Associate Dean for Research/Director Center of Nursing
Research, April, 1991-92.
Member, Administrative Committee, September, 1991-2001.
Member, Combined Curriculum Committee, September, 1991-September, 1994.
Member, Ad Hoc Budget Advisory Committee, November, 1991-1999.
Member, Spero Lectureship Committee, 1991-2001.
Member, Cincinnati Project Succeed, June, 1994-1999.
Member, Midwifery Task Force, September, 1995-1999.
Member, Continuing Education Committee, October, 1995-September, 1999.
Member, Search Committee for Financial Analyst, June-August, 1996.
Member, Search Committee for Senior Business Officer, August-September, 1996.
Member, Planning Committee for the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health
International Perinatal Substance Abuse Conference, December, 1996-1999.
Member, Ph.D. Advisory Committee, October, 1997-2001.
Co-Chair, China Study Tour, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health,
September, 1997-2001.
Member, International Advisory Committee, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and
Health, November, 1997-2001.
Co-Chair, Ad Hoc Task Force on International Health, University of Cincinnati College of
Nursing, October, 1999-2001.
College of Nursing University of Illinois at Chicago:
Member, Admission and Academic Standards Committee-Undergraduate, 2001-2004.
Member, Admission and Academic Standards Committee-Graduate, 2001-2004.
Member, Administrative Committee, 2001-2004.
Chair, Academic Operations Committee, 2001-2004.
Member, Faculty-Student Committee, 2001-2004.
Advisor, Graduate Student Organization, 2001-2004.
Member, Urban Health Project, 2001-2004.
Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, 2001-2004.
Member, PhD Curriculum Subcommittee, 2001-2004.
Member, Masters Curriculum Subcommittee, 2001-2004.
Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee, 2001-2004.
Member, Professional Development Advisory Committee, 2001-2004.
Member, Evaluation Subcommittee, 2001-2004.
Member, Advocate Project, 2001-2004.
Chair, OnLine Task Force, 2001-2004.
Chair, Teaching Excellence Task Force, 2001-2004.
Member, Appointment, Promotion, & Tenure Committee, 2001-2004.
College of Nursing University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center:
Chair, Administrative Council, 2004-present
Chair, Faculty Board, 2004-present
Chair, General Faculty, 2004-present
Member, Council of Tenured Faculty, 2004-present
University of Cincinnati University Committees:
Member, Ad-Hoc Faculty Senate General Education Committee for the Univ. of
Cincinnati, September 1987-January, 1990.
Member, Task Force Focus Planning Section on Pediatric/Perinatal Health
for Health Science Center, Univ. of Cincinnati, September, 1987-1989.
Member, Joint Planning Committee Univ. Hospital & College of Nursing & Health,
Cincinnati, February, 1988-1989.
Member, All University Faculty, Univ. of Cincinnati, Dec., 1988-2001.
Member, University Council on General Education, Feb., 1990-Sept., 1991.
Member, University of Cincinnati Subcommittee for Student Summer Research Fellowship
Review Committee, 1993.
Chair, Search Committee for the Director of Nursing, University Affiliated Cincinnati Center for
Developmental Disorders, June, 1993-April, 1996.
Member, University of Cincinnati Advisory Committee to the University Affiliated Cincinnati
Center for Developmental Disorders (UACCDD), Jan., 1994-September, 1999.
Member, University Affiliated Cincinnati Center for Developmental Disorders (UACCDD),
Search Committee for an Early Intervention Nurse Specialist/Practitioner, October, 1996-
March, 1997.
University of Illinois at Chicago University Committees:
Member, Committee of Assistant and Associate Deans, 2001-2004.
Member, Cancer Rehabilitation Task Force, 2001-2004.
Member, Urban Health Planning Grant Task Force, 20012004.
Member, Urban Health Curriculum Committee Task Force, 2001-2004.
Member, Health Science Colleges Information Management Task Force, 2001-2004.
Member, Spirit of Women Executive Committee, 2001-2004..
Member, Advisory Committee for External Programs, 2002-2004.
Member, Committee of Assistant and Associate Deans for Health Sciences, 2002-2004.
Reviewer, Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, College of Education, 2002-2003.
Reviewer, Audrey Hepburn Award, Sigma Theta Tau International, 2013.
Review, International Award for Nursing Excellence, Sigma Theta Tau International, 2013.
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center University Committees:
Health Sciences Center Presidential Professorship Committee, 2004-2009
Honorary Doctorate Screening Committee, 2005-2009
Co-Chair, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Educational Sub-Committee, 2006-2009
Patient Support Services Committee, Cancer Institute, 2006-2009
Clinical Advisory Group, Cancer Institute, 2006-2009
University of Oklahoma University Committees:
Member, Renaissance Project, Honors College, 2006-2009
Member, Book Subcommittee of Renaissance Project, Honors College, 2006-2009
Renaissance Project Planning Committee, 2006-2009
Northeastern University, School of Nursing Committees:
Steering Committee, 2010-present
Faculty Meeting, 2010-present
World Health Organization (WHO) Affiliate Collaborating Center Committee
Northeastern University Bouvé College Committees:
Executive Committee, 2010-2014
Administrative Committee, 2010-2012
Co-Chair, Simulation Task Force
Planning Committee, Humanities Center program “Artists and Practitioners in
Residence Program,” 2010-2012
Search Committee for Bouvé College of Health Sciences Grants Management, 2010
Chair, Search Committee for Bouvé College of Health Sciences Associate Dean for Research,
Chair, Interdisciplinary Task Force for Bouvé College of Health Sciences, 2010-2012
Northeastern University Committees:
International Council, 2010-2013
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Advisory Board, 2010-2013
Search Committee for Interdisciplinary Position between Bouvé College of Health Sciences and
the Law School, 2010-2011
Outstanding Graduate Student Awards, 2011-2013
The College of New Jersey Committees:
Search Committee for the Director of Grants and Sponsored Research, 2014-present
Co-Chair Healthy Campuses Initiative, 2014-present
Deans Council, 2014-present
Academic Leaders, 2014-present
Graduate Program Council, 2014-present
Institutional Review Board, 2014-present
Courses Taught
University of Cincinnati
Clinical Practicum III, Autumn-Spring Quarters, 1983-1987-88
Group Communication Seminar, Autumn-Spring Quarters, 1983-1987-88
Nursing I Seminar, Winter and Spring Quarters, 1984-1986
Alterations III, Spring Quarter, 1984-1989
Anticipatory Guidance for the High Risk Family, Autumn Quarter, 1984, Autumn &
Winter Quarter, 1985, Winter Quarters 1986 and 1987
Review Class for State Boards, Spring Quarter, 1985
Independent Study in Neonatal Nursing, Winter Quarter, 1986, Spring Quarter, 1987,
Autumn & Winter Quarters, 1988-89
Independent Study in Pediatric Nursing, Spring Quarter, 1986, Winter & Spring Quarters,
Independent Study in Perinatal Nursing, Autumn Quarter, 1988, Winter Quarter, 1989;
Winter Quarter, 1990 (2)
Anticipatory Guidance for the High Risk Family-Independent Study, Aut. Quarter, 1988
Independent Study in Perinatal/Pediatric Nursing, Autumn Quarter, 1992 (1)
Independent Study in Perinatal Nursing, Summer Quarter, 1993 (1)
Independent Study in Neonatal Physiology, Spring Quarter, 1997 (1)
Independent Study: Palliative Care, Summer, 2001 (1) Part of the Minority Initiative
Collaborative Research Grant from NIH.
“How to Develop a Nursing Protocol”, presentation for the parent-child graduate class at
the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing & Health, October 4, 1984; April 22,
1985; April 15,1987
High Risk Childbearing Families, Winter Quarter, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991
Concepts and Protocols, Spring Quarter, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991
Communicating with Perinatal Clients, Spring Quarter, 1988, 1989, Winter Quarter, 1990,
1991, 1992
Environmental Influences with Perinatal Clients, Autumn Quarter, 1988, Autumn & Winter
Quarters, 1989, Spring Quarter, 1990, Winter & Spring Quarter 1991
Advocacy for Parent Child Health, Autumn Quarter, 1988, 1989
Advocacy for Perinatal Clients, Autumn Quarter, 1988, 1989
Special Topics in Genetics, Autumn Quarter, 1988, 1989
Interdisciplinary Seminars in Parent Child Subspecialty, Autumn Quarter, 1988, Winter
Quarter, 1989, Autumn, Winter, Spring Quarters 1990, 1991, 1992
Independent Study-Clinical in Infertility and Reproductive Technology, Aut. Quarter, 1988
Independent Study-Perinatal Nursing, Autumn Quarter, 1988
Special Topics in Genetics-II, Winter Quarter, 1989, 1990
Independent Study-Perinatal Nursing, Winter Quarter, 1989 (3), 1990 (1)
Independent Study-Perinatal Nursing, Spring Quarter, 1989
Advanced Practice Role with Perinatal Clients, Aut. Quarter, 1990, 1991, Spring Quarter, 1991
Nursing in Genetics I, Autumn Quarter, 1990, 1991
Nursing in Genetics II, Winter Quarter, 1991, 1992
Genetics and Fetal Development, Winter Quarter, 1993, 1994, 1995 (co-teach); 1996 (co-teach);
1997 (co-teach);
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Clinical I, Autumn Quarter, 1990
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Clinical II, Autumn Quarter, 1990, Winter Quarter, 1991
Independent Readings in Genetics-Spring Quarter, 1989, 1990 (3), 2 students, Spring Quarter,
1991, 1992 (4 students); Winter Quarter, 1993 (1); Spring Quarter, 1994: (3)
Practicum in Advanced Practice: Child I: Winter Quarter, 1992
Practicum in Advanced Practice: Perinatal I, II: Autumn Quarter, 1991, 1992, 1996; Winter
Quarter, 1992, 1993; Winter, Spring, and Summer Quarters, 1994; Winter Quarter, 1995
(Perinatal I); Spring Quarter, 1995; Winter Quarter, 1996, Spring Quarter, 1996; Autumn
Quarter , 1996 (Perinatal II)
Communication with Parents and Children, Independent Study, Winter Quarter, 1992
Practicum in Child Development and Family Functioning, Autumn and Winter Quarters 1996-97
Advanced Practice Roles in Child Health Practicum, Autumn Quarter, 1990,, 1996 Summer,
1991, 1993 Spring Quarter, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
Family Integration and Communication Practicum, Spring Quarter, 1992, 1993, 1994, Summer,
1994, Winter, 1996
Practicum in Advanced Practice: NNP I, II , Spring, Autumn Quarters, 1992
Interdisciplinary Preceptorship in Parent Child Nursing, Autumn Quarter, 1992
Independent Study in Maternal Pathophysiology, Winter Quarter, 1993 (4); working with 2
Doctoral students
Independent Study in Perinatal Nursing, Summer, 1993 (1)
Advanced Neonatal Nursing, Vanderbilt University Neonatal Clinical Nurse Specialist
student, preceptorship, Summer, 1993
Independent Study in Perinatal Nursing, Autumn, 1993 (3)
Inquiry III, Autumn, 1994 (2) Master’s Certified Nurse Midwives from Case Western,
Cleveland, Ohio
Independent Study in Pediatric Nursing, Autumn, 1995 (1), Winter, 1996 (1)
Independent Study in Neonatal Nutrition, Winter, 1996 (1)
Practicum in Genetics, Autumn, 1995 (1); Winter, 1996 (1)
Practicum in Advanced Practice Nursing: NNP II, Winter, 1996 (1)
Practicum in Advanced Practice Nursing: NNP III and Advanced Practice Roles, Spring &
Summer, 1996 (2)
Topics in Perinatal Nursing (1), Autumn, 1996
Independent Study in Maternal Child Health Nursing (2), Winter, (3) Spring, 1997, (1) Autumn,
Advanced Practice Roles (1), Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1997
Independent Study in Research (1), Winter, 1997
Independent Study in Perinatal Nursing (1), Spring, Summer, 1997
Advanced Physiology, co-teach, Spring, 1997
Neonatal Pathophysiology II, co-teach, Spring, 1997
Practicum in Child Development and Family Functioning, Spring, 1997 (1), Summer, 1997 (1)
Practicum in Perinatal I, Spring, 1997 (1)
Practicum in Perinatal II, Spring, 1997 (2)
Women’s Health I Practicum, Winter, 1998 (2)
Health Policy, Finance, and Organizations, Spring, 1998 Co-Teach, Interactive TV course
Independent Study in Neonatal/Pediatric Nursing, Spring, 1998 (1)
Advanced Child Health I, Autumn, 1999, Co-Teach (5)
Independent Readings in Genetics: Spring Quarter, 1991, 1994
Independent Study: Transition to Home: Autumn, Winter Quarters, 1991-92
Independent Study: Maternal Attractiveness: Winter Quarter, 1992
Independent Study: Theoretical Framework: Autumn Quarter, 1993
University of Illinois at Chicago
Special Project with MIRC student, End of Life and Alternative Therapies, Summer, 2001
Honors Projects, Spring, 2002, Fall, 2002-3 students
NUSC 399 Special Projects, Fall, 2002-2 students
Special Projects, Fall, 2002-2 students, Spring, 2003-1 student, Fall, 2003-1 student
NUSC 540 Strategies for Instructional Methods, Spring, 2002-guest lecture for one week (On-
Master’s Research Project, Fall, 2002, Spring, 2003
NUSC 596-Doctoral Research, Fall, 2002, 1 student
NUSC 597, Doctoral Research, Fall, 2002, Spring, 2003, 1 student, Fall, 2003, 1 student
Center for Advancement of Science, NUSC 594 Special Topics, 2 students (1 MS and 1 PhD)
University of Phoenix
Nursing Theory (On-Line), Summer, 2001
Nursing Theory (On-Line), Summer, 2002 (2 sections)
Nursing Theory (On-Line), Fall, 2002
Nursing Theory (On-Line), Summer, 2003
Excelsior College
Leadership/Management, Summer/Fall, 2002
Theoretical Foundations of Practice, Winter, 2003
Leadership/Management, Summer/Fall, 2003
Leadership/Management, Summer/Fall, 2005
University of Oklahoma College of Nursing
NURS5253 Health Policy and Ethics, Summer, 2004,2006, 2007, co-teach
NURS5313 Curriculum and Design, Summer, 2005, co-teach
Directed Readings, Summer, 2006, Fall, 2006, Spring, 2007 1 student/semester
NURS5083 Health Promotion and Culture, Spring, 2007, 1 students
NURS5713 Embryology and Genetics, Fall, 2007, co-teach
NURS5733 Advanced Neonatal Nursing Theory I, Fall, 2009, co-teach
NURS 5724 Advanced Neonatal/Pediatric Pharmacology, Fall, 2009, co-teach
NURS5774 Advanced Neonatal Nursing Theory II, Spring, 2009, co-teach
NURS5733 Neonatal/Pediatric Pathophysiology and Genetics, Spring, 2010, co-teach
Northeastern University School of Nursing
NRSG 4970/4971Honors Projects, Fall-Spring 2011-2012 (4 students)
NRSG 5124 Research Applications, Summer, 2010 (course)
NRSG 5124 Research Applications student projects, Fall 2010, Spring, Fall 2011, Spring, 2012
NRSG 6551 Clinical Internship, Fall & Spring, 2010-11
NRSG 6341 Teaching Nursing: Art & Science, Summer, 2012
NRSG 5976 Directed Studies, Fall, 2012
NRSG 9845 Dissertation Seminar I, Fall, 2012
NRSG 9990 Section 2 CRN 36872Dissertation, Fall, 2012, Spring 2013, Summer, 2013, Fall
2013, Spring, 2014
NRSG 7770 Directed Studies, Fall, 2012 (3 students), Spring, 2013 (4 students), Summer, 2013 (2
students), Fall, 2013 (2 students), Spring, 2014 (2 students)
NRSG 9846 Dissertation Seminar II, Spring, 2013
Theses/Project/Capstone Committees
University of Cincinnati
Master’s in Parent Child Health Nursing
Thesis Committee: Lynn Randel, 1984-86, member.
Thesis Committee: Janet Purtell DeMott, 1985-90, member.
Thesis Committee: Stephanie Rockwern, 1985-86, member.
Thesis Committee: Ann Brueggemeyer, 1986-87, member.
Thesis Committee: Elaine Nishioka, 1986-87, member.
Thesis Committee: Denise Zimplemann, 1987-90, member.
Thesis Committee: Kathleen Murray, 1988-92, member.
Thesis Committee: Lisa Noch, 1988-89, member.
Thesis Committee: Cynthia Acree, 1988-90, Chair.
Thesis Committee: Carol Gentil Hetteberg, 1989-91, Chair.
Thesis Committee: Gail Bagwell, 1989-90, Chair.
Thesis Committee: Janice Hill, 1989-90, Chair.
Thesis Committee: Cindy Prows, 1989-90, member.
Thesis Committee: Monica Quinlan, 1989, member.
Thesis Committee: Cassie Klemt, 1989-93, member.
Thesis Committee: Joanne Fogel, 1989-90, Chair
Thesis Committee: Janice Roeder, 1989-91, member
Thesis Committee: Vicki Hyde, 1989-90, member
Thesis Committee: Barbara Shoemaker, 1989-90, Chair
Thesis Committee: Christine Wright, 1990-92, Chair
Thesis Committee: Linda Croop, 1990, Chair
Thesis Committee: Lisa Moles, 1990-92, Chair
Thesis Committee: Jane Overbay, 1990, member
Thesis Committee: Michele Hansen, 1990-91, member
Thesis Committee: Susan Enneking, 1990-93, Chair
Thesis Committee: Mary Ellen Spaite, 1990-93, Chair
Thesis Committee: Lori Perkins, 1990-93, member
Thesis Committee: Marilyn Borio, 1990, Chair
Thesis Committee: Marcia Hilse, 1990-93, Chair
Thesis Committee: Marsha Freije, 1990-91, member
Thesis Committee: Debbie Southers, 1991-93, Chair
Thesis Committee: Tracey Kleeman, 1991-92, member
Thesis Committee: Susan Batory, 1991-93, Chair
Thesis Committee: Debbie Redinger, 1991-92, member
Thesis Committee: Lisa Spangler, 1991-92, Chair
Thesis Committee: Mary Chase, 1992, member
Thesis Committee: Dianne Williams, 1992, Chair
Thesis Committee: Pamela Craig, 1992, Chair
Thesis Committee: Kathy Allen, 1992, member
Thesis Committee: Judy Rosen, 1992-93, member
Thesis Committee: Kathy Spiering, 1992-93, Chair
Thesis Committee: Cindy Stegmen, 1992, Chair
Thesis Committee: Sandy Warner, 1992-94, Chair
Thesis Committee: Linda Hoover, 1992-93, Chair
Thesis Committee: Nancy Dezell, 1992-94, member
Thesis Committee: Nancy Jane Pullen, 1992, Chair
Thesis Committee: Nancy Bowers, 1993-94, Chair
Thesis Committee: Carol Seacrest, 1993-94, Chair
Thesis Committee: Kitty Lowry, 1993-94, Chair
Thesis Committee: Mary Gers, 1995, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Maureen Gallagher, 1995, Chair
Thesis Committee: Dawn Rothchild, 1995-97, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Dee Overbeck, 1995-96, Chair
Thesis Committee: Susan Pedersen Ryckman, 1995-96, Chair
Thesis Committee: Patricia Ringhand, 1995-97, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Julia Malkin, 1996, member
Thesis/Project Committee: Laurie Stephan, 1996, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Debbie Mason, 1996, member
Thesis/Project Committee: Rebecaa Cook, 1996, member
Thesis/Project Committee: Anna Nolette, 1996-98, member
Thesis/Project Committee: Alaina Dean, 1996-97, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Nancy Brown Roberto, 1996, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Elizabeth McCann, 1996-98, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Rita Kunk, 1997, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Lisa Dreyer, 1997-98, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Beth Waller Brown, 1997-98, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Sara Berlepsch, 1997, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Charleen Brown and Brenda Pearson, 1997, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Velda Smiley, 1997, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Jennifer Russell and Betsy Adler, 1997, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Hae Soo Chung, 1997, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Mary Vetter and Shawn Bronson, 1997, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Wendy Bowles, 1998, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Stephanie Wilson, 1998, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Darlene Beya, 1998, Chair
Thesis/Project Committee: Shauna Larrick, 1998, Chair
Thesis/Project/Capstone Committee: Gina Krakowsi, 1999, Chair
Thesis/Project/Capstone Committee: Claire Keeler, 1999, Member
Thesis/Project/Capstone Committee: Vivian Arand Michelle, 1999, Member
University of Cincinnati
Master’s in Medical Surgical Nursing
Thesis Committee: Charlotte Pavey, 1986-87, member.
University of Cincinnati
Master’s in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Thesis Committee: Robin Osterman, 1990-91, member
University of Cincinnati
Masters of Science-Genetic Counseling
Thesis/Project Committee: Shelly Kennedy, Genetic Counseling Student, 1996-97, member
University of Pittsburgh
Master’s in Parent Child Nursing
Thesis Committee: Christine Sayer, Master’s student at University of Pittsburgh, 1990,
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing
*Research Project: Catherine Driscoll, Master’s student, 2002-2007, chair
University of Oklahoma College of Nursing
Master’s in Parent Child Nursing
Thesis Committee: Susan Bedwell, 2005-2007, member
*Thesis in Progress
Doctoral Committees
Doctoral Committee: Patricia Darling Thornburg, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1991, Chair
Doctoral Committee: Lynette Stamler, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1992, member
Doctoral Committee: Jackie Wessel, Doctoral student in the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program
at the University of Cincinnati, 1994, Chair.
Doctoral Committee: Vivian Gamblian, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1992,
Doctoral Committee: Marisue Lenihan, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1993,
Doctoral Committee: Kathleen Haubrich, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1993,
Doctoral Committee: Stephanie Amlung, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1993,
Doctoral Committee: Ann Flandermeyer, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1993,
Doctoral Committee: Lisa Spangler, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1993-96,
Doctoral Committee: Linda Schmidt, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1994-96,
Doctoral Committee: Sue Johnson, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1995-96,
Doctoral Committee: Karen Parker, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1995-97,
Doctoral Committee: Susan Foley, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1997-98,
Doctoral Committee: Deborah Wisnieski, Doctoral student in Interdisciplinary Women’s Studies
at The University of Oklahoma, 2006-200, member
*Doctoral Committee: Patricia Fleck, Doctoral student at Northeastern University School of
Nursing, 2012-present
Dissertation Committees
Dissertation Committee: Patricia Darling Thornburg, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1991-93, Chair
Dissertation Committee: Lynette Stamler, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1992-1994, member
Dissertation Committee: Marisue Lenihan, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1994-95, member
Dissertation Committee: Kathleen Haubrich, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1994-95, Chair
Dissertation Committee: Jackie Wessel, Doctoral student in the Interdisciplinary Ph.D.
program, 1993, Chair
Dissertation Committee: Louise Niemer, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1994-97, member
Dissertation Committee: Deborah Hess, Doctoral student in the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program
at University of Cincinnati, 1995-96, member
Dissertation Committee: Stephanie Amlung, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1995-96, member
Dissertation Committee: Ann Flandermeyer, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1995-96, member
Dissertation Committee: Lisa Spangler Torok, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1996-2000, Chair, 2000-2001, Member
Dissertation Committee: Sue Johnson, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1996-98, Chair
Dissertation Committee: Linda Schmidt, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1996-00, member
Dissertation Committee: Kathy Wekselman, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1995-
99, Chair
Dissertation Committee: Karen Parker, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati,
1997-98, member
Dissertation Committee: Elizabeth Bragg, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, Political Science Department, 1998-99, member
Dissertation Committee: Susan Foley, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 2000-2001, member
Dissertation Committee: Penny Marzalik, Doctoral student at University of Illinois at Chicago, 2001-2004, member
Dissertation Committee: Deborah Wisnieski, Doctoral student in Interdisciplinary Women’s
Studies at The University of Oklahoma, 2007-2009, member
Dissertation Committee: Shelly Wells, Doctoral student at University of Missouri Kansas City, 2007-2009, member
*Dissertation, Committee: Patricia Fleck, Doctoral student at Northeastern University School of Nursing, 2012-present, chair
Doctor of Nursing Practice Capstone Committees
DNP Capstone Committee: Amee Dawson, Doctoral student at Duke University, Raleigh, NC, 2011-2012, member.
DNP Capstone Committee: Barbara Moloney, Doctoral student at Regis College, Weston, MA, 2011-2012, member.
DNP Capstone Committee: Elizabeth Sharpe, Doctoral student at Northeastern University, Boston, MA, 2012-2013, advisor, member.
DNP Capstone Committee: Valerie Moniaci, Doctoral student at Wright State University, Dayton, OH, 2012-2013, member.
DNP Capstone Committee: Wakako Eklund, Doctoral student at Northeastern University, Boston, MA, 2012-2014, advisor, member.
DNP Capstone Committee: Leslie Altimier, Doctoral student at Northeastern University, Boston, MA, 2012-2014, advisor, Chair.
*Doctoral Committee or Dissertation in Progress
Doctoral Advisor
Patricia Darling Thornburg, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1991-1993
Kathleen Haubrich, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1992-95
Sue Johnson, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1992-1998
Kathy Finklestein Wekselman, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1992-1999
Lisa Spangler Torok, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1993-2001
Stephanie Amlung, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1994-1996
Donna Cheatham, Doctoral student at University of Cincinnati, 1997-2000
Linda Fly, Doctoral student at University of Oklahoma, 2008-2010
Patricia Fleck, Doctoral student (PhD) at Northeastern University, 2010-2013
Elizabeth Rose Gallagher, Doctoral student (PhD) at Northeastern University, 2011-2012
Monika Schuler, Doctoral student (PhD) at Northeastern University, 2012-2014
Ann Malley, Doctoral student (PhD) at Northeastern University, 2012-2014
Maram Alghabbashi, Doctoral student (PhD) at Northeastern University, 2012-2014
Abdulrhman Albougami, Doctoral student (PhD) at Northeastern University, 2012-2014
Leslie Altimier, Doctoral student (DNP) at Northeastern University, 2012-2014
Honors Student Advisor
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing
Kevin Stein, 2001-2004
Nicole Fitts, 2001-2002
Karen Trebel, 2001-2002
Michael Owalbi, 2001-2003
Northeastern University School of Nursing
Morgan Dudley, 2011-2012
Krista Silva, 2011-2012
Doctoral Advisor
University of Oklahoma College of Nursing
Linda Fly, 2007-2010
Northeastern University
School of Nursing
Doctoral Advisor
Patricia Fleck, 2011-present
Ann Malley (Jonas Scholar), 2012-2014
MaramTaher Alghabbashi, 2012-2014
Abdurlhman Albourgami, 2012-2014
Monika Schuler, 2012-2014
Northeastern University
School of Nursing
Dissertation Committee Chair
Patricia Fleck, 2012-present
Dissertation Committee Member
Ann Malley, 2014-present
Monika Schuler, 2014-present
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Advisor
University of Oklahoma College of Nursing
Kyle Dameron, 2008-2009
Bonnie Hughes, 2008-2009
Jennifer Miliam, 2008-2009
Edith Kenney, 2008-2009
Kelli Satnes, 2008-2009
Carmen Taylor, 2008-2009
Carie Linder, 2008-2009
Lois Baez, 2008-2009
Jessica Chapman, 2009-2010
Julee Colbert, 2009-2010
Quincie Phan, 2009-2010
Marla Wehrer, 2009-2010
Tonya Kinard, 2009-2010
Christina Williams, 2009
20 September 2014
the Master’s of Science in Nursing at Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana. C. Kenner.
“Secondary Analysis and Application of Discriminate Analysis to Health Belief Model
Studies Conducted at Indiana University”. Project conducted at Indiana University,
Indianapolis, Indiana, 1986. C. Kenner.
“The Effects of the Use of a Discharge Booklet as a Debriefing Tool on Post-
Hospitalization Behavior of 3 to 6 Year Olds”, Research project. Indiana University,
Indianapolis, Indiana, 1986. Funded by the Herbert S. Rabinowitz Research Fund. $1,000.00.
C. Kenner.
“The Effectiveness of a CAI as a Teaching Strategy”, Research project. University of
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1987. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition: From the NICU to Home”, Dissertation project. Indiana University,
Indianapolis, Indiana, 1987-88. Funded by NAACOG Purdue Frederick Fellowship
award for 1987. $1000.00. C. Kenner.
“Mothers’ Perception of Factors That Influence Breastfeeding Success in the NICU”,
Research Project. C. Kenner. Co-investigator with Ann Brueggemeyer, RN, MSN, Good
Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1988.
Grant: “Clinical Nurse Specialist with Neonatal Focus”, training grant, submitted to the
Division of Nursing, October 31, 1988, unfunded. C. Kenner.
Grant: “Home Follow-Up for Low and High Risk Infants and Families, demonstration
project, submitted to Maternal Child Health, Ohio Department of Health, May, 1989,
Project Director. Unfunded. C. Kenner.
“Parent Transition: From a Level II Nursery to Home”. C. Kenner. Co-investigator with Gail
Bagwell, RN, BSN, Joyce Dohme, RNC, MSN, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Marianne
McGraw, RN, MSN, Clinical Nurse Specialist, & Laurie Porter Gunderson, Ph.D.,
RN, The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1989-90.
“Role Stress and Role Strain in Non-doctorally Prepared Nursing Faculty in a School of
Nursing with a Doctoral Program”. C. Kenner, Consultant. Principal Investigator: Judy
Wright Lott, ARNP, MSN, Assistant Professor and Doctoral Student, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida, 1989.
“Nurses’/Parents’ Family-Centered Care Attitudes”. C. Kenner. Co-investigator with Gretchen
Vaughn, RN, MSN, Ann Brueggemeyer, RN, MSN, and Parent Involvement Group,
Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1989-91. Funded by:
Children’s Hospital Medical Center, $1,000.00.
Grant: “Transition from Hospital to Home for Mothers and Babies from a Level II
Nursery”, C. Kenner, Principal Investigator with Judi Hostiuck, RNC, MSN, Ann
Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN, Laurie Gunderson, RN, Ph.D., Betty Jo Hadley, RN, Ph.D., Lisa
Spangler, RN, MSN, and Mary Ellen Spaite, RN, BSN, PNP. The Jewish
Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio 1990. July, 1990-April, 1991. Funded by: The Jewish
Hospital Grant Fund, $2,156.
Grant: “Transition from Hospital to Home for Mothers and Babies from Levels I, II, & II
Nurseries”, C. Kenner, Principal Investigator with Ann Flandermeyer, RNC, MSN, Betty Jo Hadley, RN, Ph.D., Uma Kotagal, M.D., Patricia Darling Thornburg, Sue Pitts Berns,
RNC, MSN, NNP, and Kathy Spiering, University Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1990.
Funded by: University of Cincinnati College of Nursing & Health Research Challenge
Grant-Funded for $3002.00. Funded: National Association of Neonatal Nurses-$2994.00.
Second site open, March 1992-Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Grant: “Substance Abuse Training Grant to Prepare Faculty Fellows”, Project Director
Janice Dyehouse, RN, Ph.D.. Faculty Fellows: Nancy Savage, Ph.D., RN, Joan Tiessen,
RN, Ed.D., Dianne Felblinger, RN, MSN, C. Kenner, RNC, DNS, Cincinnati, Ohio,
1990. Submitted to the National Institutes of Health. Funded-$367,000.
Grant: “Effect of Limb Position and Blood Flow on Pulse Oximetry Reading”, C. Kenner, Co-
investigator, Laurie Gunderson, RN, Ph.D., Cindi Acree, RN, BSN, Edward Donovan,
M.D., Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio , 1990. Submitted as an AREA Grant-approved but not funded.
Grant: “ND Neonatal Practitioner Training Grant”, Rush University School of Nursing,
C. Kenner, Consultant to Project, to begin September, 1991-unfunded.
Grant: “Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Training Grant”, University of Cincinnati College of
Nursing and Health, Co-program director, $132,108, Funded DHHS:1-D23 NU 01047-01,
June, 1992; renewed June, 1993, $98,346; renewed June, 1994, $71,767.
Grant: “Transition From Hospital To Home For Mothers and Babies: A Concurrent Validity
Study”, C. Kenner, Co-investigator with Ann Flandermeyer, Patricia Darling, Judi Hostiuck,
The Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1991. Funded: Herbert Rabinowitz Fund-$2,000.
“Parent Satisfaction”, a total quality assurance project for Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
1992-present. Parent Involvement Research Group: Patty Schaffer, Gretchen Vaughn,
C.Kenner, Florence Donohue, & Annie Longo.
Grant: “Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, Ann Flandermeyer, Carol
Hetteberg, Dianne Felblinger, Linda Shortridge, Elizabeth Bragg, Uma Kotagal, Tariq
Siddiqi, Kim Dietrich, Carol DeGreg, Robin Osterman, Linda D’Ermino, Janice Hill,
Cynthia Prows, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA., C. Kenner, Program
Director.Submitted, August, 1992. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
U84/CCU508718-01. Funded for five years: $536,500. (Year 02: Increased from 107,300 to
Grant: “Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, A. Flandermeyer,
C.Hetteberg, D. Felblinger, L. Shortridge, E. Bragg, U. Kotagal, T. Siddiqi, K. Dietrich,
C.DeGreg, Robin Osterman, L. D’Ermino, J. Hill, C. Prows, March of Dimes, Greater
Cincinnati Chapter, C. Kenner, Program Director. Submitted, September, 1992. MOD-15.
Funded, $3640.00, November, 1992.
Grant: “Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Education and Prevention”, C. Hetteberg, C. Kenner,
C. Schorry, C. Prows, March of Dimes,Greater Cincinnati Chapter, Co-Investigator.
Funded, November, 1993, M-1170, for $7000.00.
Grant: “Cultural Sensitivity: Interviewing Strategies for Substance Abusing Pregnant Women
From Diverse Backgrounds”, Ann Flandermeyer, Claire Sullivan, Janice Dyehouse, Debbie
Hess, and consultants: Carol Hetteberg, Andrea Lindell, Carole Kenner, Submitted
February, 1994, P-1, for $4499.00. Funded for $1525.00.
Grant: “Impact of Prenatal Diagnostic Testing”, qualitative study. R. Alteneder, Ph.D., CNM,
Medical College of Ohio. C. Kenner, Consultant. Funded by Zeta Theta Chapter, Sigma
Theta Tau and the Research Incentive Fund, Medical College of Ohio.
Grant: “Primary Care for Health Professionals”, Ohio Department of Primary Care,
J.Bradley, S. Kennerly, N. Savage, J. Campinha-Bicot, C. Sullivan,
C. Kenner. Submitted June, 1994, for $20,000. Not funded.
Grant: “Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, C.
Hetteberg, D. Felblinger, L. Shortridge, E. Bragg, U. Kotagal, T.
Siddiqi, K.Dietrich, Carol DeGreg, J. Hill, C. Prows, A. Flandermeyer,
S. Amlung, L. Spangler, C. Sullivan, J. Dyehouse, P. Thornburg,
Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA., C. Kenner, Program
Director.Submitted, September, 1994. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
U84/CCU508718- 01. Funded for five years: $536,500. Year 03: $138,000. Addition funds
approved in July, 1995 for $14,000.
Grant: “Maternal Responses to Prenatal Screening”. AREA Grant, R. Alteneder, Principal
Investigator, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio. Submitted, Summer, 1995. NIH.
C. Kenner, Consultant.
Grant: “Faculty Development Grant”. J. Dyehouse, Program Director. University of
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Submitted, May, 1995. SAMHSA-CSAP for five years for
$182,559. C. Kenner, Consultant. Not funded.
Grant: “Healthy Children First: A Collaborative Center”. SPRANS Grant with MCH. M.
Hern, Program Director. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Submitted, May, 1995.
Five years for $749,474. C. Kenner, Consultant. Unfunded.
Grant: “Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, C.
Hetteberg, D. Felblinger, L. Shortridge, E. Bragg, U. Kotagal, T.
Siddiqi, K. Dietrich, C. DeGreg, J. Hill, C. Prows, A.Flandermeyer,
S. Amlung, L. Spangler, C. Sullivan, J. Dyehouse, P. Thornburg,
Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA., C. Kenner, Program
Director. Submitted, September, 1994. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
U84/CCU508718-01. Funded for five years: $536,500. Year 04: $146,148.
Grant: “Development of a Nurse Midwifery Program”, M.A. Madewell, Project Director,
K. McGee and J.A. Davis, Co-Program Directors, & C. Kenner, Consultant,
Ohio Department of Health. Year 01: $100,000.
Grant: “Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, C.
Hetteberg, D. Felblinger, L. Shortridge, E. Bragg, U. Kotagal, T.
Siddiqi, K. Dietrich, C. DeGreg, J. Hill, Cynthia Prows, A. Flandermeyer,
S. Amlung, L. Spangler, C/ Sullivan, J. Dyehouse, P. Thornburg,
Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA., C. Kenner, Program
Director.Submitted, September, 1994. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
U84/CCU508718-01. Funded for five years: $536,500. Year 05: $200,000.
Grant: “Summer Genetics Program for Nursing Faculty”, C. Prows, Project Director,
C. Hetteberg, C. Kenner, Consultant, ELISE Branch Human Genome, 3 year
$356,854. Submitted, Summer, 1995. Funded for 3 years, Year 01: $148,260.
Grant: “Development of a Nurse Midwifery Program”, M.A.Madewell, Project Director,
K. McGee and J.A. Davis, Co-Program Directors, and C. Kenner, Consultant,
Ohio Department of Health. Year 02: $100,000.
Grant: “Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Training Grant”, Patricia Gropp, Program Director,
University of South Alabama. C. Kenner, Consultant. Submitted, January, 1996. Unfunded.
Grant: “Faculty Development: Nurse-Midwifery Program: Distant Learning”. C. Kenner,
Project Director, M.A. Madewell, K. McGee, J.A. Davis, Co-investigators. University of
Cincinnati. Submitted May, 1996. Funded for $5,000.
Grant: “Perinatal Alcohol Users: Identification and Intervention”, C.
Hetteberg, D. Felblinger, L. Shortridge, E. Bragg, U. Kotagal, T.
Siddiqi, K. Dietrich, C. DeGreg, J. Hill, C. Prows, A. Flandermeyer,
S. Amlung, L. Spangler, C. Sullivan, J. Dyehouse, P. Thornburg,
Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA., C. Kenner, Program
Director. Submitted, September, 1994. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
U84/CCU508718-01. Funded for five years: $536,500. Year 05: $200,000.
Project: “Value Study of Neonatal Thermoregulation”, L. Altimier, Co-Principal
Investigator, B. Warner, Co-Principal Investigator, S. Amlung, & C.
Kenner, Co-Investigators. Tri-Health, Cincinnati, Ohio, June, 1997-October, 1997.
Sponsored by Hill-Rom, 1997.
Project: “Beta Site Testing of the VersaletTM”, L. Altimier, Co-Principal Investigator,
B. Warner, Co-Principal Investigator, S. Amlung, & C. Kenner, Co-
Investigators. Tri-Health, Cincinnati, Ohio, June, 1997-October, 1997. Sponsored by Hill-
Rom, 1997-98.
Project: “Beta Site Testing of the VersaletTM”, C. McNair, Co-Principal Investigator,
C. Newman, Co-Principal Investigator, S. Amlung, & C. Kenner, Co-
Investigators. The Hospital for Sick Children of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1997-
Project: “Beta Site Testing of the VersaletTM, J. Whitfield, Principal Investigator, P.
Sprague, K. Boland, J.B. Pilcher, T. Marnel, P.McKinley, S. Amlung
& C. Kenner, Co-Investigators. Baylor Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, 1997-98.
Sponsored by Hill-Rom, 1997-98.
Grant: “Infant-Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Program”, University of South Alabama, Mobile,
Alabama. C. Kenner, Consultant. Funded DHHS, June, 1998.
Grant: Global Partners with Yonsei University-Joint Neonatal/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program”. C. Kenner, Program Director. Program Grant Funded University of Cincinnati Institute for Global Studies & Affairs, November, 1998, $5,000.
Grant: Globalization Grant for support of Chinese Institutes. C. Kenner, Project Faculty. Program grant submitted to the University of Cincinnati Institute for Global Studies & Affairs, Spring, 2000.
Grant: The Honduran Health and Education Project. C. Kenner, Project Faculty. Submitted to Gates Foundation, Spring, 2000.
Grant: Globalization Grant for support of the Honduran Exchange Program. C. Kenner, Project Faculty. Program grant submitted to the University of Cincinnati Institute for Global Studies & Affairs, Summer, 2000.
Grant: Family as Context for Clinical Genetics 1 R25 HG02259-01A1. Funded NIH, October, 2001, $844,064. C.Kenner, Principal Investigator, Randy Parker, Project Director, Suzanne Feetham, Consultant.
Grant: Advanced Education Training Traineeship, HHS HP00034-03, July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003, $139,892.00, C. Kenner, Project Director.
Grant: Initiative for Minority Students: Bridges to the Doctorate. Kim, M.J. Principal Investigator, Co-Investigators: Smith, E., McElmurry, B., & Kenner, C. Submitted Funded: 1 R25 67590-01. Funded by NIH/NIGMS. January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2005. $619,169.00.
Grant: Bellagio Conference Grant: Formation of the Council for International Neonatal Nurses, Rockefeller Foundation. Submitted May, 2002. Project Coordinators: Kenner, C., Sugrue, N., & Council. Not funded.
Grant: Advanced Education Training Traineeship, HHS HP00034-03, July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004, $128,000. C. Kenner, Project Director.
Grant: Adult and Geriatric Advanced Nursing Education. Burgener, S., Anderson, M.A., Barnes-Boyd, C., Bonner, G., Foreman, M., Kenner, C., Quinn, L., & Smith, E. Submitted to HRSA for $585, 979 for 3 years, December 2002.
Grant: “Effects of parenting educational program on early infant development targeting pre- and para mothers in Korea”. Collaborators: L.H. Soon, S.Y-H. Shin, K. Taelm, O K.Sil, K. Norr, R.White-Traut, C. Kenner. Funded by Korean Research Foundation (KRF), 03-03-03-06, $75,000, March, 2003.
Grant: “Web-Based Genetics Education Series for Nurses (1 R25 HG002663-01).” Prows, C. C. Kenner, consultant, 2003.
Grant: Advanced Education Nursing Traineeships (2-A 10 HP00024-04, 129, 430). July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004, $128, 430. C. Kenner, Project Director.
Grant: “Preparing America’s Health Care Professionals for Bioterrorism. Continuing Health Professional Education.” P. Finnegan, T. Donahue, S. Peverly, F. Palouchek, C. Hall, C. Kenner. HRSA for three years, June, 2003. Funded, $811, 704.
Grant: “Bioterrorism Curricular Enhancement.” T. Erikson, F. Palouchek, C. Kenner, P. Finnegan. Funded $710, 621. HRSA, three years, June, 2003.
Grant: “Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP300037) (1-276000511-A5). Project Director C. Kenner. Submitted to HRSA for $53,980.00. Nurse Faculty Loan Program 7-1-2003 to 6/30/2004.
Grant: “ Promise of Nursing for Illinois Nursing School Grant Program”. Submitted to Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council, June, 2003. Not funded.
Grant: Adolescent Girls: Exploration of Early Sexual Behavior”. Submitted to Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, Individual Fellowship, DHHS., Deborah M. Gresham, PI., C. Kenner, sponsor, March, 2004. Not funded.
Grant: “Culturally Competent Online NNP Program.” L. L. Harrison. P.I. C. Kenner (consultant). Submitted to HRSA for $645,786. Funded for three years, July 1, 2003-June 30, 2006.
Grant: “Folic Acid Education.” S.Ellerby, B.Bowers, C. Kenner. Submitted to Oklahoma Chapter March of Dimes, September, 2004. Not funded.
Grant: “Development of an End of Life Nursing Education Consortium for the Russian Federation.” M.L. Matzo, P. Coyne, & C. Kenner. Submitted to Open Society Institute Network Public Health Program International Palliative Care Initiative, December, 2005 for $41,800. Not funded.
Grant: “State of the Science Institute on Prematurity and Low Birth Weight.” March of Dimes Community Award, March of Dimes Oklahoma State Chapter. Co-PIs B. Bowers & C. Kenner. Funded March, 2006, $3,000.
Grant: “Impact of Ethnic Identification on CAM use in Patients with Genetic Disorders.” L.Williamson P.I. C. Kenner (advisor). Submitted to NIH, June, 2006 for $504,000.00.
Grant; “A Clinic-Based Interdisciplinary Intervention for Parents for Children with Cancer.” 1 R21 NR010103-01A1. L. Mullins P.I. C. Kenner Co-Investigator. Submitted to NIH June, 2006 for $436,030 for 04-08-03-10. R21. Funded. May, 2008.
Grant: “A Multi-Regional Model to Increase the Number of Baccalaureate Nurses in the U.S. (RIBN). M. DeLuca, M. McClure, & B. Cleary Co-PIs. Funded by Robert Wood Johnson Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future Program (PIN), 2008. C. Kenner on the National Advisory Committee for this grant. Funded Fall, 2008.
Grant: “Rethinking Global Health Care Worker Migration.” $4,500.00. Funded by William and Flora Hewlett International Endowment. Co-PIs: N. Sugrue & C. Kenner. Funded, Spring 2010.
Grant: “ARRA-Nurse Faculty Loan Program”, 1 EOAHP18899-01-00.” $31,664.00. Funded by HRSA. C Kenner, Project Director. Funded Fall, 2010.
Grant: “Improving Quality and Cutting Costs: Building a Healthcare Workforce
for a Patient-Centered Health Care System,” $409,600. Funded by Bipartisan Policy Center.
C. Kenner & N. Sugrue, Co-PIs. Funded Spring, 2011.
Grant: “Pilot Study and Grant Preparation to Test an Integrated Sexual Health and HIV
Prevention Intervention in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs,” $50,000. Funded by Northeastern University Provost’s Office. H. Amaro, C. Kenner, G. Barboza. Funded Spring, 2011.
Project: “Transforming the Research Core by Using Graduate Nursing Student Engagement with
Experienced Research Preceptors: A Mentorship Model.” J. Aorian, K. Damus, & C.
Kenner. Northeastern University School of Nursing, Boston, MA.
Grant: “Advanced Training Grant, HRSA: Doctor of Nursing Practice-Neonatal Nurse
Practitioner Program.” University of Illinois at Chicago. $1,147,851 for three years. Funded by HRSA. Rosemary White-Traut, P.I. C. Kenner, Consultant. Funded Fall, 2011.
Grant: “Neonatal Education Series”. $102,000 for the Council of International Neonatal Nurses
work. Funded by Abbott Laboratories.. C. Kenner, P.I. Funded Fall, 2011
Grant: “Healthcare Collaboration: How Healthcare Professionals Collaborate to Deliver Patient-
Centered Care In An Information-Intensive Environment.” $50,000. Funded by Northeastern University Provost’s Office. Y. Lee, F. Lassk, C. Kenner, L. Burnes-Bolton, & M. Nix. Funded Spring, 2012.
Grant: “Neonatal Education, Leadership, and Workforce.” $180,000 for the Council of
International Neonatal Nurses work. Funded by Abbott Laboratories. C. Kenner, P.I.
Funded Fall 2012.
Grant: “Nursing Workforce Diversity-HRSA-13-191.” $347,000. C. Kenner, P.I. Not Funded
Spring, 2013.
Project: “The Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN) Global Neonatal Provider
Database Initiative: Results of An Implementation Focus Group and Analyses of Initial Surveys.” K. Damus, P.I., W. Eklund., & C. Kenner. Summer, 2013.
Grant: “PACT.” S. Simon, P.I. C. Kenner Consultant, Fall, 2013. Not Funded.
Grant: “New Careers in Nursing” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. $30,000. J.Briand-
McGowan, P.I., C. Kenner, Program Liaison, V. Ramdin, S.Waite. January, 2014.
Grant: “Nursing Workforce Diversity-HRSA-13-191.” $350,000. C. Kenner, P.I. , V. Ramdin,
S.Waite, G. Ellison, C. Dallas. Spring, 2014. Not Funded.
Grant: “SNACK-Smart Nutrition and Conditioning for Kids.” $50,000. C. Kenner, P.D., A.
Faignenbaum, A. Farrell, S. Mitchell, M. Blicharz, T. Perron, E. Teixeira, & G. Ellison. Plainsboro, NJ: Novo Nordisk. July, 2014.
NAME: Carole Ann Kenner, PhD, RN, FAAN
BUSINESS ADDRESS: 2000 Pennington Road
206 Trenton Hall
Ewing, NJ 08628-0718
EMAIL ADDRESSES: kennerc@tcnj.edu
WORK TELEPHONE & FAX: 609-771-2591; FAX 609-637-5159
WORK TITLE: Carol Kuser Loser Dean/Professor, School of
Nursing, Health and Exercise Science
President, Consultants with Confidence, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer/Secretary, Council of
International Neonatal Nurses, Inc.
PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: Ohio RN 21-14-2918 08/31/17
Indiana 28082942A 10/31/15
Kentucky 1066680 10/31/15
Illinois 041317747 05/31/16
Oklahoma R0079892 Biennial No: K6096014
Massachusetts RN2262899 9/19/16
New Jersey 26NR17203700 5/31/16
Pennsylvania RN667410 04/30/16
CERTIFICATION: NCC Neonatal Intensive Care
September, 1982, June, 1985, June, 1988, May,
1991, May, 1994, June, 1997, February, 2000,
November, 2002-March, 2006, March 2006-2009,
March 2009-2012, March 2012-2015
NCAST Certification, August, 1989
1972-1976 Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
1982-1983 Indiana University, Indianapolis,
Indiana M.S.N.
(Specialty: Perinatal CNS/Neonatal NNP Masters)
1984-1988 Indiana University, Indianapolis,
Indiana D.N.S./PhD
(Minor: Curriculum Design and Higher Education)
2000-2001 Clayton College of Natural
Healing NWC
(Natural Wellness Certificate)
2008 Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Executive Education: Women & Power:
Leadership in a New World
1976-1978 Staff Nurse, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
1978-1978 Staff Nurse, Bethesda Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio
1978-1980 Staff Nurse, Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio
1980-1983 Ass’t Head Nurse, Children’s Hosp. Med. Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
1983-1986 Staff Nurse, Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio
1983-1987 Instructor, Univ. of Cincinnati, College of Nursing
& Health Cincinnati, Ohio
1987-1990 Ass’t Professor, Univ. of Cincinnati, College of
1987-1991 Nursing & Health, Cincinnati, Ohio
1990-1991 Associate Professor, Univ. of Cincinnati, College
of Nursing & Health, Cincinnati, Ohio
1991-1993 Nse Administrator/Co-owner, Welcome Home
Nurses, Inc., Milford, Ohio
1991-1993 Instructor, American Health Care Institute, Silver
Spring, MD
1991-2001 Professor, Univ. of Cincinnati, College of Nursing
1991-2002 & Health, Cincinnati, Ohio
1991-1992 Interim Dept. Head-Parent Child Nursing, Univ of
Cincinnati, College of Nursing & Health, Cincinnati, Ohio
1992-1999 Dept. Head-Parent Child Nursing, Univ of
College of Nursing & Health, Cincinnati, Ohio
1997-2000 Nurse Consultant, Hill-Rom Company, Batesville,
1997-1998 Vice President/Secretary, Consultants with
Confidence, Inc. Milford, Ohio
1998-1999 Consultant for Education Programs, National
Association of Neonatal Nurses, Petaluma,
1998- present President, Consultants with Confidence, Inc.
Yardley, PA
1999-2000 Director for Education and Programs, National
1999-2001 Association of
Neonatal Nurses, Des Plaines, Illinois
1999-2000 Associate Director – Office for International
Affairs, Univ of Cincinnati, College of Nursing,
Cincinnati, Ohio
1999-2001 Adjunct Professor, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
1999-2001 Professor/Director – Center for International Affairs,
Univ of Cincinnati, College of Nursing,
Cincinnati, Ohio
1999-2011 Consultant, Excelsior University, Online Program,
Albany, NY
2000-2010 Adjunct Professor, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, Ohio
2000 Senior Manager, Association Management Center,
Glenview, IL
2000-2004 Associate Dean for Academic
Advancement/Professor Clinical
Nursing/Director of Graduate Studies, Director,
Center for Learning Excellence, Univ. of IL at
Chicago College of Nursing, Chicago, Illinois
2001-2004 Adj Faculty, Univ. of Phoenix, Online Program,
Phoenix, AZ
2003 Copy Editor, Western School/Specialty Catalog
Corp., South Easton, MA
2003-present End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium
(ELNEC) Trainer in Pediatric Palliative Care,
Washington DC: AACN and City of Hope
National Medical Center
2004-2009 Dean & Professor, The University of Oklahoma
College of Nursing Health Sciences Center,
Oklahoma City, OK
2009-2010 Professor, The University of Oklahoma College of
Nursing Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma
City, OK
2004-2009 Deputy Director, Joanna Briggs Collaborating
Centre for Evidence Based Practice, The
University of Oklahoma College of Nursing,
Oklahoma City, OK
2005-2006 Executive Director Council of
International Neonatal Nurses (COINN),
Edmond, OK
2007-2010 Adjunct Faculty, University of Missouri-Kansas
City, Doctoral Faculty, Kansas City, MO.
2010-2014 Dean/Professor, School of Nursing, and Associate
Dean Bouvé College of Health Sciences,
Northeastern Univ. Boston, MA.
2012-present Chief Executive Officer, Council of International
Neonatal Nurses (COINN), Yardley, PA,
2014 Professor, School of Nursing Bouvé College of
Health Sciences, Northeastern University,
Boston, MA.
2014-2015 Adjunct, School of Nursing Bouvé College of
Health Sciences, Northeastern University,
Boston, MA.
2014-present Carol Kuser Loser Dean/Professor School of
Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science, The
College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ
Publications: (+ = data based, * = peer reviewed)
*Kenner, C., & Brueggemeyer, A. (1984). Hirschsprung’s Disease: Current Trends and
Practices. Neonatal Network. 3(1), 7-16.
*Brueggemeyer, A., & Kenner, C. (1985). Use of Thrombolytic Medications in the Neonate. Neonatal Network. 4(3), 34-37.
*Werner, R., Kenner, C., & Brueggemeyer, A. (1986). Surviving Academia. Nursing Outlook,
34(2), 97-98.
*Kenner, C., & Werner, R. A. (1986). Child Care: An Innovative Strategy to Increase Conference Participation. The Journal of Continuing Education, 17(5), 155-156.
*Hern, M., Emerson, L.A., & Kenner, C. (1986). Congenital Heart Disease. Computer Assisted Instruction Module, Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health, Copyright University of Cincinnati.
*Gunderson, L., & Kenner, C. (1987). Socialization of NICU Nurses Through the Use of Mentoring, Clinical Nurse Specialist, 1(1), 20-24.
*Gunderson, L., & Kenner, C. (1987). Neonatal Stress: Physiologic Adaptation and Nursing Implications. Neonatal Network, 6(1), 37-42.
*Gunderson, L.P., & Kenner, C. (1988). Transcutaneous Oxygen Monitoring: Description and Clinical Application. Neonatal Network, 6(6), 7-14.
*Kenner, C., & Hern, M. (1988). Writing a Nursing Diagnosis for the Complex Client-An Infant with a Congenital Heart Defect. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 3(4), 256-264.
*Kenner, C. (1988). Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home. Unpublished Dissertation. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University.
*Gunderson, L.P., & Kenner, C. (1988). Socialization of Newborn Intensive Care Unit Nurses Through the Use of Mentorship. Neonatal Network, 7(2), 7-13.
*+Kenner, C. (1989). Parent Transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to Home. (Abstract). Journal of Perinatology, 10(1), 117.
*Kenner, C. (1990). Issue editor: Surgical issues in clinical practice: The forward. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 3(3), vi.
*Gunderson, L.P., & Kenner, C. (eds.). (1990). CE Program for Care of the 24-25 week gestational age infant: Small baby protocol. Monograph. Petaluma, California: Neonatal Network.
Kenner, C. (1990, Spring). Perinatal grief and loss. Footprints. Perinatal Team Newsletter. Cincinnati, Ohio: University Hospital.
*+Croop, L., & Kenner, C. (1990). Protocol for Reverse Neonatal Transports. Neonatal
Network, 9(1), 49-53.
*+Kenner, C. (1990). Caring for the NICU Parent. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing,
4(3), 78-87.
*Kenner, C., & Berling, B. (1990). Nursing in genetics: Current and emerging issues for practice and education. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 5(6), 370-374.
*+Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (1990). Parent Concerns After Discharge from the NICU. Neonatal Network, 9(2), 31-37.
*Kenner, C. (1991). Measuring Neonatal Assessment. Neonatal Network, 9(4), 17-22.
*Kenner, C. (1991). Tools of Neonatal Assessment. Maternal-Child Nursing Currents.38(1), 3.
*Kenner, C. (1991). Genetic Risks and Other Hazards for the NICU Nurse. Neonatal Network, 10(1), 37-40, 49-51.
*+Hern-Underwood, M., & Kenner, C. (1991). Leadership Behaviors of Pediatric Nurse Managers. Pediatric Nursing, 17(6), 587-589.
*Gunderson, L.P., & Kenner, C. (1992). Case management in the newborn intensive care unit.
AACN Clinical Issues in Critical Care Nursing, 3(4), 769-776.
*+Flandermeyer, A., Kenner, C., Spaite, M.E., & Hostiuck, J. (1992). Transition from Hospital to Home. NANN Update. Neonatal Network, 11(5), 62-63. Invited article.
*+Flandermeyer, A., Kenner, C., Bragg, L., & Campinha-Bicot, J. (1992). Nursing Care of Women Who Abuse Alcohol. Medical Surgical Quarterly, 1(1), 122-139.
Kenner, C., McGee, K., DeGreg, C., & Flandermeyer, A. (1992). Postpartum Depression (Letter to the Editor). JOGNN, 21(4).
Flandermeyer, A., & Kenner, C. (1992). Building a research team, Part I. NANN Update, Neonatal Network, 11(4), 53-55. Invited Article.
*+Flandermeyer, A., Kenner, C., Spaite, M., & Hostiuck, J. (1992). Recommendations for practice, Part III. Neonatal Network, 11(6), 84-85. Invited Article.
*+Kenner, C., Lott, J., Flandermeyer, A., Kotagal, U., Spiering, K., Spangler, L., & Darling, P. (1992). Issues and controversies: The home visit. Neonatal Network, 11(8), 46-47. Invited Article.
Kenner, C., & Flandermeyer, A. (1992). The staff nurse and the research team (Letter to the Editor). Neonatal Network, 11(7), 62.
Flandermeyer, A., & Kenner, C. (1991). Benefits of role models in nursing. NANNEWS, 4(2),
1,7. Invited Article.
*+Lott, J.W., Anderson, E.R., & Kenner, C. (1993). Role Stress and Strain Among Non-doctorally Prepared Undergraduate Faculty in a School of Nursing with a Doctoral Program, Journal of Professional Nursing, 9(1), 14-22.
*+Kenner, C., Flandermeyer, A., Spangler, L., Thornburg Darling, P., Spiering, K., & Kotagal,
U. (1993). Transition From Hospital To Home For Mothers and Babies. Neonatal Network,
12(3), 73.
Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (1993). Ask the Experts: Neonatal Infections. AWHONN Voice,1(1),
*+Prows, C., Shortridge, L., Kenner, C., & Lemasters, G. (1993). Nature and Prevalence of Ribavirin Aerosol Administration in U.S. Pediatric Hospitals. Journal of Pediatric Nursing,8(6), 30-375.
*Lott, J.W., & Kenner, C. (1994). Keeping Up with Neonatal Infections: Designer Bugs, Part I.
MCN, 19(4), 207-213.
*Lott, J.W., & Kenner, C. (1994). Keeping up with Neonatal Infection Designer Bugs, Part II.
MCN, 19(5), 264-271.
*Kenner, C., & Hetteberg, C. (1994). Nursing Challenges in the Care of Very Low Birth Weight Infants (<1,000 grams). AACN Clinical Issues, 5(3), 231-241.
*Kenner, C. (1995). Use of Professional Organizations for Political Action. JPNN , 9(1), 78-88.
*Wekselman, K., Spiering, K., Hetteberg, C., Kenner, C., & Flandermeyer, A. (1995). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome From Infancy through Childhood: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 10(5), 296-303.
*+McKim, E.M., Kenner, C., Flandermeyer, A., Spangler, L., Thornburg, P.D., & Spiering, K. (1995). The Transition to Home for Mothers of Healthy and Initially Healthy Newborns. Midwifery, 11, 184-194.
Kenner, C. (1996). “Professional development for leadership positions”. Invited Paper. Central Lines, 12(3), 16.
*+Schorry, E.K., Hetteberg, C.G., Amlung, S.R., & Kenner, C.A. (1996). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Prevention Study: Preliminary Results. (Abstract.) The American Journal of Human Genetics, 59(4), A104.
*+Fowler, B.A., Kenner, C., Briggs, J.L., Cheatham, D.F., & Henson, J. (1997). Cross-training: A Rural Experience. Mother-Baby Journal, 2(2), 30-38.
*Kenner, C., & D’Apolito, K. (1997). Outcomes for Children Substance-Exposed In-Utero JOGNN Clinical Issues, 26(5), 595-603.
*Kenner, C. (1998). Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue: The Holistic Perspective. Holistic Nursing Practice, 12(3), 55-63. Invited paper.
*Hess, D., & Kenner, C. (1998). Families Caring for Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: The Nurse’s Role in Early Identification and Intervention. Holistic Nursing Practice, 12(3), 47-54. Invited paper.
*+Alteneder, R.R., Kenner, C., Greene, D., & Pohorecki S. (1998). The Lived Experience of Women Who Undergo Prenatal Diagnostic Testing Due to Elevated Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening. MCN, 23(4), 180-186.
*Kenner, C., Altimier, L., & Hess, D. (1998). New Career Opportunities in Neonatal Nursing. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 13(5), 317-325. Invited paper
*Gamblian, V., Hess, D., & Kenner, C. (1998). Early Discharge from the NICU. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 13(5), 296-301 Invited paper.
*+Kenner, C. (1998). Perinatal Substance Users: Identification and Intervention. (pp. 29-30). Proceedings of the Working Group on Prevention of Risk Drinking in Pregnancy. Bethesda, MD: National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the Office of Research on Women’s Health, National Institutes of Health and the Interagency Coordinating Committee on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
*Kenner, C. (1998). National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics (NCHPEG). AACN Clinical Issues: Advanced Practice in Acute and Critical Care, 9(4), 582-587.
*+Kennedy, S.J., Blough, R.A., Kenner, C.A., & Walker, M.E. (1998). An Assessment of Two Training Interventions Designed to Increase The Knowledge of Obstetrical Nurses and Nurse-Midwives About the Maternal Serum Triple Screen. Prenatal Diagnosis, 18(7), 713-720.
*+Hetteberg, C., Prows, C., Deets, C., Monsen, R., & Kenner, C. (1999). National Survey of Genetics Content in Basic Nursing Preparatory Programs in the United States. Nursing Outlook, 47(4), 168-174.
Kenner, C., & Amlung, S. (1999) Continuing Education Home Study Module On “Fetal Alcohol Syndrome”, Roseville, CA: National Center for Continuing Education, Inc.
*Kenner, C., & Amlung, S. (1999). Neonatal Nursing and the Genetics Revolution. JPNN, 13(2), 90-98.
*+Altimier, L., Warner, B., Kenner, C., & Amlung, S. (1999). Value Study. Neonatal Network, 18(4),35-38.
*Kenner, C., Dreyer, L., & Amlung, S. (1999). Newborn Genetic Screening: Blessing or Curse? Neonatal Network, 18(7), 11-20.
*+Prows, C.A., Latta, K.K., Hetteberg, C., Williams, J.K., Kenner, C., & Monsen, R.B. (1999). Preparation of Undergraduate Nursing Faculty to Incorporate Genetics Content into Curricula. Biological Research for Nursing, 1(2), 103-107.
*Kenner, C., Dreyer, L , & Amlung, S. (2000). The Substance Dependent Neonate. Journal of Intravenous Nursing, 23(2)105-111.
Kenner, C. (2000). HIV Infant. A continuing education module. Des Plaines, IL: NANN.
Kenner, C., & Amlung, S. (2000). Management of the Substance Exposed Neonate. A continuing education module. Des Plaines, IL: NANN.
*Kenner, C., & Dreyer, L. (2000). Prenatal and Neonatal Testing and Screening: A Double Edged Sword Nursing Clinics of North America, 35(3), 627-642. Invited article.
*+Schaffer, P., Vaughn, G., Kenner, C., Donohue, F., & Longo, A. (2000). Revision of a Parent Satisfaction Survey Based on the Parent Perspective. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 15(6), 373-377.
Kenner, C. (2000). Editorial: Developmental Care: The New Wave in Care of the Newborn.
Online Journal of Clinical Innovations, 3(6), 1-3. http/www.cinahl.com/cexpress/ojcionline3/editors.htm
Kenner, C. (2000). Knowledge Management and Nursing Education. Eknowledge Center.com.
Conway-Orgel, M., & Kenner, C. (2001). NANN’s Commitment to Palliative Care. Central
Lines, 17(1), 9-10.
Kenner, C. (2001). National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics: Core
Competencies. Central Lines, 17(1), 15.
Lott, J.W., Kenner, C., & Strodtbeck, F. (2001). Baby Michael’s Story. Newborn and Infant
Nursing Reviews, 1(1), 4-5.
Strodtbeck, F., Kenner, C., & Lott, J.W. (2001). Baby Ivory’s Story. Newborn and Infant
Nursing Reviews, 1(1), 73-74.
Kenner, C. (2001). Newsflash. Newborn and Infant Skin Issue. Newborn and Infant Nursing
Reviews, 1(1), 3.
Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., & Strodtbeck, F. (2001). Postscript. Newborn and Infant Skin Issue Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 1(1), 68-69.
Kenner, C., Lott, J.W., Strodtbeck, F., & Walden, M. (2001). Postscript. Neonatal and Infant Pain Issue. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 1(2), 132-133.
Kenner, C. (2001). Newsflash. Pain Issue. Newborn and In [/one_half_last]